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Helpful Practice Guide

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Staff Member
Jul 22, 2020
Practice Guide

Practice is a PvP gamemode in which players duel and compete with each other. This thread will explain all there is to know about Practice.


Various commands can help you enhance your Practice experience. Most (if not all) of them are listed below:
  • /duel <name> - Sends a duel (1v1) request to the specified player.​
  • /spectate <name> (/spec <name>) - Spectates a specified player's match if they are in one.​
  • /stats [name] - Provides you with statistics of the specified player. If no name is specified, it will show your statistics.​
  • /party - See all party-related commands.​
  • /ping [name] - Shows you another player's ping.​
  • /tps - This shows you the server's TPS. Lower TPS = more lag, so be careful when queuing Ranked!​
  • /settings - Opens a menu with a lot of useful settings for you to configure.​
  • /chatcolor - Changes your chat colour.​
  • /event - Gold and above only - Opens the event creation menu.​

Ranked matches are the same as regular (Unranked) matches, but they give you certain points: ELO. ELO is supposed to indicate your skill in a certain Practice mode. Every player has a separate ELO for each mode (Nodebuff, Build UHC, Soup, Sumo, etc). The arithmetic mean of all your mode-specific ELOs is your global ELO and it indicates your ELO rank. You can see all ELO ranks and how much ELO they require by typing /rank in-game.

How to get/lose ELO?

You can get ELO by winning Ranked matches, and you can lose it by losing Ranked matches.
If you win against a player who has more ELO than you, you will get more ELO than you would get when you win against someone who has lower/the same ELO as you. The same applies to losing - if you lose to someone who has a lower ELO than you, you will lose more elo than you would lose when you lose against someone who has a higher/the same ELO as you.

How do I know how much ELO will I get if I win against a specific opponent?

Here are two tables explaining that:

Amount of ELO you have more than your opponentELO change if you winELO change of your opponent if you win
0 (same ELO)+8-8

Amount of ELO you have less than your opponentELO change if you winELO change of your opponent if you win
0 (same ELO)+8-8

If you want to know how much ELO will you lose if you lose against a certain opponent, just put your opponent into your perspective and apply the values from the two tables above.

How does the queue system work?

Every 6 seconds, your ELO search range will increase by 30 in both directions (positive and negative). The same applies to everyone else, so when two players' ELO search ranges match, they will duel.

Kit Editor

The Kit Editor is a very useful feature that allows you to rearrange the order of items in your inventory in a certain gamemode. Use the /kiteditor command or the 7th slot in your hotbar to get started, then select which mode's kit you want to edit. Rearrange the items in your inventory as you wish, then save and load your kit by using the anvil in front of you. Right-click the door and you're all set!


If you want to play with your friend(s), you can type /party create. This will create a party. You can invite your friends to the party by typing /party invite <their name>. They will have to accept the invitation if they want to play with you.

You can access party fights by right-clicking the diamond axe in your hotbar. To learn more about party commands, type /party.

Donator Ranks

There are 4 donator ranks you can buy on Practice: Silver, Gold, Diamond and Emerald. You can buy them and see their perks in the PikaNetwork store (click HERE for Emerald instead). Note that the Emerald rank is a temporary subscription which can only be purchased by users with the Diamond rank.


Every player with a Gold rank or above can host events (the higher the rank, the lower the cooldown between each hosted event). There are many kinds of events, and they are:
  • Brackets: A 1v1 tournament with a selected kit.
  • Free For All: An event where everyone spawns at a random place in an arena. The last player alive wins.
  • King of The Hill: An event where players get split into two teams. Their objective is to capture the capture point which is located on the top of the hill. The first team that has their player cap the capture point for 5 minutes wins the event.
  • Sumo: The same as Brackets, but in Sumo mode.
  • Team Deathmatch: An event where two teams fight. The team with the most kills at the end of the event wins.

Cosmetics are a cool way for you to style on your opponents. Some of them can be bought with coins. You can obtain coins from crates.

To access the cosmetics menu, go to your profile using the 6th slot in your hotbar and click on the nether star.


All right, the information part of this thread is done. Now I will focus on explaining some things and giving some tips for some of the most played Practice modes and how can you improve in them:

  • Drink a fire resistance potion at the beginning and drink speed regularly. I suggest you drink a speed potion around 10 seconds before your speed effect expires.
  • Try to count your and your opponent's potions so you know when you are winning and when you're losing.
  • Don't miss your potions. Throw them straight ahead of you and run into them - that's how they will heal you the most.
  • Don't let your opponent knock you away from the potion you have thrown or you might get quick-dropped.
  • A healing potion will usually heal around 4 hearts, meaning you shouldn't pot if you're not below 6 hearts of health.
Build UHC
  • Keep in mind the following:
    • A golden apple will heal 2 hearts and give you 2 absorption hearts if you previously didn't have any absorption hearts.
    • An arrow from a fully charged bow will deal 1 heart of damage.
    • A normal hit with a sword will deal 1 heart of damage.
    • A critical hit with a sword will deal 1 and a half hearts of damage.
    • When set on fire, you will take 5 and a half hearts of damage before the fire vanishes if you don't water yourself.
  • Having a mod that displays how many arrows you have can be really helpful in a bow fight.
  • Use lava when your opponent is close to a wall and place it on the top block so it's harder for them to escape.
  • Try to immediately place water on the lava block when someone puts lava on you. If you do it quickly enough, you will take almost no damage.
  • Building 3 high and 2 wide with blocks will defend you from any arrows flying at you from one direction.
  • Pre-gapping (eating a golden apple right when the match starts) can be very helpful in some situations as you will be getting 2 additional absorption hearts.
  • Try to use a fishing rod as much as you can in melee fights so you don't get stuck in a combo. Also, try to avoid your opponent's fishing rod.
  • When you get set on fire, water yourself as soon as possible.
  • Try to keep your aim on your opponent 100% of the time because if you get stuck in a 3-4 hit combo, you will most likely get knocked off.
  • W-tapping and S-tapping can help you deal way more knockback to your opponent.
A huge thank you to @0Mad0Max0, @Krekkers, @NxqL and @Unawarely for helping me write this thread.
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