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Every Strategy or Bug(Feature) you can/should abuse in survival (NOT CLICKBAIT!!!)


Epic Pika
Aug 15, 2021
Hello, my fellow Pika players.
In this thread, I will tell you about the smart strategies and other methods that you can abuse the sht out for easy money and rewards.

If you want to know how to operate or do certain things mentioned in this thread you can check out this thread by Minecraft_Neck - https://pika-network.net/threads/survival-economics-updated-to-2022s-season.116404/.

Player Shops-

These will make great sales at the start of the season as people are grinding and many who don't like to do some "resource gathering" will seek to buy it from shops.
But the content of your shops will be common and fetch a good price early on.

Pro Tip->
  • Selling something that isn't common in any other shop or the auction house is a guaranteed success.
  • For example = Enchantment book cannot be added in shops and sometimes the books you want aren't available on the ah too. So, I made a Redstone contraption that makes it possible to sell E-books through a system just like player shops and it makes around 30k daily.
  • Overpricing will not work in shops as players can see the prices of every other shop selling the same item and will choose one with the lowest price of all.

Auction House-

Auctions are an alternative way to buy and sell items compared to player shops, you're able to list multiple items at once. The biggest difference is that you're able to directly buy items at a premium, or start a bidding war.

Pro Tip->
  • Take Overpricing to its utmost limits. A single emerald block can sell for as much as 5k and a stack of enchanted gaps for 200k.
  • It may take days but you can sell items for extreme prices here.
  • If you ever see an item for cheap on ah that you think can be sold for much more, immediately buy it and resell it for an extreme price.


Black Market-

The black market is a server-controlled shop NPC, he will buy three different items, and these items change every 24 hours.
Currently, this is one of the best ways to earn money, iron farms and gold farms are currently very powerful. You can literally make millions in just a single day from them

Pro Tip->
  • The design of your farm will severely affect how much money you make, traditional farms from youtube and other vanilla servers will prove to be almost futile.
  • So, understand all the server mechanics and use them to make the ultimate farm tailored solely for this server.


Player Levels & Voting Crates

  • Player levels are completable objectives that get harder but give better rewards as you go on.
  • Voting for the server gives you a "voting crate key" which can be helpful in getting some decent items as you can vote 6 times daily.

It is very likely that you already knew about the above-mentioned things, But now let us talk about strategies that only a few players know about.

Villager Trading Halls-
  • I know that many of you would have their own private Trading halls and Raid Farms from which you can get trade emeralds for valuable items with the villagers.
  • But did you know that if you make the killing platform just in range of the villager which is usually down below you can get the Hero Of the village effect just by spawning the raid even if the raiders are still alive?
  • This may seem like a pretty useless bug or FEATURE to many people but if you spawn a raid with bad omen 5 you can immediately get the effect "Hero of the Village - 5" for 30 mins.
  • While trading with that effect all the villagers will give a pretty heavy discount on all their trades, Usually you can get around 3x More stuff than just normally trading without the effect.
Buying stuff early season-
  • This may not be as fancy as the first one but instead of saving money early season, you should buy stuff for rock bottom prices.
  • As players do not have much money after the season resets, The sellers of certain items are forced to keep their prices cheap
  • For Eg- I had almost a double chest full of Netherite Ingots which I bought for around 300$ at the start of the season now each one can be sold easily for about 2k on the auction house.
Playing with your friends-
  • This is a really simple thing most fail to realize, having a team/group of friends that you work and grind together with will really make your life easy and exponentially decrease the time and resources you will need for your builds and almost every other thing.
  • (Thanks to all of my friends XD)


Thanks for reading this thread if you have any doubts feel free to leave a reply or message me on discord - Mystique#6698. I will try my best to reply to everyone
If you are random and thinking about if I will be your friend? - View: https://imgur.com/a/x6fEtzB


Great Reporter
Feb 12, 2022
Wow, the strategies are awesome, espescially about overpricing in the auction house, like, i have never thought of it until now as i just thought overpricing wont make your items getting sold, so i usually sell items with low prices and losing a lot of potential profits.
Oh, and about "Buying stuffs early this season", i would suggest that you should only buy some items whose prices might go up in the season (Such as minerals). As some items get more common and the prices slowly went down when the season progress (Such as the safarinet), in that case, selling them early is better.


Pika Lover
Mar 19, 2022
thx for the hints
and I am interested in seeing the red stone book seller i thought of it but did not get to make it


Epic Pika
Aug 24, 2021
Helpful. LMAO the filter sucks so bad tell if you found this msg out..


Epic Pika
Aug 15, 2021
One more thing survival is so broken.
so do you guys think it should be resetted


Great Reporter
Feb 12, 2022
One more thing survival is so broken.
so do you guys think it should be resetted
Yes, very yes, a lot of features are currently being missing (like pets), there are also a ton of bugs with villagers and now, even the playershops are down.