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SkyMines Class Voucher


Ultimate Legendary Pika
Jul 5, 2021
Minecraft username:

Class Voucher​

Detailed description:
Skymines is a mode where players open keys too often to get better gear / items from it to gain advantage over other players
Introduction to keys class
Keys class is very simple and almost everymode on the network has it
How does it work
5 Voting keys
3 Resource Keys
1 Skin Key

This class as other classes can be a weekly basis

The cost of this class could 2000 pika gold​

The reasons many players do level to gain keys and sometimes they need few more and keys class can full fill that urge of opening more keys and gain an extra reward from them

Additionally i would like tk inform
I know a similar suggestion was suggested before and it was denied

That suggestion was made for the older version of the game when there used to be 4 key crates vote epic unique and godly, additionally that suggestion also had a feature of upgradable classes which was also denied by devs
