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Denied Factions Highlighting the importance of Classic Factions.

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Pika Member
Aug 16, 2021

Highlighting the importance of Classic Factions.​

Detailed description:
Factions is a niche game mode and fewer people acknowledge the fact that it is an actually enjoyable experience but people play it to get monetary value out of their time invested.
Considering Pika Network, The original faction game mode was a rewarding experience as it provided a rich experience and monetary value for people's time. In 2017 when the now successor and replica of the original factions game mode were released which is known as OpFactions today and was expected to be an enriching experience for the player turned out to be contrary to the idea expected.

The original faction game mode is today dry with players, content, moderation and updates. OpFactions is now a cash grab and it cannot be enjoyed to its extent because there is no space for new players and new factions. The one who invests money in the game mode wins the season and the chain continues. There is no initial learning process to set out for the map, lack of moderation, little content and is just mainly based on redeeming donator kits ( i.e Immortal, God and Legend because others have little value ), /gkit and opening crate keys and PvPing. There seems to be enough content at first to enjoy like bosses but it gets boring when you play 2 - 3 seasons.

The reason I am writing this long essay is that the learning process is a niche one in OpFactions and the original factions game mode can help resolve the issue.
First of all, introduce the store and /globalcurrency as it will help fund the server and will aid people to burn their cash. I suggest introducing payouts in Classic Factions which could be as low as 25$ for #1, 15$ for #2 and 10$ for #3 factions. This will provide a motive for the players to grind the game mode; this will also help new players learn the basics of factions before shifting to OpFactions. Implement more custom enchants and features like /trade. I am confident that implementing these changes will help improve the game mode and will be better for the overall betterment of the network.
I expect that my efforts will meet success and that my facade rant about Factions will affect the game mode in a positive way.​

It will help for the overall betterment of the server.​


Staff Member
Aug 6, 2022
Hello Vilzon,

Thank you for your interest in creating a suggestion to improve the server. We are always doing our best to make the server a better place for everyone.
However, we have eventually decided to deny your suggestion due to the following reason(s):
  • Factions will stay a permanent game mode, as shown in the server selector. We are not looking to work on Factions for the time being.
For your reference, here is a link to our suggestion guidelines → PikaNetwork Suggestion Guidelines.
Please make sure to read and understand them before suggesting again.

We also advise you to use our Thread Search Feature to look for (similar) already made suggestions and upvote them instead.
Have fun playing on PikaNetwork!
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