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Denied Glitching & Wither

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Epic Pika
Mar 6, 2016


1.Remove Glitching
2.Add the wither
3.Update the shop

I know i keep getting told glitching is part of the game and is impossible to stop. But this is rubbish. Like look at the definition of a glitch
"a sudden, usually temporary malfunction or fault of equipment",Basically this means a glitch is somthing that shouldn't be there or isnt supposed to happen (Cheating). There for any staff and members that try to tell me its not a glitch just please stop and go take english lessons. It clearly has the word glitch in the name "tp glitch". As for the part where i keep getting told its impossible to stop, its not. There are so many plugins which will stop glitching for example https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/fbasics-the-factions-anti-glitch-plugin.503/. It is also possible to enable some of the glitches in the config files if needed (for example ontop of the nether, just to stop players stressing out about their vaults and stuff.)

Add the wither:
This was enabled at the beggining of the reset, however was disabled after Legends cryed because they dont know how to build a base. So pls re add the wither as this will give players a way to raid without glitching if they don't know how to cannon. P.s this is another case of Legends getting special treatment from staff on pika, if it was a faction such as defiance and we requested the wither to be disabled we would have got told no.

Improve The Shop: Our shop is terrible, it lacks in items. The contents of the factions shop hasnt changed for atleast 3 resets now. We need items like endstone and the new 1.8 blocks.

Im going to keep making posts about Glitching till its fixed...so dont close this as i will just remake it again...


Pika Member
Feb 26, 2016
I said nothing you can do whatever you want
You are the biggest pleb on factions that cry's about everything
pathetic nuub


Mar 4, 2016
Jimmy number 1 pleb on factions hm more like u right Illegal glitches and everything but the admins suck up 2 you o well we know u can't raid shit without glitching that's why u can't go to any other server 0h and u hack to. Mhm but I suck and if creeper is a pleb at least he didn't get banned for hacking. Get a life my opinion is cry baby's of Pika will cry without it cause they can't do shit and cannons was made for factions not glitching factions is about cannons and bases and pvp but UK when u suck at something u gotta cheat system Jimmy boi


Rare Pika
Mar 17, 2016
Please dont fight over your personal reasons in this thread.
If you want to reply then stick to the topic. ( writing opinions and statements is fine once it's about the subject. )

And I can see where you're coming from since I've seen more people having trouble with the rules about glitching.
Maybe once enough people agreed on this thread we can look into the rules of glitching again, but I can't guarantee anything.


Pika Member
Feb 26, 2016
Deznutz didnt you move on to a diffrent server bcuz i raided defiance 8 times?
Its alright i get it why you are mad but get over it. This is gonna be my last post on this topic since im not wasting time to dumb and dumber.


Mar 19, 2016
Thank you for your suggestions,
personally I like the ideas.


New Member
Mar 6, 2016
add wither, remove the command /fly & add factions fly so it lets us fly in claimed area


Pika Lover
Mar 2, 2016
Wow Mr. Peeper again with the witless whining, but I have to give it to you, at least this time you elaborated and gave a structure for a discussion, so lets eviscerate your bulls**t.

You defined glitch as follows: "a sudden, usually temporary malfunction or fault of equipment", now I consider this definition broad, I would had made one a more strict to gaming like "A temporary malfunction on the game/mod software not intended by the maker". But for the sake of the discussion im going to agree with yours.

Now Mr. Peeper continues and implies with no reason at all, that the use of a glitch is "Cheating". I should remind you dear Mr. Peeper that not all glitches are cheating (I mentioned to you before that the whole hybrid cannon could be considerate as glitching). One common definition of Cheat is "to violate the rules or regulations". So if you were to use your brain you could see that as for this moment tpglitching is allowed, therefore its NOT CHEATING.

I find really funny how you dont make any effort in trying to explain how tpglitch works and how it falls into your definition of glitch. All you do is say well tpglitch has the word glitch in it so it must be a glitch. By your logic I could tell you that a Seahorse has the word horse in it so it must be a quadruped mammal!!. There are social convensionlisms that give rise to terms or misuse of words, such as "ship" thats now used by americans to refer to a relationship.

What people usually mean with TPGLITCHING is that you got in a base that you were not supoosed to be able to get in by normal means using some kind of teleportation. So we can see there are two elements of this tpglitch: Teleportation and Getting in a base.

How it works
Im not an expert on tpglitch but unlike Mr. Peeper ill try to explain what I know of this "glitch" and how it works, which btw should be expected from someone who tries to make it bannable or be disabled.

As we know there are several commands that allow the players to teleport such as home, back, tpa, tpahere, f home, etc. What players do is an exploitation of such commands and a feature of the game or server (im not sure which) that I belive is intended. This feature is that a player in order to be teleported to a location requires a "safe" space of atleast two blocks high to be able to be teleported to such location. When the game or server realises that the place doesnt fulfill this requirement then it looks for the nearest "safe" location.

Let me give you an example of how I usually "glitch" into bases: Many players place lava on their roofs because unliker water its "anti-xray", its hard to navigate and it provides the same anti-tnt protection, but what they dont realize is that lava makes a non "safe" place to be teleported at, so when I find these bases all I have to do is get on the roof, do /spawn and then use the command /back, since the game/server considers that it can not teleport me there because it isnt "safe" then it procedes to teleport me to the nearest "safe" place which is inside the base.

Now having an idea of how it works you can realize that you can defend against it. What you have to do is create such "safe" place on all sides of your base in such a way that the player thats teleported there cant have access to the base either by cegging or repeting the tpglitch.

It would be interesting if a master of this tpglitch, a Staff member or even Mr. Peeper could give us a more deep explanation on how it works and the mechanics of it since from my tests I cant conclude if the game looks for this "safe" space first verticaly, horizontaly or if it has a preference for north, south, east or west.

Mr. Peeper fails to explain why tpglitching is glitching, it could be considerated tho as an exploitation of a game feature or the server commands. Tpglitching doesnt fall into his definition as its not a malfunction, its supposed to work like that and teleport you to a "safe" space. This tpglitch is defendable and a legit way of raiding as for the rules allow it. I wont comment on the Wither becase your reasoning is just laughable, as for the shop I agree, it could be improved and it should have the new 1.8 blocks like andesite, diorite and whatever the ocean temple blocks are called.
The pluging that Mr. Peeper propose doesnt even stop tpglitch, it prevents other glitches such as the horse and epearl, the only way I know of to stop it is not allowing certain teleportations (tpa, tpahere and back) and sethome commands on a neutral or enemy faction territory, but thats a story for another time.

Note to Staff:

Peeper has made similar threads like this:
http://pika-network.net/threads/this-should-probs-be-on-suggestions-but-i-know-im-gunna-rant.4180 (no longer available)
He threatens to keep doing it untill he gets his candy, it should be considerated as spam now.

Mr. PEEPER is wrong and just whines.


Feb 26, 2016
On another server i was on you cant tpglitch as it will always teleport you to the same place(even if its not safe like lava).


Epic Pika
Feb 27, 2016

Due to personal attacks and this thread going no where. Make another thread and conduct yourselves accordingly.
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