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Denied Practice Better maps in Bed Fight (in Practice)

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Pika Member
Jun 29, 2024
Minecraft username:

Better maps in Bed Fight (in Practice)​

Detailed description:
The current maps in Bed Fight are quite small, leading to fast-paced 1v1s with limited chances for strategy or play. I suggest adding larger maps with a central area between both beds, where both diamond and emerald gens are located on the island. The game could have a 5-minute time limit. This would give players more space to plan and strategize without making the match too long or predictable, providing a better balance for 1v1 practice.​



  1. A larger map would offer more room for players to develop strategies, improving the overall gameplay experience.
  2. The 5-minute time limit would keep the match fast-paced, allowing players to focus on quick and skillful gameplay without dragging on too long.
  3. Adding a central area with diamonds and emeralds would encourage more dynamic play, rather than just rushing straight for the other player’s bed.
  4. A map with more space will help players practice positioning, timing, and strategic planning, which are important for improving in Bedwars.



  1. A larger map would allow players to build defenses, gather resources, and plan attacks without feeling rushed.
  2. With diamonds and emeralds on the island, players will have more incentive to leave their base, creating opportunities for ambushes or resource-based strategies.
  3. The 5-minute timer would make sure the game doesn’t last too long, keeping it exciting while also offering enough time to showcase skill and strategy.


Ultimate Legendary Pika
Sep 27, 2021
I disagree with this suggestion since most of the people like fast-paced games and they treat it as a warm up game before they play the actual game of bedwars.


Pika Member
Jun 29, 2024
"I see where you're coming from, but I think improving and expanding the practice maps in Bed Fight can actually benefit all types of players, even those looking for quick warm-up games. Here’s why:

  1. No Dedicated 1v1 Mode: Currently, there’s no proper 1v1 mode for players to practice duels. Improved maps would help bridge that gap by giving players a place to hone specific skills, like bridging and combat, in a more focused environment.
  2. Map Size and Quality: The current practice maps are quite small and limited, which often prevents players from fully practicing strategies like effective bridging or creative defenses. Larger and better-designed maps can allow for more realistic practice scenarios, making the transition to Bedwars smoother.
  3. Catering to Different Players: While fast-paced games are great, having well-designed practice maps can attract and satisfy players who want to sharpen their skills before jumping into a competitive match. This balance helps the server grow and retain different types of players.
  4. Encourages Player Growth: Better maps can help players improve faster, leading to more competitive and exciting gameplay in Bedwars matches themselves. This benefits everyone, even those who just use practice as a warm-up.


Ultimate Legendary Pika
Sep 27, 2021
"I see where you're coming from, but I think improving and expanding the practice maps in Bed Fight can actually benefit all types of players, even those looking for quick warm-up games. Here’s why:

  1. No Dedicated 1v1 Mode: Currently, there’s no proper 1v1 mode for players to practice duels. Improved maps would help bridge that gap by giving players a place to hone specific skills, like bridging and combat, in a more focused environment.
  2. Map Size and Quality: The current practice maps are quite small and limited, which often prevents players from fully practicing strategies like effective bridging or creative defenses. Larger and better-designed maps can allow for more realistic practice scenarios, making the transition to Bedwars smoother.
  3. Catering to Different Players: While fast-paced games are great, having well-designed practice maps can attract and satisfy players who want to sharpen their skills before jumping into a competitive match. This balance helps the server grow and retain different types of players.
  4. Encourages Player Growth: Better maps can help players improve faster, leading to more competitive and exciting gameplay in Bedwars matches themselves. This benefits everyone, even those who just use practice as a warm-up.
1. How could you say that there's no PROPER 1v1 mode? I get that it's your own opinion but don't expect for other people to think like that as well. No one cares about the maps unless it's in the actual games, they only play practice to either get a good statistics or to warm up.
2. Why do you even need to build such a big bed defense when you're playing solos or doubles? You could just go on another server or just create a world then practice making one if you're trying to do a so called world record on how fast you can make a bed defense.
3. You're not really putting on a good defense with your suggestion huh? There are other games that you can play instead of the bedwars in practice, there you could test your skills a bit more.
4. You really expect people to enjoy maps? Nowadays, players don't even care about the maps that they play on as long as the maps aren't too close to each other. How can you say that having better maps can improve someone's skills? It's not like their gameplay is based on the map that they play in. If they decide to put more maps, it'll be confusing for some and they'd know that it's not the map that they're used to.
Lastly, stop trying to defend your suggestions since I see that no one else really cares about it. You should also stop spamming suggestions that wouldn't be a lot of a game changing experience for most of the people who play in the server.


Staff Member
Jun 27, 2023
Hello faizanxd 👋,

Thank you for your interest in creating a suggestion to improve the server. We are always doing our best to make the server a better place for everyone.
However, we have eventually decided to deny your suggestion due to the following reason(s):
  • Most of your points are not related to the practice gamemode. Diamonds and Emeralds in Bedfight are not a thing, and shouldn't be either. Bigger maps already exist.
For your reference, here is a link to our suggestion guidelines → PikaNetwork Suggestion Guidelines.
Please make sure to read and understand them before suggesting again.

We also advise you to use our Thread Search Feature to look for (similar) already made suggestions and upvote them instead.
Have fun playing on PikaNetwork :yaychu:
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