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Denied Global Change rule IllegalModificationsInactive

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Legendary Pika
Nov 25, 2022
Minecraft username:

Change rule IllegalModificationsInactive​

Detailed description:
To start of this suggestion, What does "Illegal Modifications (Inactive)" Mean?
To sum it up in a few words, it means having an application / cheat or any other 3rd party applications in you're pc which haven't / weren't active for a period of time.

Why am I suggesting this?
As we know you can be banned permanently for having any kind of modifications if you are a repeat offender, and we need some of these modifications such as "AutoClicker" to help as play other games such as Roblox, Terraria OR any kind of RPG game. They are allowed in their respective games however it isn't the case for PikaNetwork. Now let's say I was playing an RPG game on Roblox, grind through the game I will require an autoclicker (This isn't the case in certain cases as sometimes the game developer strictly prohibits the use of this but its 95% of the times allowed) and we will download one, after playing the RPG game you decide to play Minecraft and choose the server pikanetwork, and on any other day you maybe frozen for being suspicious and you allow the staff member to go through you're pc for any suspicious activities, he finds that you have an autoclicker installed however not ran but still bans you for having them in you're pc. Now that's just unfair as Minecraft / PIkaNetwork is not the only game / server you play.

To summarize my rant
To play any other RPG game you use autoclicker however when you play pikanetwork you can't always delete and reinstall the modification as it gets annoying and just makes you quit playing pikanetwork to not get banned.

What changes can be there?
1. Remove the rule ( I know this won't be possible)
2. Allow certain modifications that maybe used for other RPG type games to be inactive in you're pc
3. Check for if the modification can be used for the game mode / version the player is on (Such as x-ray for 1.20 installed but the player playing the version 1.8.9)
4. Change the ban to 1 day ONLY (Meaning if anyone has been caught multiple times they will only be banned for 1 day not 7-14-30-perma)
5. This should be disclosed at first that the player has X modification that are inactive and the staff can double check if it is true or not (for the Minecraft session only)

Disclaimer: I am not encouraging breaking the rules, I personally have autoclicker installed in my pc to play other RPG games but that doesn't mean I cheat while playing on the server, however I cannot just reinstall it every other time just because I have to comply with the servers rules, its just annoying and time consuming

To keep it short and simple
1. It's annoying to reinstall the same modification just because I or anyone with the modification wants to play on PikaNetwork
2. Minecraft is not the only game players play
3. Unfair and unethical
4. It has a permanent ban if a player is caught repeatedly
5. It could also be a modification you didn't know you have on you're pc but still get banned (Reason No.2)

Let's say a player X (we'll refer to them by the name "X") was just playing minecraft and on his favourite server PikaNetwork, but suddenly he was frozen and screenshared however the staff member that was screensharing him found he had modifications inactive (lets says autoclicker was found) and proceeds to ban him, now Player X will be mad and furious about such a stupid rule right? and he proceeds to quit the server all together

There are many players such as ToastyClutch, Dyinginside and many more some being my friends banned for a rule like this​


Sr Mod & SS Manager
Staff Member
Sr Mod
Jul 25, 2022
  1. Bare in mind that we do not screenshare players out of the blue

  2. secondly it's pretty obv what a "illegal modification" is.

    3. https://pika-network.net/modifications/ exists for unclear modifications. That stuff like xray, autoclicker or any other cheat is disallowed should be very obvious

    4. it's perfect how it is, if people won't read rules or other guides it's just their fault.


Moderator & SS Manager
Staff Member
Apr 19, 2021
-1 some of the points you made are very bad
1. Autoclicker for roblox is not allowed (You did not read the rules)
2. Terraria is not a skill based game between players its Pve (player versus environment)
It's an illegal modification and that should stay


The Pika
Jun 17, 2021
This is funny, it's like walking into a chess match and complaining about how the knights move without ever reading the rulebook.

Look, rules exist for a reason. They're the backbone of order in any system, whether it's a minecraft server or society at large. Ignoring them and then suggesting changes based on your own convenience? That's not just ignorant, it's downright irresponsible.

What we are seeing here is a lack of personal responsibility. Before you try to change the world around you, make sure you understand it first.


Staff Member
Jul 22, 2020
Hello Bored_exe,

Thank you for your interest in creating a suggestion to improve the server. We are always doing our best to make the server a better place for everyone.
However, we have eventually decided to deny your suggestion due to the following reason(s):
  • We do not want our players to have illegal modifications on their devices, even if they don't actively use them on the server.
  • I recommend you delete that auto-clicker you mentioned or you'll be at risk yourself.
For your reference, here is a link to our suggestion guidelines → PikaNetwork Suggestion Guidelines.
Please make sure to read and understand them before suggesting again.

We also advise you to use our Thread Search Feature to look for (similar) already made suggestions and upvote them instead.
Have fun playing on PikaNetwork!
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