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Accepted OP Factions [BEST] OPFaction Reset Suggestion

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Jun 10, 2019
Minecraft Username:

[BEST] OPFaction Reset Suggestion

Detailed description:
Lets start by saying that this will make the server playable(its not right now)
1. Increase f shield duration to 12 hours for every faction
- Season lasts for 49 days, previous season you would need to check your base for 16 hours a day and no one has time for
that, this would just make the server experience more enjoyable.

2. Make some kind of alternative to faction strikes(It would be the best if player that is breaking the specific faction strike gets banned as well for 2 days or something like that)
- There is some players that just don't care about faction strikes, they are not competing for faction top.. what is stoping them from raiding you with f shield? Owners would never give a rollback to the faction that got raided by a faction with f shield.

3. Make faction strikes transferable and factions that try to strike evade should get disqualified for the entire season.
- What is the point of strikes if someone can make a new faction, invite their members and claim the base again? There was a faction called "Taliban" last season of OPFactions that collected over 20 faction strikes this way, they just kept breaking the rules and didn't suffer any consequences for their actions.

4. Spawners should load every 24 hours
- This should be added to prevent factions just placing their value before payout and mining it later(to stop SkyBlock on OPFactions)

5. Buff Creepers
- Insanely important for the upcoming season, when my faction breached a ftop2 faction that had trilions placed we spent hours creeper egging the spawners and still didn't manage to take all their value, creepers are EXTREMELY weak.

6. Fix fortified walls.
- Basically when creeper explodes in the same chunk where someone is shooting with a cannon it negates the TNT and doesn't break the wall(Didn't test, someone told me about this one)

. Mining or Creeper egging spawners should be strikeable
- Lets say you are raiding a ftop1, ftop2 faction you spend TNT and a lot of time to finally breach their base, they can just mine the spawners now when you are few chunks off and the entire raid was for nothing.

8. Add patchable gen buckets(That go through water&blocks)
- Patching a base after someone is done attempting you takes too long, you first need to block out all the water and then start patching which just doesn't make sense, enemy faction can setup another cannon on your base while you didn't patch half of the walls that they destroyed because of the dumb gen bucket plugin that we have now on the server.​

All explained.​


Aug 1, 2020
+1 since some players got helpers, nothing can make next map better than last map
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