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  1. D

    Website issue?

    So I can't see my pika in-game account stats on website. If you go to this link https://stats.pika-network.net/ and search for BrokenEntity_ I can't see my stats and also for my friend Zondge But I can see my previous alts stats how is that possible Plz help
  2. oLazyy

    50 wlr in the bridge!

    I've reached 50 wlr in the bridge! not very sure how it happened but it did! 1805 wins and 36 losses :giggle:
  3. hqd_d

    Problem With Stats

    Hi pikanetwork staff, I'm Hqd_d, I've been playing for some time on this server and I've never had any problems. However, this morning as soon as I woke up I found my statistics reset without any reason, also because I don't think I've ever done anything wrong. I think it was a mistake, also...
  4. chetan0402

    In-game statistics checker mod

    PikaStatsMod PikaStatsMod lets you check anyone's statistics in-game using the command /pikastats AND shows fkdr of players in player tab in BW and SW For example:- Tab showing the fkdr of other players To check my bedwars statistics /pikastats Chetan0402 bw Want skywars weekly solo...
  5. qxpt

    About the banwave

    Hey I'm max or qxpt And Ive been playing on pikanetwork for about 2 years now and after this ban wave I think some pepole took it too far I don't have any problem being banned if my stats stays the same but please understand that all the pepole that "abused the glitch" have been working...
  6. Legacity


    I currently have a 4 or 5 lose streak to cheaters in bedwars. Every game has a fly hacker, or minimum a 5 block reach cheater. This server have too many hackers, and they even make videos about it on youtube. I had decent stats in bedwars, but nowadays its too difficult to win a game. These...
  7. GraciousWalker

    GODS, please rate my **** stats, idc lol

    Its me, GraciousWalker, and the only game I play is bedwars. Stats: Level: 35 Wins: 460+ Final Kills: 1750+ Beds: 1700+ I forgot the kills lmao Some stupid information: I click 6 and main solos, ig
  8. D

    What's your best win rate in Bedwars?

    Hey guys, I was wondering what is the best win rate (wins/total played) in BedWars at the moment? For instance, I have 53 wins of 143 total played so my win rate is 53/143 =~ 0.371 If you have it bigger - let me know :) Cheers, Destroyer228
  9. FireyLandMiner

    My Skywars Stats Are Stuck?

    Dear PikaStaff, My Skywars (Non-Classic) Stats Have Not Been Updating Whatsoever! My Kills, Wins, ETC. Have Not Been Updating At All It Even Says That I Have 2 Deaths And 1 Game Played? That Just Doesn't Make Sense! I've Tried Playing On A Different Account But Still.. Nothing! Please Fix...