yes, any rank or rank upgrade bought with iron/gold within /goldshop is permenant, and the rank will be lifetimeHey guys i just wanted to know is Vip rank(Bought with iron) permanent?
Yes it is permanent all the ranks bought from goldshop are permanent except Champion rank which ha a particular time period attached to it for every different purchase.Hey guys i just wanted to know is Vip rank(Bought with iron) permanent?
if u get vip from vote crate its not permenant and it will expire within 3/31 days, but if u bought it using gold/iron from goldshop it will be a lifetime rankIf I bought VIP rank with iron (by voting) it is a plan for 31 days like that? I got 31 days VIP rank from vote crate so if I bought VIP by iron it is not a plan?
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