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tp killing

  1. A

    this guy TP KILLS people

    This guys keep tp and kiling people to get decent amount of loot tps almost everyone in the server then kills them takes look at disconnects IGN: Bar_Nagar Proof Down Below! Thankyou staff for your kind consideration! :D
  2. C

    TP Killer

    TP Killer : Merry_Girl (probably nicked)
  3. EpicMaster1

    Tp Killer.

    Some dude desired to tp me into the PvP arena and kill. It was an unfair advantage as i had to load in chucks and i had no idea what was going on. Heres a link to the footage i captured (first few mins) : Also if you want proof he asked me to tp to him in the beggining seconds in the chat...
  4. X


    Op Prison. TP Killer. His Name: orea300 Reason For Ban: Tpkilling. Video Proof.
  5. doma

    Tp trapping

    someone Named abidmobzilla is tp trapping people /warp pvp http://prnt.sc/cyj1r4 http://prnt.sc/cyj2by I reported him admitting hes tp trapping from alt account please Disable /tpahere /tpa /tpaccept and party tp in the /warp pvp as its disabled in /warp mine Everyone /tptoggle and dont tp to...