So, I was playing with my friend and we were doing a really good ws in duos, but somehow the game disconnects while i was playing ( i had no bad internet connection it was totally great )
and the ws was broken for me only and my friend survived the break, so please is there any way to get back...
What is IYN
So IYN is a trick used in 4v4v4v4 Bedwars mode where 4 people wait for 7 iron and 1 gold at gen. After getting those materials they drop them for the defender and wait for him to cover the bed with Endstone [7*4=28 iron] and Wood [4*1=4 gold ] After the bed is covered, the other 3...
Yesterday, me and my team played an hour of triples, and during this session, we encoutered a team of sweats, one of whom was awks, who is now on the weekly and lifetime pika bedwars leaderboard for highest winstreak. We rushed them and were killed, they rushed us and met the same fate, and once...
I was grinding to be on the weekly winstreak and i had 34 i need 50 i went in to a mach I had 60 ping and the guy had 300 ping AND SOMEHOW HE FUCKING HAD THE SAME HIT REG AS ME WITH 300 PIN AND ME 60 WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU SERVER.
Me and my friends are on a somewhat good winstreak and we queued 40+ levels in Fours...
They said they will target us, but they forgot, so this happened:
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