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Didn't know these were allowed...

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Jun 9, 2020
People wanted my answer but I am not going to reply to everything you said.

First - Thank you for coming and posting lies about me and my actions.
These things are not unacceptable just not a nice thing to do but you know, we decide for ourselves.
Second - All of the threads referring to SkyBlock (OP + Classic) I am not going to even try and explain.
You have 0 knowledge about what happened inside, how are we getting our cash (grinding millions of mobs 24/7 while your island focuses on PvP etc.) and methods that you are not aware about.

Making a public post for me abusing my powers is a shame, not sure if you have checked the staff team lately but abusers get demoted. As you can see I've done nothing close to it. Unless I wouldn't be staff anymore.

I've seen you complaining about me (or others) "ignoring" rule breakers (in chat) and I guess that you are not aware of what being a staff member is.
We have so much to focus on, if it is the main chat, island chats, anti cheat, discord pings and people who need help, forums threads and much more as I said above, that you are not aware of it. So yeah, we miss sometimes and sometimes a lot but it is never in purpse. This is why we have the report section so others can help us too. We are a community.

Also, if I am talking about the community.
You said - " I was also insided on the other skyblock game mode (Classic Skyblock) and I didn't get anything in return because I am not a relevant player to this community." which you are super wrong about.
Before I was a staff member, we got insided like 3 - 4 times on OPSkyBlock (saaiber was the leader) and we got everything back because the owners are fair at the end of the day.

The faction Lunatic and many more got insided / hacked and got everything back without having staff in their team (back then, not sure about now).

All of them got their stuff back by writing the owners a simple direct message or writing a thread here - https://pika-network.net/forums/help-support.173/ .

You have mentioned us not punishing the hacked player for griefing. Do you really expect us to punish him even though he did nothing?
The player didn't do anything except sleeping while his account was controlled by someone else? A good staff member wouldn't punish him and understand the issue that was occurring. Seems like you didn't and that's fine, you are not fully aware of the details but don't roast people without looking at the full picture.

"Another odd thing. Player gets caught with illegal modifications such as Macro, yet he is still not disqualified. Wonder why?" - This is the owners' decision. Not 100% sure how this works but pretty sure that we punish the player and not disqualify the whole island that might wasn't aware of the member using illegal modifications. And yes, it DOES make sense that you got disqualified for having an alt island because it is specificly written here - https://pika-network.net/opskyblock-reset/ . Like legit - "Having multiple islands with alt accounts is not allowed This will disqualify the island from the competition.".

- "YOU get permanently muted and that allows you to spam/flood in public chat with silly items."
That is not an option. If you mean on PvP when you kill someone and the name of the item is too long then it is allowed. Nothing we or you can do about it.

- "We had the case of a player EXPOSING HIMSELF aka admitting to using illegal modifications and clients. Guess what our beloved Staff member did, nothing."
Admitting to hacks is not a rule anymore, this is because a lot of them were just joking around etc.
If you see that same person hacking you should do a favor for yourself and the rest of the community and report him / alert another staff member if the one in the lobby is not responding. As I have mentioned, that can happen and a lot.

Well. I did not go through all of that because the rest is nonsense. I do not want to take a part of this without you basing your statements with normal evidence and report it to our staff manager. Not making a public thread that comes and harasses me with lies.

Thanks, have a nice day.
Oh god. Good speech


Dec 29, 2018
If you felt staff is not doing their job well, you may dm the manager Frank#3779. And if you have more proof of his teammate "rule breaking" please first specify what rules he has broken, and make a player report here-> https://pika-network.net/forums/player-reports.150/

Admitting to hacks or admit to use any disallow modification is not punishable. There is a list of rules, please review it. https://pika-network.net/rules/

explain how can you know that he didn't bother punish them? have you check ban list? or that may be it is just his first offence which only is a warning, not mute?

so you said you are following the rules, but you got muted? what rules are you following? Jartex's one?

again, if you find any evidence of them using glitch to earn money, or do anything to suddenly obtain money which is illegal, make a player report https://pika-network.net/forums/player-reports.150/

no staff member is responsible to check these thread, they only have responsibility to check these -> https://prnt.sc/v6bfrf

it will never work, they won't help you to handle some rule-breakers in a server, especially they are owning 2 server.

you will get gift card/ payout if you are top 3, or you done sth good, or sth noticeable for the owner then you may get it. There is no way that the owner will give sb gift.

just need to say that. Both offended the rule, but one has money to pay for a unban, but one don't have. Make sence

wdym nothing, do you know that every day there is a tons of hacker got permanent ban, and you are just using a specify case to talk about the whole server?

again, have you check ban list? how you know he didn't got muted? if you have any discontent of staff then report to the manager with valid proof.

sry i don't really understand.

1 Day IP-Mute

3 Days IP-Mute

1 Week IP-Mute

3 Weeks IP-Mute

Permanent IP-Mute
^^ copied from the rule list

staff team consist of voluntary member.

That is what i know about the server, and just my perspective and opinion, you may disagree it, but most of them is true.
Thanks btw! <3.


Great Reporter
Aug 22, 2019
People wanted my answer but I am not going to reply to everything you said.

First - Thank you for coming and posting lies about me and my actions.
These things are not unacceptable just not a nice thing to do but you know, we decide for ourselves.
Second - All of the threads referring to SkyBlock (OP + Classic) I am not going to even try and explain.
You have 0 knowledge about what happened inside, how are we getting our cash (grinding millions of mobs 24/7 while your island focuses on PvP etc.) and methods that you are not aware about.

Making a public post for me abusing my powers is a shame, not sure if you have checked the staff team lately but abusers get demoted. As you can see I've done nothing close to it. Unless I wouldn't be staff anymore.

I've seen you complaining about me (or others) "ignoring" rule breakers (in chat) and I guess that you are not aware of what being a staff member is.
We have so much to focus on, if it is the main chat, island chats, anti cheat, discord pings and people who need help, forums threads and much more as I said above, that you are not aware of it. So yeah, we miss sometimes and sometimes a lot but it is never in purpse. This is why we have the report section so others can help us too. We are a community.

Also, if I am talking about the community.
You said - " I was also insided on the other skyblock game mode (Classic Skyblock) and I didn't get anything in return because I am not a relevant player to this community." which you are super wrong about.
Before I was a staff member, we got insided like 3 - 4 times on OPSkyBlock (saaiber was the leader) and we got everything back because the owners are fair at the end of the day.

The faction Lunatic and many more got insided / hacked and got everything back without having staff in their team (back then, not sure about now).

All of them got their stuff back by writing the owners a simple direct message or writing a thread here - https://pika-network.net/forums/help-support.173/ .

You have mentioned us not punishing the hacked player for griefing. Do you really expect us to punish him even though he did nothing?
The player didn't do anything except sleeping while his account was controlled by someone else? A good staff member wouldn't punish him and understand the issue that was occurring. Seems like you didn't and that's fine, you are not fully aware of the details but don't roast people without looking at the full picture.

"Another odd thing. Player gets caught with illegal modifications such as Macro, yet he is still not disqualified. Wonder why?" - This is the owners' decision. Not 100% sure how this works but pretty sure that we punish the player and not disqualify the whole island that might wasn't aware of the member using illegal modifications. And yes, it DOES make sense that you got disqualified for having an alt island because it is specificly written here - https://pika-network.net/opskyblock-reset/ . Like legit - "Having multiple islands with alt accounts is not allowed This will disqualify the island from the competition.".

- "YOU get permanently muted and that allows you to spam/flood in public chat with silly items."
That is not an option. If you mean on PvP when you kill someone and the name of the item is too long then it is allowed. Nothing we or you can do about it.

- "We had the case of a player EXPOSING HIMSELF aka admitting to using illegal modifications and clients. Guess what our beloved Staff member did, nothing."
Admitting to hacks is not a rule anymore, this is because a lot of them were just joking around etc.
If you see that same person hacking you should do a favor for yourself and the rest of the community and report him / alert another staff member if the one in the lobby is not responding. As I have mentioned, that can happen and a lot.

Well. I did not go through all of that because the rest is nonsense. I do not want to take a part of this without you basing your statements with normal evidence and report it to our staff manager. Not making a public thread that comes and harasses me with lies.

Thanks, have a nice day.
dam... nicee


The Pika
May 16, 2019
First of all I wanna say thanks for being dum and obvious af all of the mentioned below.
Im gonna start with Staff not doing their job properly, and by Staff I will point finger at StoPizza who earlier today ignored so many rule breakings in-game. Those rule breaks were from members he is "teaming" with, not officially but team is team. We had the case of a player EXPOSING HIMSELF aka admitting to using illegal modifications and clients. Guess what our beloved Staff member did, nothing. Other case was players spamming and cursing in public chat, which the Staff member didn't bother punishing them. I know I'm taking a huge swing over here but I really would like justice for all of us who are just following rules. Couldn't complain on this topic in-game because I was muted for saying sum stuff, so guess what Imma make a thread cuz why not. Other weird thing I noticed was some players balance increasing to really weird numbers. Island with value 4t makes almost the same amount in just 1 day, less than 1 day grinding. Weird isn't it?? I'm not pointing anything YET cuz let's just say my arguments are not "strong enough" I would like to ask owners and whoever is responsible to take a quick look at this thread. I don't even mind if it gets locked, just you know investigate the case, since reporting to owners does not work. Other odd thing... I didn't know if you get insided that owners give you gifts. That's funny because I was also insided on the other skyblock game mode (Classic Skyblock) and I didn't get anything in return because I am not a relevant player to this community aka I do not contribute enough and I am not KNOWN enough. And the correct term for the situation that happened is Griefing and not Insiding lmao. As I remember that's punishable with 1 week ip-ban for first offence, even tho the account was "hacked". Yea you might think I am just talking sht and trying to put islands down. Matter of fact I am trying to bring island down so it's fair for the rest of us competing. Another odd thing. Player gets caught with illegal modifications such as Macro, yet he is still not disqualified. Wonder why?? He bought unban aka makes him back in the game. WHILE other island got disqualified because they "had" alt islands. Makes sense?? I think not. So this is what I learned about Pika so far. You abuse powers in front pf players = nothing. You hack and get banned = nothing. You "use" alt islands = disqualification. Interesting. BTW I also remember boosting (splitting value to win payout) is NOT allowed and yet some "big ballers" do it and YET another time owners can't bother checking stuff out. Players are exposed in front of staff members and guess what happens...nothing. Many times a player has been exposed for mute evading and legit Staff members know about it and yet they don't feel like muting it again. But okay I guess some rules can be bended and turned into things "no1 sees". Another thing, almost forgot about this one, YOU get permanent muted and that allows you to spam/flood in public chat with silly items. I really need owners to think about their rules and the gaps between them. Also should reconsider who is their staff team and how they hire them.
Thank you for your time :)
U shld probably work on your english a bit sorry


Sep 22, 2020
First of all I wanna say thanks for being dum and obvious af all of the mentioned below.
Im gonna start with Staff not doing their job properly, and by Staff I will point finger at StoPizza who earlier today ignored so many rule breakings in-game. Those rule breaks were from members he is "teaming" with, not officially but team is team. We had the case of a player EXPOSING HIMSELF aka admitting to using illegal modifications and clients. Guess what our beloved Staff member did, nothing. Other case was players spamming and cursing in public chat, which the Staff member didn't bother punishing them. I know I'm taking a huge swing over here but I really would like justice for all of us who are just following rules. Couldn't complain on this topic in-game because I was muted for saying sum stuff, so guess what Imma make a thread cuz why not. Other weird thing I noticed was some players balance increasing to really weird numbers. Island with value 4t makes almost the same amount in just 1 day, less than 1 day grinding. Weird isn't it?? I'm not pointing anything YET cuz let's just say my arguments are not "strong enough" I would like to ask owners and whoever is responsible to take a quick look at this thread. I don't even mind if it gets locked, just you know investigate the case, since reporting to owners does not work. Other odd thing... I didn't know if you get insided that owners give you gifts. That's funny because I was also insided on the other skyblock game mode (Classic Skyblock) and I didn't get anything in return because I am not a relevant player to this community aka I do not contribute enough and I am not KNOWN enough. And the correct term for the situation that happened is Griefing and not Insiding lmao. As I remember that's punishable with 1 week ip-ban for first offence, even tho the account was "hacked". Yea you might think I am just talking sht and trying to put islands down. Matter of fact I am trying to bring island down so it's fair for the rest of us competing. Another odd thing. Player gets caught with illegal modifications such as Macro, yet he is still not disqualified. Wonder why?? He bought unban aka makes him back in the game. WHILE other island got disqualified because they "had" alt islands. Makes sense?? I think not. So this is what I learned about Pika so far. You abuse powers in front pf players = nothing. You hack and get banned = nothing. You "use" alt islands = disqualification. Interesting. BTW I also remember boosting (splitting value to win payout) is NOT allowed and yet some "big ballers" do it and YET another time owners can't bother checking stuff out. Players are exposed in front of staff members and guess what happens...nothing. Many times a player has been exposed for mute evading and legit Staff members know about it and yet they don't feel like muting it again. But okay I guess some rules can be bended and turned into things "no1 sees". Another thing, almost forgot about this one, YOU get permanent muted and that allows you to spam/flood in public chat with silly items. I really need owners to think about their rules and the gaps between them. Also should reconsider who is their staff team and how they hire them.
Thank you for your time :)
Lmao, let's get real here guys. As if the owners give a damn about sht here. They just want to make money off kids(lmao ranks). Almost everything in this place is stolen (Maps, Concepts etc.) I mean, Admins, Moderators and Staffs don't even know how to code yet they got that position? lmao, I guess these guys don't even get paid, it's just for the sake of the name and these owners be casually making profit off these kids who think they got 'em "power" to control the server, lmao. Also, just to give my side with these things, I remember last time, that 2D rollback. Have you guys even really fixed it? lmao, I bought these "64x Black Scrolls" from auction house for like only 10M. lmao, how are you gonna explain that? Getting 1 black scroll is already hard because you can only get it from supply crates and there's no guarantee of even getting one. Also, the supply crates only happens once in an hour, sometimes it even bugs out and says it ended, but who cares, my point here is. HOW THE HELL DID SOMEONE GET 64x BLACK SCROLLS WITHOUT DUPING? lmao, well obviously they duped. Nothing more, nothing less. I bet ther're still countless DUPERs' out there (also I noticed lately that there've been a lot of island members upgrade cake which totally doesn't make sense as to where it came from, 'cause they ain't in the crates bruh, I bought 3 of those cakes for cheap) but I don't really care tbh. I just wanted to show my point that nothing in this server really matters tbh, just enjoy the game, don't give a fk about competitions. ONLY THE OWNERS BENEFIT FROM IT LMAO. Kids be spending money from their parents like nothing. Blowing off a $100 for a SKYKING RANK. Lmao, I bet they make so much annually given that they don't even upgrade their systems and servers. I don't know who ever introduced this RESETTING OF SERVERS but they're a GENIUS! Genius in a way that they can just reset the darn server once in a while and won't even need to upgrade a single damn thing 'cause like why would you need to when all of the data are basically gone? Who needs EXTRA DRIVE SPACE? no one. I don't know how much you OWNERS are making out of this SerVEr that you supposedly made (lmao mAdE). But I don't have any business nor rights on asking you to stop. I don't have the patent for minecraft, I can't just shut off all these fake and cracked sht and file a lawsuit against you guys. I bet you guys already made Millions of $$$ since the release of this server (Well, technically not just this because you guys AlsO oWn Jaartex right?). Lmao, well tbh I'm quite impressed how you guys make easy money off kids but I swear, if you're gonna do this, then atleast make it ENJOYABLE. fRicking upGrade the Servers man. they're sht. HIRE A FKING PROGRAMMER PLEASE FFS OR REPLACE THESE DARN KIDS OF A STAFF FOR REAL LIFE DEVELOPERS. You guys are capable of that! fricking stupid, just how much do you love your MONEY that you can't even spare a small amount to pay for these essentials? Lmao, this server be the most corrupt one I've ever seen.
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Great Reporter
Jul 1, 2019
Lmao, let's get real here guys. As if the owners give a damn about sht here. They just want to make money off kids(lmao ranks). Almost everything in this place is stolen (Maps, Concepts etc.) I mean, Admins, Moderators and Staffs don't even know how to code yet they got that position? lmao, I guess these guys don't even get paid, it's just for the sake of the name and these owners be casually making profit off these kids who think they got 'em "power" to control the server, lmao. Also, just to give my side with these things, I remember last time, that 2D rollback. Have you guys even really fixed it? lmao, I bought these "64x Black Scrolls" from item shop for like only 10M. lmao, how are you gonna explain that? Getting 1 black scroll is already hard because you can only get it from crates and there's no guarantee of even getting one. Also, the crates only happens once in an hour, sometimes it even bugs out and says it ended, but who cares, my point here is. HOW THE HELL DID SOMEONE GET 64x BLACK SCROLLS WITHOUT DUPING? lmao, well obviously they duped. Nothing more, nothing less. I bet ther're still countless DUPERs' out there but I don't really care tbh. I just wanted to show my point that nothing in this server really matters tbh, just enjoy the game, don't give a fk about competitions. ONLY THE OWNERS BENEFIT FROM IT LMAO. Kids be spending money from their parents like nothing. Blowing off a $100 for a stupid ASS SKYKING RANK. Lmao, I bet they make so much annually given that they don't even upgrade their systems and servers. I don't know who ever introduced this RESETTING OF SERVERS but they're a GENIUS! Genius in a way that they can just reset the darn server once in a while and won't even need to upgrade a single damn thing 'cause like why would you need to when all of the data are basically gone? Who needs EXTRA DRIVE SPACE? no one. I don't know how much you OWNERS are making out of this SerVEr that you supposedly made (lmao mAdE). But I don't have any business nor rights on asking you to stop. I don't have the patent for minecraft, I can't just shut off all these fake and cracked sht and file a lawsuit against you guys. I bet you guys already made Millions of $$$ since the release of this server (Well, technically not just this because you guys AlsO oWn Jaartex right?). Lmao, well tbh I'm quite impressed how you guys make easy money off kids but I swear, if you're gonna do this, then atleast make it ENJOYABLE. fRicking upGrade the Servers man. they're sht. HIRE A FKING PROGRAMMER PLEASE FFS OR REPLACE THESE DARN KIDS OF A STAFF FOR REAL LIFE DEVELOPERS. You guys are capable of that! fricking stupid, just how much do you love your MONEY that you can't even spare a small amount to pay for these essentials? Lmao, this server be the most corrupt one I've ever seen.
i didn't and won't read it all but all i want to know is...

how long did it take you to write this


Great Reporter
Aug 22, 2019
i won't reply these related comment anymore, as i reply those msg will just get ignored, and getting unlike


Great Reporter
Aug 22, 2019
and there is no use to write it as no one will actually sees it, and listen
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