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Denied Global Ban reducion


Great Reporter
Aug 28, 2024
Minecraft username:

Ban reducion​

Detailed description:
So , my suggestion is :
Add ban reducion , when somebody gets either a 90d ban or permanent ban , it can get reduced, the 90d ban would be from 70 to 60 days ban and the permanent ban would go as a 90d ban. You can appeal after 1 week of your ban (can be more / less) and to get ur ban reducion it means ur truly sorry of what u did or have a good way, the appeal will be looked by moderators + and be judged if they should reduce it and for how much days. If the player does more than 3 ban reducion , then he wont be able to do more reducions, (its 1 reducion per rule break) .​

This would make the pika network community more active again, there are tons of people that are banned for duping in the past and would love to play the server again and they regreted duping / doing things that are bannable, allot of people regret their actions or just didnt know its punishable, so getting a ban reducion would be great.​

For example, i dupe in the server beacuse my friends did to, i didnt know its bannable or something and just did it, then i get hit up with "No unban possible / The ban hammer has spoken" By JustThiemo beacuse i duped, i only duped beacuse i was broke and after some period of time i decide to appeal or dm justthiemo to reduce my ban , the reducion would be 90d and if they will do the same offence again the ban reducion will not be possible.​


Staff Member
Sr Mod
Feb 5, 2022
Hello CatBoyDinos,

Thank you for your interest in creating a suggestion to improve the server. We are always doing our best to make the server a better place for everyone.
However, we have eventually decided to deny your suggestion due to the following reason(s):
  • It is your responsibility to follow the rules, if not you will be punished accordingly. We will not reduce your punishment.
For your reference, here is a link to our suggestion guidelines → PikaNetwork Suggestion Guidelines.
Please make sure to read and understand them before suggesting again.

We also advise you to use our Thread Search Feature to look for (similar) already made suggestions and upvote them instead.
Have fun playing on PikaNetwork!