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Change Suggestions To New Seaon Of Survival

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Mar 11, 2016
Hello, my name is Sander,(Emminence) 17 years old.
i've been playing on the servival server of pika-network since 2013 and donator since 2015.
Im realy proud to say i've been here since the beginning and that i'll be here for a long time to come.
Through the years the owners of pika-network have added and removed features to and from survival , like auction, or balance. I've gathered some ideas over the course of a few months to make survival more fun and/or more unique.

Mob Changes:
since the name of the gamemode is "survival" it would be more apropiate that mobs would be more dangerous because as how it is now you don't realy have to wory too too much about dying.

-Give zombies a strenght/speed buff.
-Give skeletons a better bow (power 1/2)
-Give creepers a speed buff.
- Etc.

Rank Changes:
as a Warlock rank ($50) you have allot of commands: /feed, /fly, /hat, /kit (donator, donatortools, building, tools) , and 10 homes.
but the Alchemist rank ($80) doesn't add allot more, it only adds: /near , /kit alchemist (some potions) and 5 more homes, while these things are good and all it kinda overwelming since you pay $30 to get them (if your a warlock rank).

So i've also thought about some changes to the commands of ranks.

-Add /nv (nightvission) to warlock or alchemist rank.
-Add /kit redstone (some repeaters, dropper Etc.) to alchemist rank.
-Enable the &k and &l comands in nick for warlock and alchemist ranks so they can have moving things and bold letters in their names.
-Add /kit donator+ to warlock or alchemist rank (15-30 blocks of each ore) . (/kit donator gives 5 blocks of each ore which is good, but you get it when you buy a $10 rank, so that kinda makes it underwelming for a $50 or $80 rank)

Vote Changes:
When you look at the vote system of for instance skyblock you will get more things if you vote or if you open crates, the ability to get for instances commands or even spawners in vote-crates makes it more intresting for people to vote.

-Add spawners to the vote-crate.
-Add echanted books to the vote-crate
-Replace the 5 ores price(redstone, lapis, diamond, gold, iron) and replace it with 5 blocks of the corosponding ore.
-Add a change of getting rare items , like A eff5 picks or premium keys if you /vote, "like in prison".


Feb 25, 2016
Mob changes, no. it would remove the purpose of minecraft survival being vanilla.

For donators, I agree that it has less perks but I don't agree what you are suggesting :p &k and &l will spam the chat, /kit redstone might not be useful and adding more blocks to donators is just pay to win. Maybe access to /warp with the certain amount of emeralds?

For votes, I agree except for the spawners. This isn't factions, we don't need placable spawners in survival :p
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