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Survival Huge Suggestions For the Upcoming reset! [part 2]


Legendary Pika
Sep 23, 2022

Huge Suggestions For the Upcoming reset! [part 2]​

Detailed description:

Before Reading:

Note: Some of the suggestions already suggested before, i just wanted to make the ALL-IN-ONE suggestion and make it easy for staff to read!

Note: If you disagree with a suggestion let me know below and provide a reason.

⚔️ Clans Improvements!

Some quality of life changes for clans, i have tested clans well and in my opinion it needs some small changes such as:
  • Clan Prefix
Add a new "Prefix" for clans /c prefix or /clan prefix this enable clans to change there tag color, fot example:
/clan prefix red
This will change the clan color to Red in public chat.

CUCSTOM clan tag! this allow clan tag to be changed with custom color this only can be unlocked with maxed clan level.

For example my clan name is "Leviathans" and i want to make it custom colored tag i will type /clan prefix &6Leviat&eans this will change to Leviathans

Note: only clan leader and co-leader can change the clan prefix. And &l / &o / &m / &n should not work.

Why do you think its needed?

Well the maxed clan color is Gold and after that we can get bored of the color in the future, as we will be stuck on Gold until new season released.

Clan Vault

There is different vaults for each world and i suggest make it only 1 vault to all worlds even spawn.

For example my clan mates in yellow world and i am in red world he told me i need diamonds, i can open the clan vault and put the diamonds there and my friend will open the clan vault so he can pick the diamonds.

Why we should remove different vaults?

Clan vault is some easy ways to give your clan mates items without the need to TP to him, its much faster than using TP and clan members does not play in the same world sometimes.

Clan Teleportation Command

As someone suggested this before, Disable clan teleport command in PVP ARENA. friend who teleported you while in pvp is not safe and ready!

A message should be sent to your clan mate who tried to tp to you while in pvp arena >>>>>>>>"This player is currently in Pvp arena!"

More Clan Mission

This already suggested by me, for more info:

New! clan slots

Add new voucher that increases member slots, can be obtained from crates and player level and the wizard shop, for example:

+1 Clan Member Slot this will allow you to get 1 extra clan member slot if the clan full redeem it so you can invite a new player

Enable clans in end world too

🎲 New! Chat Games

ALREADY suggested and denied the reason why "This will be added when there is a survival update" - Anuly
So that is my reminder.

Chat games is already a thing in some modes so why not survival too?

Type of games can be add such as "hover the word to type" and unscrambling words and solving math questions and Minecraft related questions. chat game should start every 7 mins.

Players can get rewarded for the right answer with:
  • +25 Claimblocks
  • 500$ Money
  • 10 Goldcoins
  • 5000 EXP
Rewards can be changed, and if a player won the game, rewards should be add to their account automatically ( without the need to redeem as a voucher)


Scary, Fast , dangerous and blind. Who im i?
Reward: 500$

Answer: Warden | the message should be sent to the winner:

(!) You got the answer right and received 500$

the message can be changed / rewards

🏝️ Claims Improvements!

Claims ban

I request adding the "claims ban" as there is many annoying players and they abuse the claim

🎏 New! Claims flags

I dont know if survival players is going to like this but here is it, new claim flags that allows you to give more control over your claim. /claimflag a gui should pop up for the claim your standing on that have many options if you are not in a claim and used the command your changes to your claim flags will apply to ALL your claims, options are:
  • Disable Hostile Mobs spawning or Enable it.
  • Disable Passive Mobs spawning or Enable it
  • Disable Weather Cycle or Enable it.
Note: the wither boss can not be spawned if the Hostile Mobs spawning is off!

Why do you think its a good idea?

Sometimes when building your base or your farm, you will face a skeleton shooting at you, you will get annoyed and killing all the annoying mobs around you takes your time. What im saying is it will save a lot of time. and the weather cycle is so players can focus while they building.


In your claim, players can take and replace items from the allays even if they are untrusted. So disable taking the items from the allays in untrusted claims to prevent stealing. ( Already suggested by me and got ignored)

Hoglins can not be attacked in untrusted claims, and can lead to traps thankfully no one knows about it. Enable killing this mobs in untrusted claims.

▶️ Toutrial updates! (needed)

Add more stuff in the /help with all those new features a Toutrial updates is needed! even without those updates some players already facing difficultys learning the game mode. i always see some players in chat saying: "what to do with gold coins" and other stuff. and update the guide in the survival forums too.

What should we do?

Adding a new NPC in spawn that will learn you how and what to do in this mode, And how to play perfectly and ways to become rich and explains about claims and sub-claims and ranks explained too and everything else exist in this mode.

🛒 Shops Improvements!

Add some small improvements to the shops such as:

  • The ability to sell Enchanted Books.
  • Add a new button that enables you to sell all your items in your inventory with one click.
  • For example, The shop is buying Bamboo, and your inventory is full of it you can click the button to sell all your Bamboo
  • Reduce the time when trying to tp to a shop, currently it is 5 seconds reduce it to 3 seconds.
Why do you think its a good idea?

It is very exhausting if you want to sell a lot of bamboo, you need to keep clicking the " Sell 64 items" a lot of times and this will also take your time because the shops has cooldown when selling. And the Enchanted books is really cool item to add (Enchanted Books already suggested and denied becuaue of dupe glitch, but now i believe it got patched)

🤺 Pvp Improvements!

Some cool stuff to add for pvp related things such as:

More Kill messages

We have a few kill messages in survival and they are hard to obtain so add those kill messages, i recommend adding all the kill messages that exist in Kit-Pvp.

How to obtain kill messages?

You can add ways to obtain kill messages like:

  1. Completing player levels and the premium player levels.
  2. Obtaining it from the wizard shop.
  3. Adding some of them in crates.
  4. And kill streak rewards.
  5. Yes, you heard it right a new kill streak rewards!

New! Kill Streak Rewards

What is this?

Kill Streak messages, If a player reached 5/10/15/20/30 kills in a row without dying the player can be rewarded with different items, and a message should be sent in chat Like "NotLaqqy has a kill streak of 5 players!" | Numbers can be changed.

The player who reach specific amount of kill streak can be rewarded with one of the following (one of them only):
  • A random kill message
  • Protection V Book
  • Unbreaking V Book
  • Efficiency VII Book
  • Netherite ingots 10x
  • Elytra
  • 30000$
Maybe make it every 30 kills to get 1 reward of the above.

New! Envoys

Pvp arena gets meh when you lose your stuff or any valuable items, so here is the idea:

  • Add new Envoys drops that will start after couple of mins. This envoys include valuable items so players can fight to get the rewards!
  • You add them by placing random chests in the arena or maybe items drop from the sky etc.
  • If this added, add a setting to disable envoys messages, its annoying for others. if you are in a world and have the envoys messages enabled you will not receive any message unless you are in spawn.
Pvp Arena

Make the Pvp arena more enjoyable by:
  • Adding small parkours and high grounds so players can fight to reach the top!
  • Make sure to not add anything that produces any particles.
  • After a player dies, send him to /warp pvp and not spawn because some players goes /pvp after dying and they want to get back.
🔹Player Warps Improvements!

  • Add a new favorite warps in the /pw gui You can add your favorite warps which will pin the warp at the top in /pw and will make it enchanted.
  • Disable taking any type of damage including fall damage for 15 seconds after teleporting to a player warp, this is due to the fake player warps that increases with time.
  • Allow players to re-name their player warp names and description, why? because some players regret naming their warps with the wrong names and description or maybe they don't like the look of it at all.
Blackmarket & Merchant Improvements!

  • Make the black market buy 4 items everyday, and make merchant sell 4 items everyday.
  • When typing /blackmarket or /bm you will be teleported to spawn and make it when you type again it will open the black market gui, same thing with merchant. Why? Some players block the black market by standing next to it and they block other people from accessing the market.
✏️ Item Renames

  • Re- Enable using hex code for renames if you are not satisfied make it for warlock+) it is really awesome thing we liked last season!
  • Allowing people to go over limit for renames

That is all i got thank you for taking your time reading this post.
Let us know below of what do you think.

some of the suggestions might be not be 100%

sincerely, NotLaqqy

All reasons and questions provided above 🔝


Epic Pika
Jun 12, 2022

Huge Suggestions For the Upcoming reset! [part 2]

Detailed description:

Before Reading:

Note: Some of the suggestions already suggested before, i just wanted to make the ALL-IN-ONE suggestion and make it easy for staff to read!

Note: If you disagree with a suggestion let me know below and provide a reason.

⚔️ Clans Improvements!

Some quality of life changes for clans, i have tested clans well and in my opinion it needs some small changes such as:

  • Clan Prefix

Add a new "Prefix" for clans /c prefix or /clan prefix this enable clans to change there tag color, fot example:​

/clan prefix red

This will change the clan color to Red in public chat.

CUCSTOM clan tag! this allow clan tag to be changed with custom color this only can be unlocked with maxed clan level.

For example my clan name is "Leviathans" and i want to make it custom colored tag i will type /clan prefix &6Leviat&eans this will change to Leviathans

Note: only clan leader and co-leader can change the clan prefix. And &l / &o / &m / &n should not work.

Why do you think its needed?

Well the maxed clan color is Gold and after that we can get bored of the color in the future, as we will be stuck on Gold until new season released.

Clan Vault

There is different vaults for each world and i suggest make it only 1 vault to all worlds even spawn.

For example my clan mates in yellow world and i am in red world he told me i need diamonds, i can open the clan vault and put the diamonds there and my friend will open the clan vault so he can pick the diamonds.

Why we should remove different vaults?

Clan vault is some easy ways to give your clan mates items without the need to TP to him, its much faster than using TP and clan members does not play in the same world sometimes.

Clan Teleportation Command

As someone suggested this before, Disable clan teleport command in PVP ARENA. friend who teleported you while in pvp is not safe and ready!

A message should be sent to your clan mate who tried to tp to you while in pvp arena >>>>>>>>"This player is currently in Pvp arena!"

More Clan Mission

This already suggested by me, for more info:

New! clan slots

Add new voucher that increases member slots, can be obtained from crates and player level and the wizard shop, for example:

+1 Clan Member Slot this will allow you to get 1 extra clan member slot if the clan full redeem it so you can invite a new player

Enable clans in end world too

🎲 New! Chat Games

ALREADY suggested and denied the reason why "This will be added when there is a survival update" - Anuly

So that is my reminder.

Chat games is already a thing in some modes so why not survival too?

Type of games can be add such as "hover the word to type" and unscrambling words and solving math questions and Minecraft related questions. chat game should start every 7 mins.

Players can get rewarded for the right answer with:

  • +25 Claimblocks
  • 500$ Money
  • 10 Goldcoins
  • 5000 EXP

Rewards can be changed, and if a player won the game, rewards should be add to their account automatically ( without the need to redeem as a voucher)​



Scary, Fast , dangerous and blind. Who im i?

Reward: 500$


Answer: Warden | the message should be sent to the winner:

(!) You got the answer right and received 500$

the message can be changed / rewards

🏝️ Claims Improvements!

Claims ban

I request adding the "claims ban" as there is many annoying players and they abuse the claim

🎏 New! Claims flags

I dont know if survival players is going to like this but here is it, new claim flags that allows you to give more control over your claim. /claimflag a gui should pop up for the claim your standing on that have many options if you are not in a claim and used the command your changes to your claim flags will apply to ALL your claims, options are:

  • Disable Hostile Mobs spawning or Enable it.
  • Disable Passive Mobs spawning or Enable it
  • Disable Weather Cycle or Enable it.

Note: the wither boss can not be spawned if the Hostile Mobs spawning is off!

Why do you think its a good idea?

Sometimes when building your base or your farm, you will face a skeleton shooting at you, you will get annoyed and killing all the annoying mobs around you takes your time. What im saying is it will save a lot of time. and the weather cycle is so players can focus while they building.


In your claim, players can take and replace items from the allays even if they are untrusted. So disable taking the items from the allays in untrusted claims to prevent stealing. ( Already suggested by me and got ignored)


Hoglins can not be attacked in untrusted claims, and can lead to traps thankfully no one knows about it. Enable killing this mobs in untrusted claims.

▶️ Toutrial updates! (needed)

Add more stuff in the /help with all those new features a Toutrial updates is needed! even without those updates some players already facing difficultys learning the game mode. i always see some players in chat saying: "what to do with gold coins" and other stuff. and update the guide in the survival forums too.

What should we do?

Adding a new NPC in spawn that will learn you how and what to do in this mode, And how to play perfectly and ways to become rich and explains about claims and sub-claims and ranks explained too and everything else exist in this mode.

🛒 Shops Improvements!

Add some small improvements to the shops such as:

  • The ability to sell Enchanted Books.
  • Add a new button that enables you to sell all your items in your inventory with one click.
  • For example, The shop is buying Bamboo, and your inventory is full of it you can click the button to sell all your Bamboo
  • Reduce the time when trying to tp to a shop, currently it is 5 seconds reduce it to 3 seconds.

Why do you think its a good idea?

It is very exhausting if you want to sell a lot of bamboo, you need to keep clicking the " Sell 64 items" a lot of times and this will also take your time because the shops has cooldown when selling. And the Enchanted books is really cool item to add (Enchanted Books already suggested and denied becuaue of dupe glitch, but now i believe it got patched)

🤺 Pvp Improvements!

Some cool stuff to add for pvp related things such as:

More Kill messages

We have a few kill messages in survival and they are hard to obtain so add those kill messages, i recommend adding all the kill messages that exist in Kit-Pvp.

How to obtain kill messages?

You can add ways to obtain kill messages like:

  1. Completing player levels and the premium player levels.
  2. Obtaining it from the wizard shop.
  3. Adding some of them in crates.
  4. And kill streak rewards.
  5. Yes, you heard it right a new kill streak rewards!

New! Kill Streak Rewards

What is this?

Kill Streak messages, If a player reached 5/10/15/20/30 kills in a row without dying the player can be rewarded with different items, and a message should be sent in chat Like "NotLaqqy has a kill streak of 5 players!" | Numbers can be changed.

The player who reach specific amount of kill streak can be rewarded with one of the following (one of them only):

  • A random kill message
  • Protection V Book
  • Unbreaking V Book
  • Efficiency VII Book
  • Netherite ingots 10x
  • Elytra
  • 30000$

Maybe make it every 30 kills to get 1 reward of the above.​

New! Envoys

Pvp arena gets meh when you lose your stuff or any valuable items, so here is the idea:

  • Add new Envoys drops that will start after couple of mins. This envoys include valuable items so players can fight to get the rewards!
  • You add them by placing random chests in the arena or maybe items drop from the sky etc.
  • If this added, add a setting to disable envoys messages, its annoying for others. if you are in a world and have the envoys messages enabled you will not receive any message unless you are in spawn.
Pvp Arena

Make the Pvp arena more enjoyable by:

  • Adding small parkours and high grounds so players can fight to reach the top!
  • Make sure to not add anything that produces any particles.
  • After a player dies, send him to /warp pvp and not spawn because some players goes /pvp after dying and they want to get back.
🔹Player Warps Improvements!

  • Add a new favorite warps in the /pw gui You can add your favorite warps which will pin the warp at the top in /pw and will make it enchanted.
  • Disable taking any type of damage including fall damage for 15 seconds after teleporting to a player warp, this is due to the fake player warps that increases with time.
  • Allow players to re-name their player warp names and description, why? because some players regret naming their warps with the wrong names and description or maybe they don't like the look of it at all.
Blackmarket & Merchant Improvements!

  • Make the black market buy 4 items everyday, and make merchant sell 4 items everyday.
  • When typing /blackmarket or /bm you will be teleported to spawn and make it when you type again it will open the black market gui, same thing with merchant. Why? Some players block the black market by standing next to it and they block other people from accessing the market.
✏️ Item Renames

  • Re- Enable using hex code for renames if you are not satisfied make it for warlock+) it is really awesome thing we liked last season!
  • Allowing people to go over limit for renames

That is all i got thank you for taking your time reading this post.

Let us know below of what do you think.

some of the suggestions might be not be 100%

sincerely, NotLaqqy

All reasons and questions provided above 🔝
The shop improvements is good but.. it will lead to more dupes
The pvp arena killstreak is a bad idea cause of noobs wanting to pvp would just make them die everysingle time they wanna come and enjoy the pvp
killsteak makes the pvp arena non-enjoyable for players with no nethrite armour or top gear which makes pvp only for top armour players. without kill streak top players would just leave noobs alone and let them enjoy
Envoy idea is not a good idea as new players cannot enjoy the fun as i said ^ here


Epic Pika
Jan 4, 2023
Great suggestions, I like it :)
The presentation is also good, and a lot of efforts are taken by you.
Btw mine is also coming soon :]


Legendary Pika
Sep 23, 2022
The shop improvements is good but.. it will lead to more dupes
The pvp arena killstreak is a bad idea cause of noobs wanting to pvp would just make them die everysingle time they wanna come and enjoy the pvp
killsteak makes the pvp arena non-enjoyable for players with no nethrite armour or top gear which makes pvp only for top armour players. without kill streak top players would just leave noobs alone and let them enjoy
Envoy idea is not a good idea as new players cannot enjoy the fun as i said ^ here
I respect your comments however we will leave it for staff discussion
Last edited:


Aug 17, 2021
Cool things if they accepted this it would be fun

Welp i also have some cool ideas but im lazy to write an essay :p


Pika Lover
Jul 18, 2023
hey ! so i went to read the 2 part but just one thing is wrong the kill streak a LOT of people come in pvp naked so it should be better to add
diamond or netherite armor required !
some people come in pvp naked to help people to do clan task and because i go to pvp every

2 hour i can see that in 30 minute its easy to make 15 kill of new player .

It should be good too to add a msg Be Carefull ! you are entering in pvp zone when you are at 10 block of the pvp arena , before when i was new i was full netherite , i was exploring spawn map but then i fall in the pvp arena and lord_herculas kill me so this is maybe something to add too.

Add invincibility when you tp to someone
something really bad in pika is tptrapper , with this fonctionnality you will be protected for 10 second . this can be really usefull for new player .


Ultimate Legendary Pika
Jan 16, 2023
hey ! so i went to read the 2 part but just one thing is wrong the kill streak a LOT of people come in pvp naked so it should be better to add
diamond or netherite armor required !
some people come in pvp naked to help people to do clan task and because i go to pvp every

2 hour i can see that in 30 minute its easy to make 15 kill of new player .

It should be good too to add a msg Be Carefull ! you are entering in pvp zone when you are at 10 block of the pvp arena , before when i was new i was full netherite , i was exploring spawn map but then i fall in the pvp arena and lord_herculas kill me so this is maybe something to add too.

Add invincibility when you tp to someone
something really bad in pika is tptrapper , with this fonctionnality you will be protected for 10 second . this can be really usefull for new player .
Yes TP trappers are just plain anoying


Ultimate Legendary Pika
Jan 16, 2023

Huge Suggestions For the Upcoming reset! [part 2]

Detailed description:

Before Reading:

Note: Some of the suggestions already suggested before, i just wanted to make the ALL-IN-ONE suggestion and make it easy for staff to read!

Note: If you disagree with a suggestion let me know below and provide a reason.

⚔️ Clans Improvements!

Some quality of life changes for clans, i have tested clans well and in my opinion it needs some small changes such as:

  • Clan Prefix

Add a new "Prefix" for clans /c prefix or /clan prefix this enable clans to change there tag color, fot example:​

/clan prefix red

This will change the clan color to Red in public chat.

CUCSTOM clan tag! this allow clan tag to be changed with custom color this only can be unlocked with maxed clan level.

For example my clan name is "Leviathans" and i want to make it custom colored tag i will type /clan prefix &6Leviat&eans this will change to Leviathans

Note: only clan leader and co-leader can change the clan prefix. And &l / &o / &m / &n should not work.

Why do you think its needed?

Well the maxed clan color is Gold and after that we can get bored of the color in the future, as we will be stuck on Gold until new season released.

Clan Vault

There is different vaults for each world and i suggest make it only 1 vault to all worlds even spawn.

For example my clan mates in yellow world and i am in red world he told me i need diamonds, i can open the clan vault and put the diamonds there and my friend will open the clan vault so he can pick the diamonds.

Why we should remove different vaults?

Clan vault is some easy ways to give your clan mates items without the need to TP to him, its much faster than using TP and clan members does not play in the same world sometimes.

Clan Teleportation Command

As someone suggested this before, Disable clan teleport command in PVP ARENA. friend who teleported you while in pvp is not safe and ready!

A message should be sent to your clan mate who tried to tp to you while in pvp arena >>>>>>>>"This player is currently in Pvp arena!"

More Clan Mission

This already suggested by me, for more info:

New! clan slots

Add new voucher that increases member slots, can be obtained from crates and player level and the wizard shop, for example:

+1 Clan Member Slot this will allow you to get 1 extra clan member slot if the clan full redeem it so you can invite a new player

Enable clans in end world too

🎲 New! Chat Games

ALREADY suggested and denied the reason why "This will be added when there is a survival update" - Anuly

So that is my reminder.

Chat games is already a thing in some modes so why not survival too?

Type of games can be add such as "hover the word to type" and unscrambling words and solving math questions and Minecraft related questions. chat game should start every 7 mins.

Players can get rewarded for the right answer with:

  • +25 Claimblocks
  • 500$ Money
  • 10 Goldcoins
  • 5000 EXP

Rewards can be changed, and if a player won the game, rewards should be add to their account automatically ( without the need to redeem as a voucher)​



Scary, Fast , dangerous and blind. Who im i?

Reward: 500$


Answer: Warden | the message should be sent to the winner:

(!) You got the answer right and received 500$

the message can be changed / rewards

🏝️ Claims Improvements!

Claims ban

I request adding the "claims ban" as there is many annoying players and they abuse the claim

🎏 New! Claims flags

I dont know if survival players is going to like this but here is it, new claim flags that allows you to give more control over your claim. /claimflag a gui should pop up for the claim your standing on that have many options if you are not in a claim and used the command your changes to your claim flags will apply to ALL your claims, options are:

  • Disable Hostile Mobs spawning or Enable it.
  • Disable Passive Mobs spawning or Enable it
  • Disable Weather Cycle or Enable it.

Note: the wither boss can not be spawned if the Hostile Mobs spawning is off!

Why do you think its a good idea?

Sometimes when building your base or your farm, you will face a skeleton shooting at you, you will get annoyed and killing all the annoying mobs around you takes your time. What im saying is it will save a lot of time. and the weather cycle is so players can focus while they building.


In your claim, players can take and replace items from the allays even if they are untrusted. So disable taking the items from the allays in untrusted claims to prevent stealing. ( Already suggested by me and got ignored)


Hoglins can not be attacked in untrusted claims, and can lead to traps thankfully no one knows about it. Enable killing this mobs in untrusted claims.

▶️ Toutrial updates! (needed)

Add more stuff in the /help with all those new features a Toutrial updates is needed! even without those updates some players already facing difficultys learning the game mode. i always see some players in chat saying: "what to do with gold coins" and other stuff. and update the guide in the survival forums too.

What should we do?

Adding a new NPC in spawn that will learn you how and what to do in this mode, And how to play perfectly and ways to become rich and explains about claims and sub-claims and ranks explained too and everything else exist in this mode.

🛒 Shops Improvements!

Add some small improvements to the shops such as:

  • The ability to sell Enchanted Books.
  • Add a new button that enables you to sell all your items in your inventory with one click.
  • For example, The shop is buying Bamboo, and your inventory is full of it you can click the button to sell all your Bamboo
  • Reduce the time when trying to tp to a shop, currently it is 5 seconds reduce it to 3 seconds.

Why do you think its a good idea?

It is very exhausting if you want to sell a lot of bamboo, you need to keep clicking the " Sell 64 items" a lot of times and this will also take your time because the shops has cooldown when selling. And the Enchanted books is really cool item to add (Enchanted Books already suggested and denied becuaue of dupe glitch, but now i believe it got patched)

🤺 Pvp Improvements!

Some cool stuff to add for pvp related things such as:

More Kill messages

We have a few kill messages in survival and they are hard to obtain so add those kill messages, i recommend adding all the kill messages that exist in Kit-Pvp.

How to obtain kill messages?

You can add ways to obtain kill messages like:

  1. Completing player levels and the premium player levels.
  2. Obtaining it from the wizard shop.
  3. Adding some of them in crates.
  4. And kill streak rewards.
  5. Yes, you heard it right a new kill streak rewards!

New! Kill Streak Rewards

What is this?

Kill Streak messages, If a player reached 5/10/15/20/30 kills in a row without dying the player can be rewarded with different items, and a message should be sent in chat Like "NotLaqqy has a kill streak of 5 players!" | Numbers can be changed.

The player who reach specific amount of kill streak can be rewarded with one of the following (one of them only):

  • A random kill message
  • Protection V Book
  • Unbreaking V Book
  • Efficiency VII Book
  • Netherite ingots 10x
  • Elytra
  • 30000$

Maybe make it every 30 kills to get 1 reward of the above.​

New! Envoys

Pvp arena gets meh when you lose your stuff or any valuable items, so here is the idea:

  • Add new Envoys drops that will start after couple of mins. This envoys include valuable items so players can fight to get the rewards!
  • You add them by placing random chests in the arena or maybe items drop from the sky etc.
  • If this added, add a setting to disable envoys messages, its annoying for others. if you are in a world and have the envoys messages enabled you will not receive any message unless you are in spawn.
Pvp Arena

Make the Pvp arena more enjoyable by:

  • Adding small parkours and high grounds so players can fight to reach the top!
  • Make sure to not add anything that produces any particles.
  • After a player dies, send him to /warp pvp and not spawn because some players goes /pvp after dying and they want to get back.
🔹Player Warps Improvements!

  • Add a new favorite warps in the /pw gui You can add your favorite warps which will pin the warp at the top in /pw and will make it enchanted.
  • Disable taking any type of damage including fall damage for 15 seconds after teleporting to a player warp, this is due to the fake player warps that increases with time.
  • Allow players to re-name their player warp names and description, why? because some players regret naming their warps with the wrong names and description or maybe they don't like the look of it at all.
Blackmarket & Merchant Improvements!

  • Make the black market buy 4 items everyday, and make merchant sell 4 items everyday.
  • When typing /blackmarket or /bm you will be teleported to spawn and make it when you type again it will open the black market gui, same thing with merchant. Why? Some players block the black market by standing next to it and they block other people from accessing the market.
✏️ Item Renames

  • Re- Enable using hex code for renames if you are not satisfied make it for warlock+) it is really awesome thing we liked last season!
  • Allowing people to go over limit for renames

That is all i got thank you for taking your time reading this post.

Let us know below of what do you think.

some of the suggestions might be not be 100%

sincerely, NotLaqqy

All reasons and questions provided above 🔝
Btw there IS a way to rename items any color u want rn (its a secret :) ) any ill add to the part of killstreaks, Staff should make it so you can't alt farm for items


Legendary Pika
Sep 23, 2022
Btw there IS a way to rename items any color u want rn (its a secret :) ) any ill add to the part of killstreaks, Staff should make it so you can't alt farm for items
No clue how they gonna make the alt farming stopped, but it will be boring to farm kills.


Great Reporter
Dec 29, 2021
Everything seems nice. Respect the effort I hope all of them get implemented! +1 from me