You need to remember, staff don't apply to be ban machines. They apply to help while they play, which can involve banning hackers, yes.
Everyone is a volunteer, and they are treated as such. We do not force people to go to a server since no one is paid to do anything, so we don't have a right to go and tell people where they have to be and how long.
Because of these reasons, many staff play and moderate servers they play on only.
The shortage of staff on Galaxtic is purely because not many people apply to become staff from that server. This may be due to it being fairly new compared to others.
I've honestly tried encourage other people from Galaxtic to apply but no-one has got back to me.
It's really up to a member of the Galaxtic community to stand-up and be willing to help their server out. The same way I did for OpFactions and many other staff have done.
Sure, a staff can come every so often to have a look around, but since there's no actual PvP warp, all I end up doing is walking around many vacant areas trying to find someone fighting to see if they hack. Sometimes I spend 30 minutes and no one has screamed hacks in chat nor can i find anyone fighting.
The best solution is what I said previously, someone who is active on Galaxtic to apply so they can passively moderate the server while they play normally on an alternative account. You will not lose any donator ranks. Please help encourage people to apply. We consider all applicants.