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  1. ieoub

    Trading skymines items

    Im trading skymines items vs pika gold or comment your item trade / offers here. 7.000.000 $ 3 x ancient warps 4 x dark essence elytra 4 random common tag box Pickaxe : Effeciency XIII, fortune X Pirates Swing blade voucher 25 enchanted golden apple sout armor trim voucher : full set
  2. D

    Opskyblock trade

    Trading 5 Bandits And 3 halloween sets for boss drops contact me on opskb /msg 3oji1 ..............
  3. Flame__

    Selling a lot of keys...

    so i main bw, and i have a lot of keys in opp or op faction and whatever else gamemode in which u can give keys to other players.. im willing to trade these keys or, if its a gamemode in which u cant give keys, the items i get from it, for a negotiable amount of Pika Gold. dm me if interested...
  4. B

    Add /trade

    In other gamemodes, we can /trade to avoid scammers. In survival, there are alot of scammers so I would like to add that as a feature to avoid getting scammed.
  5. z0eyyy

    selling/trading perm gangster rank opp

    I am selling/trading perm gangster rank in opp since im not playing opp for perm paladin rank in lifesteal or worth 20 eu pika gold! dm me in discord Cloey103#1408
  6. _Hack_Not_Dream_

    Trading voting keys for OpPrison keys

    Hi i am trading voting / epic keys across the server means if you someone who plays kitpvp but doesnt play OpPrison i will give you the voting keys in kitpvp and take the OpPrison voting keys
  7. _Hack_Not_Dream_

    Buying Key Finder pic on OpPrison

    I am looking to buy a key finder pic on OpPrison and i can give tokens / shiny diamonds stacks
  8. sysk45

    Swap clean Extreme Soul Sword for >

    Swap my clean Extreme Soul Sword for 3-4x clean Extreme Soul Pickaxe drop server time to trade.
  9. PvpMcYT

    23 Epic crates for 1B

    I sold 23 Epic crates for 1B in OPfactions is tht good? I dont play OPF only this time
  10. KindaRiskyRay

    Trading my savings for lucrative items

    Hello everyone, I am trading literally all that I got from saving stuff just for some more expensive or valuable stuff like Unique or Godly Crate Keys (which is impossible to get for me). So what I am giving is --> 2 Gangster, 2 Criminal and 4 Smuggler Armor + 10 Hours of AutoMiner + 2 Criminal...
  11. hvpxr

    [OPP] Buying permanent ranks (gangster+) for tokens, willing to pay price of your liking

    Apart from that, I am also selling tokens in OPPrison for Pika GC.
  12. Slayton2007

    Awesome inventory (amazing pickaxe, multiple keys) for 50k tokens

    Hello, i deperately need 50k tokens in op prison if someone wants to trade with me text me on discord Slayton#9059 or check if im online I am trading my whole inventory for 50 thousand tokens, its the best deal anyone can ever find!
  13. darkmaterlll

    70 voting keys for 4$ kitpvp

    I am willing to trade 70 voting keys for a 4$ gift card if you have any interest don't be shy. here's my discord so that we can discuss this in detail - darkmater#4680 proff