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Denied Practice Ban laggers/closetters/snipers/skippers


New Member
Jun 15, 2024
Minecraft username:

Ban laggers/closetters/snipers/skippers​

Detailed description:
Ban laggers:

Take a lose against 500 ping kids is so annoying, even if u are good u cant do anything and i know what im speaking about. Like the pvp on the server is already weird so dont make it more garbage.

Ban closetters:
Closet cheating vape user never gets banned even if that is blatant. Instead, staffs want to bans legit before every cheaters.

Ban Snipers:
So i was speaking of that with a friend and he told me that staffs said that it was a part of the game... Since when snipers should be a part of the game ??? Like do u want to get ur ws fked by some noobs being blatantly cheating and not being banned after thousands of days and report ?? This server should really review their rules because they are SO BAD.

Ban skippers:
Those no skill noobs winning by skipping should be banned. Nothing more to say, fighting is the main thing of the game. If you cant fight u dont win thats it.​

Gameplay is annoying​



Pika Lover
Jul 7, 2022
not every can get better ping, server is in france, so doesnt mean people move to a diff country.
second, no1 will ever snipe u if u said sh to them, so thats all wrong, getting good people qued in games doesnt make them snipers
and skippers, bro what do u expect, if u have the bed and no1 is at ur enemys base while they all are at a base say yellow, why will u not skip bro, that just shows ur gamesense. You will obviously go for the bed rather than actually killing them, then go and in the time they will respawn.


Aug 15, 2024
1. People who lag, you are not telling me you never lagged in your entire life, so if someone has lag for 1 day, should they be banned too? It's dumb to ban people who lag especially since they haven't broken any rules and there's no way to check if u lag all the times or it's just a 1 day thing.
2. There's a reason why it's called closet cheating, it's because it's hard to spot, if someone is blatant then record them and report them, staff can't help you if you don't help yourself.
3. Why should sniping be banned? First of all, there's no way to be certain that the queue you had was a snipe or simply coincidence, staff can't ban every good players just because they are toxic and say "railed by...". If staff really did so, the game would die instantly.
4. This is the most stupid one, as the person above me said, it shows your lack of gamesense, bedwars, bridge and any gamemode aren't only games about pvp, they are about strategies and they cover most aspects of 1.8. if it really was just a game of pvp there would be no need for 90% of the items in the shop in bedwars, or there would be no need to have a pickaxe in the bridge

With everything said, there's nothing you can do about any of these even if a lot of people agree, though no one who is good and isn't trolling would agree with your points


Staff Member
Jun 27, 2023
Hello Newhalls 👋,

Thank you for your interest in creating a suggestion to improve the server. We are always doing our best to make the server a better place for everyone.
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  • Not a suggestion. If you see someone break our rules, you can create a report HERE.
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