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Denied Practice Add Classic as a gamemode

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New Member
Dec 15, 2024
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Add Classic as a gamemode​

Detailed description:
Adding Classic as an gamemode would be really helpful for all the players since its a good game mode for practice and is relatively fun, match ends in really less time, and it helps increase skills with rodding and much more!​

We don't have a lot of gamemodes which includes fishing rod, actually only one gamemode, which is BuildUHC, the rest others do not contain a fishing rod. And also, in builduhc, some people (even though its punishable) like to camp, since they have blocks, but in classic, all you have are 8 golden apples, full diamond armour (no enchants), diamond sword, a bow with 6 arrows, and a fishing rod, which makes the game relatively quick to learn and is helpful in tons of other ways.​

For example, you are in a tournament and you are required to learn fishing rod ability, quickly running away to heal, and comboing better, since other people know how to do it and you don't, you will go to classic and practice for 5 min and you will get some type of knowledge how to play with rods and learn the basics and all that.

PS: Sorry if this example is not really applicable, can't really think of one but surely this will be really helpful to players in other ways.​


Staff Member
Sr Mod
Feb 5, 2022
Hello puku_,

Thank you for your interest in creating a suggestion to improve the server. We are always doing our best to make the server a better place for everyone.
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