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EVENT: Player Head Contest


Pika Lover
Feb 9, 2020
Hi everyone its time for my next official event for this season. This is a best player head event. Each player can turn in a maximum of 3 heads and I will judge them based on the skin and choose winners. You MUST read and understand all the rules to play in this event. Good luck to everyone.

1st Prize: Perm Warlock Voucher
2nd Prize: 1m cash
3rd Prize: P5U5 Set + lvl skip voucher

Every person who participates and doesnt win a prize will win 25k cash.


1. Each player can turn in a maximum of 3 heads using /gift anyname. Put each head on an anvil and change the name of each head to YOUR IGN so I know who you are. If your heads dont have your IGN on them then I wont know who they are from.

2. Heads will be judged on how they look and not the name of who they belonged to or who cut them. Only the skin of the head will be judged and nothing else. There are multiple categories you can try and win with. You can go for scariest head, funniest head, cutest/prettiest head, best looking or coolest looking head or any combination of these.

3. You must be a main account. If you are an alt or I dont recognize your IGN I can choose to not let you enter the event. Dont try to join the event on alts because I wont allow it.

4. The event will end and be judged on Sunday September 1st so you must turn in your heads by that date.

Good luck to everyone and if you have any questions you can post them here or ask me in game. Dont ask any questions that are already in the rules or I will just tell you to go read the rules.
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Sep 8, 2024
Anyname bro I can't get it into survival it saw me timed out everytime when I connect even after changing my network connection tell me why??