Hello, According To Me Money Is A Better Way To Get Spawners Shards Are Boring It Takes Alot Time And It's really Boring To Just Grind Shards For Hours For Just 1 Spawners, It Takes more Than 20+ Hours For Just 1 Villager Spawners And Those People Who Got AFK Bots And Gaming God PC Can Easily...
Upon attempting to get rank 3 of the spawner system, the quest item (Wolf Head) can't be right clicked or it doesn't count in Head storage. I have noticed that the wolf head does not even appear in the head storage area at all. Players can't store the wolf heads or even rank up and buy new...
I am really frustrated. I placed 70 blaze spawner in my island, but it takes like 5 min to spawn. but when i see others, they got like 32 and it spawns instantly when i warp to there
Can you say me what mistake i am making. also does the spinning of blaze inside the spawners determine the speed??
If you can tell me the best ways to use a mob spawner. Also, I don't have any, but I have 300 billion dollars, so if you can recommend to me which to buy, I'd appreciate that and how to use it. Also, what is the use of mob hopper and mob chest, if you can tell me. Thanks a lot.
So u literally cant get espawners in ur inventory so i cant sell espawners can any mod see this so they can fix this problem
i cant pick up espawners and stack them. So whats the point? Do i have to buy a donator rank????!
Hey Guys! If anyone wants to help out on my skyblock, just looking to expand and build some houses, farms and grinders so I can eventually set up some shops for you guys. If you wanna help out, make some extra (in-game) money, or just have fun; then msg me on here, in game, or add my discord :D...
Venue: /is warp AlphaPizza
Time: 11:00 AM G.M.T., Sunday 30th April.
Huge Drop Party- Diamond Blocks, God Armor, God tools, God Swords, Paladin Kits, spawners and much more!
Parkour Event! A chance show your skills on this super difficult parkour.
MAZE! The First Ever, the hardest...
This area features a few different things. The five items listed below is what is currently built in the location.
One, industrial furnace arrays (64 furnaces), with the capability of expanding to add an extra furnace array system, that are in separate rooms, each with its own...
I see a lot of people struggle with their spawn blocks... placing them and then mining them just to find out what they are, or putting them in auction so the auction tool will tell them.
Here is another way:
Take the spawner in your hand, then write /iteminfo.
It will return a name in chat...
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