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How to win solo bedwars


Pika Lover
Nov 3, 2020

Solo Bedwars​

Solo Bedwars is hard to be good at, you need to have a lot of different skills, and not just have an overpowered party with amazing teamates. But, with enough practice and determination you will be better at solo bedwars.


To be good at bridging, you need to be quick and be consistent every time. The best bridge for that is the “ninja bridge” the bridge can be learned very quick if you have the great rhythm. There are plenty of videos in YouTube that can teach you how to learn ninja bridge. After learning to ninja bridge, learning how to ninja bridge while bridging one block higher every few blocks is key (learning to ninja onestack works as well). High Ground is very important because you have the advantage to attack your opponent at any moment.


Rushing is important. Different maps for different rushing strategies. Maps like LightHouse using only 32 blocks (8 iron) to go for your neighbor is great for going to different bases as fast as possible. But you can make your own little rushing strategy for yourself depending on how you play. Different maps need 32/48/64 blocks. Rushing with iron armor is good. If you dont have enough for iron armor, you can go to mid and get enough for diamond armor and go to a base when there base when enemy/ies is not there or going back (with ems enough for diamond amor or more) to your own base . Use gold wisely, gold spawn rate is pretty slow, also buy iron armor before an iron sword (buy a golden apple if you have gold to spare). Buy a trap before prot/sharpness. Buy wooden tools if you dont buy 1 tnt (if you have gold to spare). Buy a pearl before potion when clutching. Using Diamonds and Emeralds is key for clutching games. Rushing is a large concept with different situations that can happen. The tips I had mention is essential for the game.


Gamesence is important. You need to ask yourself “Is someone a threat to my bed”. If yes, the biggest threat or the closet threat is the first one to go for the person’s bed. If no, get stacked via emeralds and diamonds. To know if someone is a threat to your bed if someone is your neighbor (both sides), if someone took their neigbor’s bed fast, and etc. You will get better at gamesence the more you play the game and learn from your mistakes. That is the main idea of gamesence. Gamesence is a very broad topic.

(sorry if the guide is bad i made this at 2:00 am and i am tired but i hoped you learned something)

Silver Wing

The Pika
Mar 14, 2019
That's a nice guide
But I am a person who have read all types of guides from hypixel forums so ...ye