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EVENT: Winners Choice Giveaway


Pika Lover
Feb 9, 2020
Hi everyone its time for my next official event for this season. This event is going to be much more simple than my last event and its going to be luck based. For everyone who wanted a skill based event I am planning on doing a very large skill based event soon but its going to take a lot of work and time to set it up.

The winner of this event will get to choose their prize. The choices are a Seasonal Wizard Rank or a Permanent Miner Gkit. The 2nd prize is going to be 500k in cash. Im not sure what the prize will be for 3rd place but if anyone wants to donate some stuff for the 3rd place prize that would be appreciated.

This is a mystery chest event. You will enter a claim one at a time and you will be allowed to choose one chest within the claim. Each chest will have a numbered note. There will be 3 winning notes. One of them for 1st place, another for 2nd, and the last one for 3rd.

The event will be Saturday May 4th and the time will be 10 am Pacific Standard Time.

You must read and follow ALL the rules or you will not be able to participate in this event.


1. You must be a main to play in this event, alts are not allowed. If I dont recognize you as a main account you will not be allowed to enter the event.

2. You must sign up for this event ahead of time, you can do that by responding to this post with your IGN or you can message me in game. If you dont sign up for the event before saturday you wont be able to play in it.

3. Each player will get 2 minutes to run through the special event area and choose one chest. When you have chosen your chest you can remove the numbered note from it. When all the players have chosen their note I will reveal the winners.

4. If you try to do anything other than choose a chest and remove your note, you will be banned from the event and every event for the rest of this season.

5. You can open the chests and look in the chest, but you can only remove one note. Remember you only have 2 minutes to make your choice.

6. There is no way of knowing what chest holds the winning note. It is completely random and only I will know the winning chests.

7. If you have any questions about this event you can ask here by replying to this post or you can ask me in game.


Rare Pika
Dec 27, 2023
i will donate 250k for the 3rd place (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧


Great Reporter
Feb 22, 2023
Ign: GamingSankalpYt
(This message is to bypass the minimum message requirement)


Ultimate Legendary Pika
Oct 29, 2022
@anyname Add a ticket price like ticket for 5k(change as per ur needs) to enter the event. And use all money from tickets for 3rd price. Also I want participate, you know my ign c'mon ;)


Apr 10, 2023
Hi everyone its time for my next official event for this season. This event is going to be much more simple than my last event and its going to be luck based. For everyone who wanted a skill based event I am planning on doing a very large skill based event soon but its going to take a lot of work and time to set it up.

The winner of this event will get to choose their prize. The choices are a Seasonal Wizard Rank or a Permanent Miner Gkit. The 2nd prize is going to be 500k in cash. Im not sure what the prize will be for 3rd place but if anyone wants to donate some stuff for the 3rd place prize that would be appreciated.

This is a mystery chest event. You will enter a claim one at a time and you will be allowed to choose one chest within the claim. Each chest will have a numbered note. There will be 3 winning notes. One of them for 1st place, another for 2nd, and the last one for 3rd.

The event will be Saturday May 4th and the time will be 10 am Pacific Standard Time.

You must read and follow ALL the rules or you will not be able to participate in this event.


1. You must be a main to play in this event, alts are not allowed. If I dont recognize you as a main account you will not be allowed to enter the event.

2. You must sign up for this event ahead of time, you can do that by responding to this post with your IGN or you can message me in game. If you dont sign up for the event before saturday you wont be able to play in it.

3. Each player will get 2 minutes to run through the special event area and choose one chest. When you have chosen your chest you can remove the numbered note from it. When all the players have chosen their note I will reveal the winners.

4. If you try to do anything other than choose a chest and remove your note, you will be banned from the event and every event for the rest of this season.

5. You can open the chests and look in the chest, but you can only remove one note. Remember you only have 2 minutes to make your choice.

6. There is no way of knowing what chest holds the winning note. It is completely random and only I will know the winning chests.

7. If you have any questions about this event you can ask here by replying to this post or you can ask me in game.
Anyname i would love to join this event
IGN - loloboi9694