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[Guide] The Perfect Forum Signature


Legendary Pika
Jan 25, 2022
Creating the Perfect Forum Signature
How to get your signature:
The first step to creating a good forum signature is getting to the signature box.
On the top right side of this page, click your profile.

Then click the "Signature" button showed in the image.

Normal Text :
This is the most basic of the forum signatures. All you have to do is click on the box and start typing. Do keep in mind that you can have a maximum of 256 pixels in the signature (12 lines of text). If you do add more than the limit, it will be cut off. Looking at the top, you can see that there are special tools that help you make your signature look perfect. You may recognize these tools as they are always at the top of any text box.

Signature Tools & Usage:
Remove Formatting - Clears text formatting (ExampleA -> ExampleB)
Bold - Bolds Text
Font Size - Changes the size of the text (Example)
Italic - Italicizes Text
Text Color - Changes the color of the text (Example)
Font Family - Changes the font of the text (Example)
StrikeThrough - Strikes through text
Underline - Underlines text
Inline code - Inlines code
Inline spoiler - Spoilers a text
List - Creates a list
Alignment - Changes the alignment of the text on the page
Paragraph Format - Adds a paragraph format to a text
Insert Link - Adds a Hyperlink
Insert Image - Adds an image
Smilies - Creates Emojis
Image - Add an Image to the text
Media - Add a video to the text
Quote - Quotes text
Insert Table - Adds a table to the text
Spoiler - Creates a spoiler
ExampleCode - Adds code to text

PikaNetwork Signature Format:
You can also use a format I made for signatures which is shown in the spoiler below.
Username: InGameName
Discord: username#0000
Guild: GuildName
Website: Personal Website or Forums Page Link


PikaNetwork Veteran Graphics:
I attached some PikaNetwork Veteran Graphics made by me in the spoiler below.
PikaNetwork Veteran (8).pngPikaNetwork Veteran (7).pngPikaNetwork Veteran (6).pngPikaNetwork Veteran (5).pngPikaNetwork Veteran (4).pngPikaNetwork Veteran (3).pngPikaNetwork Veteran (2).pngPikaNetwork Veteran (1).png
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