Yes I am playing bedwars like i usually do. In the early morning, everything is normal as usual (people aren't strong).
However, when I play bedwars at afternoon, strange things began to happen.
More pros getting me 8 block-ed, which is really unusual. Me using labymod checked their ping and found 200ms, which means it might not be legal.
When I was struggling and I think they are hacking, I used bandicam to record every single match when I died and became spectator.
To my shock, I recorded 2 players playing bedwars illegally. For some reasons, I won't mention who are they.
In my earlier match, they were not using hacks. When we start fighting, he hackusated me. But then, now he is hacking!
And the teammate with him is also together, about every single match they go into! Many other players realize that he is hacking and had quitted the match. I felt sorry for them.
In the first record, I finally realize they were hacking, because they hit me through walls, but i did not have that recorded down... I immediately grabbed my cam and start recording them when I was spectator mode that round. I found out that they are exploiting this bug:
spawn area locked with endstones, which means when you respawn, you are stuck inside blocks, You can't go anywhere else.
In the other match, I rushed to the other teams and told them to break my bed so I can get a better 3rd person cam. That's not counted as teaming, right?
I then saw a clip which he actually uses safewalk and fastplace. I recorded that clip for 10 seconds. His teammate is also with him in two of these recorded scenes.
But then, I was filled with horrid. I thought the other teammate was innocent, but no! I saw a clip of him hitting a person FROM BEHIND! the worst thing is, it even did a 3 block kb! I am for sure that it is a 360 degree killaura.
What a bad experience. I hope that the staff accepted my report so he can't stay long in this server.