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Accepted KitPvP KitPvP Suggestion

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Legendary Pika
Feb 20, 2020

KitPvP Suggestion

Detailed description:
Changes that should be made in Kit-pvp

Challenges aren't worth it to do right now, with this everyone would be going to do them!

-Kill 75 players - Reward = $350

-kill 250 players - Reward = $750

-kill 500 players - Reward = $2000

-Kill 150 players - 1250 points

-Kill 250 players - 2500 points

-Get a 100 killstreak - Reward = 1000

-Get a 225 killstreak - Reward = 3000

-Get a 500 killstreak - reward = 8500

-Walk 10000 blocks - reward = 1 Ultimate kit voucher

-Walk 25000 blocks - reward = 3 Ultimate kit vouchers

-Vote 6 times - Reward = 3 epic keys (because 1 voting link is broken quitte often)

-Kill 25 Without armor - Reward = 1 unique key

-Kill 75 Without armor - Reward = 1 God key

-Kill 25 people with a bow - Reward = 64 Golden apples

-Kill 50 people with a bow - Reward = 1 god apple

-Kill 25 people with a axe - Reward = Sharpness 4 axe unbreaking 3

-Kill 50 people with a axe - Reward = Sharpness 5 axe unbreaking 4


The koth loot should be changed and Koth isn't worth our time right now.

Koth loot should be:

-P4 helmet unbreaking 2

-P4 chestplate unbreaking 2

-P4 Legging unbreaking 2

-P4 boots unbreaking 2

-P4 helmet unbreaking 3

-P4 chestplate unbreaking 3

-P4 Legging unbreaking 3

-P4 boots unbreaking 3

-P5 helmet unbreaking 3

-P5 chestplate unbreaking 3

-P5 legging unbrekaing 3

-P5 boots unbreaking 3

-1 god apple

-3 god apples

-32 golden apples

-64 golden apples

-Golden sword knockback 1 unbreaking 2

-Golden sword knockback 2 unbreaking 2

-32 Bottle o' enchanting

-64 Bottle o' enchanting

-7 Slowness potions

-7 Strength potions

-7 Fire resistance potions

-Ultimate kit voucher

-Ultimate+ kit voucher

-1 godly key

-2 unique keys



Prestige set

Prestige isn't easy to get even though it may seem easy and has been made easier. It's understandable that it shouldn't be easy but the award of getting prestiged isn't worth it. Right now it is a protection 2 set which anyone who gets to prestige 1 alreaddy has enough to protection 4 sets, with this added everyone will be trying to prestige!

You can do this kit every 7 days (like gkit)

The prestige kit should be changed to,

-P4 helmet unbreaking 4 With extra 10% damage and 10% damage reduction

-P4 chestplate unbreaking 4 With extra 10% damage and 10% damage reduction

-P4 Legging unbreaking 4 With extra 10% damage and 10% damage reduction

-P4 boots unbreaking 4 With extra 10% damage and 10% damage reduction

-64 golden apples

-3 Fire resistance potions

-Sharpness 5 sword with Fire aspect 3 and unbreaking 5

-1 god apple

-2 Strength potions

Team upgrades

Team upgrades is a cool idea but needs some changes,

Potion extender perk: It should be changed to 30% extra duration on drinkable potions, it will be better and worth the price.

Leadership perk: It should cost 2250 instead of 3000, 3000 is to expensive for the efffectiveness it has.

Team vault: It should be 3 vaults instead of 1 max.

Extra team slot: It should be changed to 750 since 1500 is way to high to commpare to the shield perk.

The money booster: It should cost 100 instead of 1000 since you will get $4 instead of $2 Per kill for a hour which is completly useless.

The points booster: The price should be halved and the duration should be 2 hour 30 minutes.

Team coins booster: The price should be 350 and the duration should be 2 hour 30 minutes.

Team koth booster: The price should be 250 and should give 5 items from koth instead of 3.

Killstreak rewards

Killstreaks aren't that worth it now but with this they will be worth it and people would be going for high killstreaks!

15 -> Legend kit

25 -> Ultimate kit

50 -> Ultimate+ kit

75 -> cleaver set

100 -> 2 god apples

150 -> 3 god apples

200 -> divine set

250 -> $1750

350 -> divine set

500 -> 8 god apples

700 -> $4500

850 -> 5 god apples and divine

1000 -> reaper

1250 -> $5750

1500 -> 3x divine

1750 -> $8250

2000 -> 2x reaper - 2x divine - 10 god apples


There a few things that should be changed,

- in /settings should be an option to ignore any player

- in /settings should be an option for confirmation to buy in /team shop - /team perks

- in /settings should be an option for confirmation to redeem kit vouchers

- scoreboard should display your killstreak

- score board should display your calculated fkdr as in the fkdr for examble not 30000/1000 how it's desplayed rn but 30.0 fkdr.

- scoreboard shouldn't display vote party

- there shouldnt be a bar above your hotbar displaying how much % you are in your level progres or make it an optioin to turn it off and on in /settings

- add so it displays when u are in warzone and when in spawn (in chat or on scoreboard)


The shop is over-priced right now and should be lowered in price,

-The speed potions should be completly removed since you can get them from kits

-The price of the fishing rod should be lowered to 25

-The price of diamonnd armor - diamond sword - diamond axe should be lowered to $25 a piece, cause you can get them by running in pvp get 2 helmets and combine them in your inventory.

-You should be able to buy multible bottle o' enchanting at once and put small discounts on the larger ammounts

--Enchantment books--

-You should be able to buy prot 5 or feather falling enchantment books

for examble

-prot 5 book = 15k

-featherfaflling 4 = 3k

-unbreaking 4 = 15k

-knockback 2 = 3.5k

-knockback 1 = 2k


Items that should be changed in my opinion are,

-Color container should contain all the colors instead of 3

-Level points booster from godly crate shouldn't be permanent

KitPvp Changes

Reduce /eat timer to 45 seconds

Increase fix all timer to 10/15 minutes for ultimate plus and 20/30 minutes for ult​


Repairing is hard for someone without an rank or below legend rank. We tought it would be cool if everyone is able to repair

There should be an sign,

-Repair the item you are holding = $150

-Repair all = $500


Bounties aren't really used right now even though they could be cool! We tought this should change,

-When joining the server show active bounties (just like with koth and boosters)

-There should be automated bounties set on people every hour (Random ammounts between $500-$1500)

-display in chat every minute where the person with the highest bounty is


There some features that every kit-pvp player would like to be added,

-Any rank should be able to do all the kits that are below their rank, for examble legend rank can do vip - god - legend kit.

Ultimate+ kit should contain

-2 fire resistance 8 minutes

-2 strength 3 minutes

Ultimate kit should contain

-1 fire resistance 8 minutes

-1 fire resistance 3 minutes

-1 strength 3 minutes

Legend kit should contain

-1 fire resistance 3 minutes

-1 strenth 3 minutes

Legend kit should contain

-1 fire resistance 3 minutes

With this update KitPvP will be alive again!
Last edited:


Oct 24, 2020

KitPvP Suggestion

Detailed description:
Changes that should be made in Kit-pvp

Challenges aren't worth it to do right now, with this everyone would be going to do them!

-Kill 75 players - Reward = $350

-kill 250 players - Reward = $750

-kill 500 players - Reward = $2000

-Kill 150 players - 1250 points

-Kill 250 players - 2500 points

-Get a 100 killstreak - Reward = 1000

-Get a 225 killstreak - Reward = 3000

-Get a 500 killstreak - reward = 8500

-Walk 10000 blocks - reward = 1 Ultimate kit voucher

-Walk 25000 blocks - reward = 3 Ultimate kit vouchers

-Vote 6 times - Reward = 3 epic keys (because 1 voting link is broken quitte often)

-Kill 25 Without armor - Reward = 1 unique key

-Kill 75 Without armor - Reward = 1 God key

-Kill 25 people with a bow - Reward = 64 Golden apples

-Kill 50 people with a bow - Reward = 1 god apple

-Kill 25 people with a axe - Reward = Sharpness 4 axe unbreaking 3

-Kill 50 people with a axe - Reward = Sharpness 5 axe unbreaking 4


The koth loot should be changed and Koth isn't worth our time right now.

Koth loot should be:

-P4 helmet unbreaking 2

-P4 chestplate unbreaking 2

-P4 Legging unbreaking 2

-P4 boots unbreaking 2

-P4 helmet unbreaking 3

-P4 chestplate unbreaking 3

-P4 Legging unbreaking 3

-P4 boots unbreaking 3

-P5 helmet unbreaking 3

-P5 chestplate unbreaking 3

-P5 legging unbrekaing 3

-P5 boots unbreaking 3

-1 god apple

-3 god apples

-32 golden apples

-64 golden apples

-Golden sword knockback 1 unbreaking 2

-Golden sword knockback 2 unbreaking 2

-32 Bottle o' enchanting

-64 Bottle o' enchanting

-7 Slowness potions

-7 Strength potions

-7 Fire resistance potions

-Ultimate kit voucher

-Ultimate+ kit voucher

-1 godly key

-2 unique keys



Prestige set

Prestige isn't easy to get even though it may seem easy and has been made easier. It's understandable that it shouldn't be easy but the award of getting prestiged isn't worth it. Right now it is a protection 2 set which anyone who gets to prestige 1 alreaddy has enough to protection 4 sets, with this added everyone will be trying to prestige!

You can do this kit every 7 days (like gkit)

The prestige kit should be changed to,

-P4 helmet unbreaking 4 With extra 10% damage and 10% damage reduction

-P4 chestplate unbreaking 4 With extra 10% damage and 10% damage reduction

-P4 Legging unbreaking 4 With extra 10% damage and 10% damage reduction

-P4 boots unbreaking 4 With extra 10% damage and 10% damage reduction

-64 golden apples

-3 Fire resistance potions

-Sharpness 5 sword with Fire aspect 3 and unbreaking 5

-1 god apple

-2 Strength potions

Team upgrades

Team upgrades is a cool idea but needs some changes,

Potion extender perk: It should be changed to 30% extra duration on drinkable potions, it will be better and worth the price.

Leadership perk: It should cost 2250 instead of 3000, 3000 is to expensive for the efffectiveness it has.

Team vault: It should be 3 vaults instead of 1 max.

Extra team slot: It should be changed to 750 since 1500 is way to high to commpare to the shield perk.

The money booster: It should cost 100 instead of 1000 since you will get $4 instead of $2 Per kill for a hour which is completly useless.

The points booster: The price should be halved and the duration should be 2 hour 30 minutes.

Team coins booster: The price should be 350 and the duration should be 2 hour 30 minutes.

Team koth booster: The price should be 250 and should give 5 items from koth instead of 3.

Killstreak rewards

Killstreaks aren't that worth it now but with this they will be worth it and people would be going for high killstreaks!

15 -> Legend kit

25 -> Ultimate kit

50 -> Ultimate+ kit

75 -> cleaver set

100 -> 2 god apples

150 -> 3 god apples

200 -> divine set

250 -> $1750

350 -> divine set

500 -> 8 god apples

700 -> $4500

850 -> 5 god apples and divine

1000 -> reaper

1250 -> $5750

1500 -> 3x divine

1750 -> $8250

2000 -> 2x reaper - 2x divine - 10 god apples


There a few things that should be changed,

- in /settings should be an option to ignore any player

- in /settings should be an option for confirmation to buy in /team shop - /team perks

- in /settings should be an option for confirmation to redeem kit vouchers

- scoreboard should display your killstreak

- score board should display your calculated fkdr as in the fkdr for examble not 30000/1000 how it's desplayed rn but 30.0 fkdr.

- scoreboard shouldn't display vote party

- there shouldnt be a bar above your hotbar displaying how much % you are in your level progres or make it an optioin to turn it off and on in /settings

- add so it displays when u are in warzone and when in spawn (in chat or on scoreboard)


The shop is over-priced right now and should be lowered in price,

-The speed potions should be completly removed since you can get them from kits

-The price of the fishing rod should be lowered to 25

-The price of diamonnd armor - diamond sword - diamond axe should be lowered to $25 a piece, cause you can get them by running in pvp get 2 helmets and combine them in your inventory.

-You should be able to buy multible bottle o' enchanting at once and put small discounts on the larger ammounts

--Enchantment books--

-You should be able to buy prot 5 or feather falling enchantment books

for examble

-prot 5 book = 15k

-featherfaflling 4 = 3k

-unbreaking 4 = 15k

-knockback 2 = 3.5k

-knockback 1 = 2k


Items that should be changed in my opinion are,

-Color container should contain all the colors instead of 3

-Level points booster from godly crate shouldn't be permanent


Repairing is hard for someone without an rank or below legend rank. We tought it would be cool if everyone is able to repair

There should be an sign,

-Repair the item you are holding = $150

-Repair all = $500


Bounties aren't really used right now even though they could be cool! We tought this should change,

-When joining the server show active bounties (just like with koth and boosters)

-There should be automated bounties set on people every hour (Random ammounts between $500-$1500)


There some features that every kit-pvp player would like to be added,

-Any rank should be able to do all the kits that are below their rank, for examble legend rank can do vip - god - legend kit.

Ultimate+ kit should contain

-2 fire resistance 8 minutes

-2 strength 3 minutes

Ultimate kit should contain

-1 fire resistance 8 minutes

-1 fire resistance 3 minutes

-1 strength 3 minutes

Legend kit should contain

-1 fire resistance 3 minutes

-1 strenth 3 minutes

Legend kit should contain

-1 fire resistance 3 minutes

With this update KitPvP will be alive again!
+1 Good suggestion, pro players need this .


Legendary Pika
Dec 26, 2020
Very good ideas, hopefully they'll add those ideas or atleast some of them


Pika Lover
Feb 24, 2022

KitPvP Suggestion

Detailed description:
Changes that should be made in Kit-pvp

Challenges aren't worth it to do right now, with this everyone would be going to do them!

-Kill 75 players - Reward = $350

-kill 250 players - Reward = $750

-kill 500 players - Reward = $2000

-Kill 150 players - 1250 points

-Kill 250 players - 2500 points

-Get a 100 killstreak - Reward = 1000

-Get a 225 killstreak - Reward = 3000

-Get a 500 killstreak - reward = 8500

-Walk 10000 blocks - reward = 1 Ultimate kit voucher

-Walk 25000 blocks - reward = 3 Ultimate kit vouchers

-Vote 6 times - Reward = 3 epic keys (because 1 voting link is broken quitte often)

-Kill 25 Without armor - Reward = 1 unique key

-Kill 75 Without armor - Reward = 1 God key

-Kill 25 people with a bow - Reward = 64 Golden apples

-Kill 50 people with a bow - Reward = 1 god apple

-Kill 25 people with a axe - Reward = Sharpness 4 axe unbreaking 3

-Kill 50 people with a axe - Reward = Sharpness 5 axe unbreaking 4


The koth loot should be changed and Koth isn't worth our time right now.

Koth loot should be:

-P4 helmet unbreaking 2

-P4 chestplate unbreaking 2

-P4 Legging unbreaking 2

-P4 boots unbreaking 2

-P4 helmet unbreaking 3

-P4 chestplate unbreaking 3

-P4 Legging unbreaking 3

-P4 boots unbreaking 3

-P5 helmet unbreaking 3

-P5 chestplate unbreaking 3

-P5 legging unbrekaing 3

-P5 boots unbreaking 3

-1 god apple

-3 god apples

-32 golden apples

-64 golden apples

-Golden sword knockback 1 unbreaking 2

-Golden sword knockback 2 unbreaking 2

-32 Bottle o' enchanting

-64 Bottle o' enchanting

-7 Slowness potions

-7 Strength potions

-7 Fire resistance potions

-Ultimate kit voucher

-Ultimate+ kit voucher

-1 godly key

-2 unique keys



Prestige set

Prestige isn't easy to get even though it may seem easy and has been made easier. It's understandable that it shouldn't be easy but the award of getting prestiged isn't worth it. Right now it is a protection 2 set which anyone who gets to prestige 1 alreaddy has enough to protection 4 sets, with this added everyone will be trying to prestige!

You can do this kit every 7 days (like gkit)

The prestige kit should be changed to,

-P4 helmet unbreaking 4 With extra 10% damage and 10% damage reduction

-P4 chestplate unbreaking 4 With extra 10% damage and 10% damage reduction

-P4 Legging unbreaking 4 With extra 10% damage and 10% damage reduction

-P4 boots unbreaking 4 With extra 10% damage and 10% damage reduction

-64 golden apples

-3 Fire resistance potions

-Sharpness 5 sword with Fire aspect 3 and unbreaking 5

-1 god apple

-2 Strength potions

Team upgrades

Team upgrades is a cool idea but needs some changes,

Potion extender perk: It should be changed to 30% extra duration on drinkable potions, it will be better and worth the price.

Leadership perk: It should cost 2250 instead of 3000, 3000 is to expensive for the efffectiveness it has.

Team vault: It should be 3 vaults instead of 1 max.

Extra team slot: It should be changed to 750 since 1500 is way to high to commpare to the shield perk.

The money booster: It should cost 100 instead of 1000 since you will get $4 instead of $2 Per kill for a hour which is completly useless.

The points booster: The price should be halved and the duration should be 2 hour 30 minutes.

Team coins booster: The price should be 350 and the duration should be 2 hour 30 minutes.

Team koth booster: The price should be 250 and should give 5 items from koth instead of 3.

Killstreak rewards

Killstreaks aren't that worth it now but with this they will be worth it and people would be going for high killstreaks!

15 -> Legend kit

25 -> Ultimate kit

50 -> Ultimate+ kit

75 -> cleaver set

100 -> 2 god apples

150 -> 3 god apples

200 -> divine set

250 -> $1750

350 -> divine set

500 -> 8 god apples

700 -> $4500

850 -> 5 god apples and divine

1000 -> reaper

1250 -> $5750

1500 -> 3x divine

1750 -> $8250

2000 -> 2x reaper - 2x divine - 10 god apples


There a few things that should be changed,

- in /settings should be an option to ignore any player

- in /settings should be an option for confirmation to buy in /team shop - /team perks

- in /settings should be an option for confirmation to redeem kit vouchers

- scoreboard should display your killstreak

- score board should display your calculated fkdr as in the fkdr for examble not 30000/1000 how it's desplayed rn but 30.0 fkdr.

- scoreboard shouldn't display vote party

- there shouldnt be a bar above your hotbar displaying how much % you are in your level progres or make it an optioin to turn it off and on in /settings

- add so it displays when u are in warzone and when in spawn (in chat or on scoreboard)


The shop is over-priced right now and should be lowered in price,

-The speed potions should be completly removed since you can get them from kits

-The price of the fishing rod should be lowered to 25

-The price of diamonnd armor - diamond sword - diamond axe should be lowered to $25 a piece, cause you can get them by running in pvp get 2 helmets and combine them in your inventory.

-You should be able to buy multible bottle o' enchanting at once and put small discounts on the larger ammounts

--Enchantment books--

-You should be able to buy prot 5 or feather falling enchantment books

for examble

-prot 5 book = 15k

-featherfaflling 4 = 3k

-unbreaking 4 = 15k

-knockback 2 = 3.5k

-knockback 1 = 2k


Items that should be changed in my opinion are,

-Color container should contain all the colors instead of 3

-Level points booster from godly crate shouldn't be permanent

KitPvp Changes​
Reduce /eat timer to 45 seconds​
Increase fix all timer to 10/15 minutes for ultimate plus and 20/30 minutes for ult​


Repairing is hard for someone without an rank or below legend rank. We tought it would be cool if everyone is able to repair

There should be an sign,

-Repair the item you are holding = $150

-Repair all = $500


Bounties aren't really used right now even though they could be cool! We tought this should change,

-When joining the server show active bounties (just like with koth and boosters)

-There should be automated bounties set on people every hour (Random ammounts between $500-$1500)
-display in chat every minute where the person with the highest bounty is


There some features that every kit-pvp player would like to be added,

-Any rank should be able to do all the kits that are below their rank, for examble legend rank can do vip - god - legend kit.

Ultimate+ kit should contain

-2 fire resistance 8 minutes

-2 strength 3 minutes

Ultimate kit should contain

-1 fire resistance 8 minutes

-1 fire resistance 3 minutes

-1 strength 3 minutes

Legend kit should contain

-1 fire resistance 3 minutes

-1 strenth 3 minutes

Legend kit should contain

-1 fire resistance 3 minutes

With this update KitPvP will be alive again!
good idea i will quit if this not added rn


Legendary Pika
Nov 14, 2020
you guys are randoms lol who cares what they add newgens L
Mar 4, 2017
I'm neutral about the p5 books, strongly disagree with the prestige, though it should have a better kit, but probably not 7 days cooldown.

I'd like to add to the suggestion. Infinite strength and infinite speed glitches need to be fixed, and saferooms with iron doors should be added. Not extreme like last map, only one specific place in the map will have saferooms, and there will be around 2-4 saferooms only in that place.

+1 to this suggestion tho
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