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Lifesteal - PikaNetwork 2022
November 5th, 2022, 19:00 GMT / 15:00 EST / 14:00 CST / 12:00 PST
We are getting ready for our 2nd season of Lifesteal here at PikaNetwork. We will be adding some new features and improving the existing ones to further enhance your Lifesteal experience. Those new features will be adding more excitement to Lifesteal.
A brand new season filled with excitement is waiting for you, we are ready! Are you?
Below you can find most of the changes we have made and what has been added, I’m sure I forgot to mention it all but I’m sure giving it a good read over you will be familiar with most of what you're going to see. If there is however still something you want to change, feel free to mention it on this thread before its release, we can still consider making the change.
Are you ready to hop into a new season?! Say no more. The reset will be released this Saturday, November 5th, 2022.
November 5th, 2022
19:00 GMT / 15:00 EST / 14:00 CST / 12:00 PST
Please note: The release time can be a couple of minutes later, we are trying to reach 8 PM CET.
November 5th, 2022
19:00 GMT / 15:00 EST / 14:00 CST / 12:00 PST
Please note: The release time can be a couple of minutes later, we are trying to reach 8 PM CET.

We've got you covered if you would like to start the season on the right track! We are running a giveaway that includes ranks and store coupons! If you would like to enter the giveaways, go ahead and visit our official post!
The most important features/modifications implemented towards this season's map and functions are the following.

A new season means a brand new spawn. Get ready to slaughter your enemies in this new fancy spawn and warzone.

With the new reset, we will be updating Lifesteal to the latest stable version of the game, 1.19! With this update, we did our best to polish everything to be able to work with this version.
From updating all of our plugins to making sure we can keep up with the performance of these newer versions. We are confident that we can now fully release Lifesteal with 1.19.

You will now be able to enjoy all of the newest blocks, mobs, and features that have been added within the latest update, this update adds brand-new swamps & mangrove trees. Giving you a cute little new creature to discover, the frogs!

We think it's finally time to bring Pets into Lifesteal, to further enhance the PvP at our Lifesteal server.
These pets will be your little buddy inside your inventory. Once they are inside your inventory you will be able to activate their ability, simply by right-clicking on the pet item.
These pets can be leveled up using a Rare Candy or by using them in battle. The Pet will gain experience each time the ability has been activated.
For the release of this new pet feature, we decided to add 5 pets to start off with.
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Receive absorption hearts when activated. The amount of hearts depends on the level of your bear pet. | Gain a temporary sell boost when selling loot with a sell wand or to /shop. You can activate this temporary boost also by right-clicking with your pet. | When used you will regain the number of hunger bars that you have lost. The amount of restored hunger bars depends on the pet's level. | When used it will knock back all nearby players, except your faction members of the course. The knockback depends on the pet's level. | Gain a temporary exp boost when grinding mobs You can activate this temporary boost also by right-clicking with your pet. |

This season we will be introducing a new system to further progress as a player, Skills.
The skills provide an experience and leveling mechanic for different actions which are especially bound to Lifesteal
Leveling up these skills will provide you with some great and bigger rewards, such as getting a higher chance of double drops from those skills, or even better perks!
The 7 skills we will implement are the following:
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Ability 1 - Double Wood Chance: +1.5% per level. Ability 2 - Bulk Cutting: Breaks wood in bulk for 3 seconds, activate it by pressing Shift + Right Click whilst holding an Axe. Ability 3 - Lucky Lumberjack: Chance to get higher rewards. | Ability 1 - Double Ores Chance: +1.15% per level to drop double ores. Ability 2 - Mass Miner: Breaks ores in a 3x3 area in front of you instantly, activate it by pressing Shift + Right Click whilst holding a Pickaxe. Ability 3 - Excavate Eject: Respawns the ore instantly and gives you double loot for the next 15 seconds. | Ability 1 - Serrated Strikes: Turn your next hit into an AOE hit. The AOE damage is single target damage / 4. It also has an added special effect, where it has a chance to apply Rupture, a special effect that's basically bleeding. Ability 2 - Counter Attack: When blocking your shield, you have a chance to reflect 50% of the damage taken Ability 3 - Rupture: Rupture is like a bleeding effect, that increases in duration the higher the level of your sword is. | Ability 1 - Skull Splitter: Turns your next hit into an AOE hit. The AOE damage is single target damage /2. Ability 2 - Critical Strikes: Allow players to crit damage without having to jump. A crit does twice the amount of damage. Ability 3 - Axe Mastery: Adds bonus damage to any axe. Depending on your axes level Ability 4 - Armor Impact: Adds a passive increase in damage to other players' armor |
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Ability 1 - Agile Arrows: Deals extra damage with bows when activated. Shift-Right click with your bow to activate. | Ability 1 - Money Madness: Items you sell in the /shop have a chance to be multiplied by x1.25. This is chance-based and each level will gain you a 0.25% chance to activate. | Ability 1 - Double Crops Chance: Gain double crops. Ability 2 - Farm Mania: Automatically farms any crops in a 3 blocks radius for 5 seconds, activate it by pressing Shift + Right Click whilst holding a Hoe. Ability 3 - Prosperous Farming: Automatically replants the crops. |

Want more free stuff? By just being online playing, you can get rewards!
As your playtime increases, you get more rewards and goodies that will help you with your adventure this season.

The longer you spend time this season, the better rewards you'll receive. Isn't that cool? Learn more information about the brand new Playtime Rewards by typing the command /playtimerewards. Tiers of your progression will be displayed there!

Getting tired of the same old thing that's happening across the Lifesteal world?
Well not anymore, as a mysterious platform has risen to be captured and be stepped upon.

Grab your team, dominate the mysterious platform, and maybe get wonderful loot bags that can help you progress your journey! These platforms are located around the spawn region so, always be prepared to strike your chance.

So what are you waiting for? Gamble your hearts and risk them by fighting glory, honorable victory, and the possible wonderful rewards you can share with your teammates. A dangerous thing to go for but nothing compares to the brutal player of the Lifesteal realm!

A lost adventurer has left a trail of their items as an envoy hoping that a player could track him down and save them from a terrible fate!
He was still not found until this day. But hey, you can get to scavenge their wonderful items!

A daily dose of supply that will assist your gameplay and journey! These envoys will drop hot within minutes so be the first one there to grab all of the items you can get while you're at it. Be careful as there are also players that desire the thing you are seeking for. Those dropped chests are filled with amazing loot, scattered around the spawn area.

What is better than slaughtering your biggest opponent? Getting a trophy to celebrate it!
After you have reached Player Level 5 you will have a 10% chance of your victim's skulls being chopped off by you with no mercy.

These skulls will be able to serve as a trophy or a way to steal some money from them!
Upon selling this head you will receive 10% of the player's balance that you killed. So this will add a whole new level to PvP, making it a risk to just drop in and fight without making sure you have spent your money wisely. One mistake can make a whole difference.

To prevent people from sniping money from players you will only be able to sell the head within 1 hour after obtaining it.
Sell your heads with /sellhead. This command can be used within combat. You are able to sell the head instantly after obtaining it!

Ever wanted to set up a temporary grinding area hidden inside a mountain? How unlucky, there is no spawner located near this well-protected area!
With this new Spawner Wrench, you can set up your grinding area anywhere!

A spawner wrench is a magical tool that can pick up any spawner once, making you able to pick it up and move it around to another place where you see fit. Once you have used the wrench to break down a spawner it will break down into pieces making it unusable for another spawner. This means for every spawner you want to pick up you will need to have a spawner wrench.

Tags are a great way to stand out in chat, but as the versions went by you are now able to use more colors we decided to spice them up and revamp the existing tags, as well as add a bunch of new ones!

You can earn tags by purchasing them in the /goldshop, or by getting a few of them available in-game.
If you are planning to become even more fancy make sure to check out the new /tags.
Collect every tag to stand out in chat even more.

In order to have valuable collectibles you need to know which tag has what rarity, so that is why we divided the tags into 6 different tiers.
Tags come in 6 different tiers: Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Seasonal & Special.
The seasonal tags are only obtainable during the current season, after this season you will no longer be able to collect them.
The special tags are given to players for helping us out by reporting bugs, posting suggestions, and overall making Lifesteal a more enjoyable gamemode.

Do you find it impossible to find your enemies in the wild? Well, not anymore!
Track them down with this unique Compass that will point you in the right direction.
Tracking a player has never been so easy with the new bounty tracker! Hunt down your specific target and get currencies by doing your deed as a true hunter of the Lifesteal realm. Tracking them will give you a pleasant-looking GUI on what things you want to know about your target. Be discrete with your bounty target, be the predator of the realm, and never let your prey know your next move!

It is important to know what happened to your auctions. This is why we added a small change to the auction house. We will be introducing the /ah sold command.

Within this menu, you can view all your sold auctions. This will make things much easier when your auctions got sold while being offline.
All of the sold auctions will be visible within this /ah sold menu.
We also fixed the display issues with some slots and items inside the auction house.

We did our best to polish and fix as many existing bugs inside the Lifesteal server. We have looked through all the bug reports and managed to fix them. If you come across any bugs with the new release, make sure to report them at our forums under the bug reports section.
Here are a few of the bugs we squished out:
- Fixed being able to enter spawn in combat.
- Fixed weekly & monthly leaderboards.
- Fixed all team commands.
- Fixed chat [item] not showing correct colors.
- Fixed bounties not always showing up.
- Fixed some players not having nametags.
- Fixed some custom crops displaying wrong.
- Fixed not receiving vote keys sometimes.

Multiple small changes have been made, some of these small changes are the following:
- Updated Anticheat.
- Updated the crate rewards.
- Updated the chat to support hex colors
- Lowered money on player levels.
- Added home vouchers as player level rewards.
- Renamed all loot crates to lootboxes, so it is one universal name.
- Updated leaderboards layout.
- Fixed /team top not being able to be executed without a team.
- Updated team top layout.
Please note: Any suggestions for changes feel free to leave them in the comments.

Why did Lifesteal reset?
Lifesteal is already up for some time. A reset has to happen to change and improve with lots of excellent new features, to make the game more exciting for you all! This then allows you, the players, to have a fresh start and new players can begin to play without any significant disadvantage.
This means all teams, items, money, and the map will be reset. Nothing will be kept leftover from the previous map. I know this must be a disappointing revelation for a lot of you, but think about the exciting new changes, the new alliances you can forge, the new map, the new features and updates the different kinds of gameplay, and the style provided with this update will surely make it a worth-while and exciting reset!
Below you can find what you will lose and what you will keep
What will I keep?
- Purchased Ranks & Rank Upgrades
- Purchased Perks
- Won out of crates commands/ranks
What will I lose?
- Your team
- All items in your inventory and ender chest
- Any currencies such as money and exp
- Chatcolor permissions.
- Seasonal ranks and perks
- Player levels & their colors + The premium pass

We hope to see you on our new Lifesteal server soon!
If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know we'd love to make this as good as we can.