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Accepted SkyBlock Add sellwands back to crates

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Epic Pika
Sep 6, 2022
Minecraft username:

Add sellwands back to crates​

Detailed description:
I must say, the new season is amazing!
I love how much harder it is to unlock spawners and to complete levels (now known as quests)
However, ive noticed one thing,
The only way to get sell wands are either using your ONCE kit (a one time use) or very occasionaly, in /transfer.

I dont think people understands how much sellwands are needed in this gamemode.
For exalmple,
Last season, i had around 60 thousend double chests going from void, to hight limit - to sell every time my farm had filled up. That meant 60,000 uses of sellwands. But that was okay, as with crate keys last season, there would be:
1000x Sellwand
1500x Sellwand
2500x Sellwand
5000x sellwand
all available in the crates using crate keys.

Now, with this season, if you have used your once kit and recived your one time sellwand with 250 uses and used it,
the only way to claim another sellwand is with /transfer OCCASIONALY - and the worst part it is, its only 500 uses.
Its NOT practicle for the server as overtime, players progress, meaning farms get bigger and bigger.
The other option is to go into every single chest, take half out, type /sell all, and repeat. In my cases, with a maxed out farm with 60,000 chests, that would take probably all day just to sell the farm once.
As the saying goes "Dont fix something that doesn't need fixing"

So, My suguestion is;
To please add sellwands back in crates with GOOD useage like the previous season. There was no need to take them out or either nerf them, as they was already hard to get as you had to either have Keys Gkit or to pay for keys with PikaGold.

It will not only help the players get sellwands, it will also help the server to earn extra $ as people will have to either buy the Keys Gkit or buy keys from the goldshop to try to win some sellwands from the crates.
Currently, the server is fresh and new, and nobody has a big enough farm to warrent the need for high useage sellwands.
But, over time, as the season progresses, Farms will get bigger, and more chests will need to be sold.

I think ive stated everything above, but exalmple;
Unique crate =
1000x Sellwand
1500x Sellwand

Godley Crate=
2500x Sellwand
5000x Sellwand

Please PikaNetwork, Sellwands are curcial to the server and are very much needed! Please add them back to crates.
Im sure, me and every single Skyblock Player will agree with this one.

Thank you!


Jul 26, 2020
Sellwand is really a must fr. Im struggling to sell stuff at my farm rn. I was so confused as to why theres no more sellwands in crates. Last season sellwand really helped me out and its such a great thing to have especially if you have a farm.


Game Producer
Jul 3, 2023
Hello Dannydee,

Thank you for your interest in creating a suggestion for the server.
I am glad to tell you that your suggestion has been accepted and it's going to be implemented very soon!
Have fun playing on PikaNetwork!
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