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Denied OP SkyBlock Cuztomizable "Premium" Tags

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Pika Lover
Nov 27, 2021

Cuztomizable "Premium" Tags

Detailed description:
Suggestion made for OP Skyblock, but can also be implented in other modes.

Tags currently have a fixed look, with the same colors and effects for everyone. I think it would be cool if there was an opportunity to customize tags more. I understand that fully custom tags, that can totally be created from scratch, won't be added since this would make tags an one-time-purchase and this would make existing tags useless.

An option I see as a possibilty is to make the color of tags customizable. The name and effects of the tag will be fixed and can't be changed, only the color. This way it can be more customized to your own style.

This can be done in the form of "premium" tags. The current "normal" tags cost 350 Pika Gold. When a normal tag is bought, the color can't be changed. These will stay like they are now. "Premium" tags can be bought for an increased price, for example 1000 Pika Gold (can be other price ofcourse). These will be the same as "normal" tags, only difference being that you can change the color. (See example for a more clear explanation.)

Cuztomization is a monetizable non-P2W option that most (if not all) people like. With the introduction of the SkyMaster rank, you can almost fully cuztomize your chat appearance. You can make you rank, nickname, and chatcolor all the same colorstyle. But with tags your limited in this way. If you want it to be the same color, most of the time you can only choose from 1-2 tags, which might have words you don't really like. I think my suggestion will solve this, and give players an even better way to cuztomize their chat appearance. (See example for a more clear explanation.)

The millionaire tag is currently yellow. [&e&l Millionaire] The "normal" tag will stay like this. When the "Premium" millionaire tag is bought, it will be the same by default. But you have the option to change it's color. (With a command, like /tagcolor). Then you can choose a color which the tag will be. Example: [&c&lMillionaire], to make it red. The effect (none in this case) will stay the same. Some tag have multiple colors, when these are cuztomized they will be 1 color (or you can choose 2 colors, but I.d.k. if this is possible?). With a command like /tagreset you can change your taglook back to default.
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The Pika
Apr 10, 2020
Hello Solonious3568,

Thank you for your interest in creating a suggestion to improve the server. We are always doing our best to make the server a better place for everyone.
However, we have eventually decided to deny your suggestion due to the following reason(s):
  • Not going to happen soon.
For your reference, here is a link to our suggestion guidelines → PikaNetwork Suggestion Guidelines.
Please make sure to read and understand them before suggesting again.

We also advise you to use our Thread Search Feature to look for (similar) already made suggestions and upvote them instead.
Have fun playing on PikaNetwork!
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