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Add a Toystick. Hypixel and a few other servers have a toy stick.
Detailed description:
So in the Minigames shop whether it's bedwars/skywars there should be a Magic Toystick that costs 75k Coins.(On hypixel and other servers thats how many coins the Toystick costs.) And when you buy it as a Victory dance and you win the game you left/right click on the ground and it launches you along with the blocks in a 10 block radius high in the sky. This isn't my video by the way but it's a example of how the Toystick works. Go to 1:05 to see how the Toystick works. I put the YT Link in "examples"
It would be fun and cool to use in-game and it's a pretty good Victory dance. Alot of people like it and use it on hypixel. I can't think of other reasons just besides alot of people use it and the bedwars community.