during a Bedwars game i found a hacker blatantly hacking, its just a shame that the server dosen't ban them and bans other useres for using a client but not the hackers. I have attached a proof that the player was hacking you can check it the players ign was TaylorSwif6967 i hope that the...
heres the vid link as the file is 2 big *the part where he took kb he toggled it off as he was afk for like 3 secs*
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_YlTQvZ3kw
Plz Ban him
His ign=Rauhan
Player MangeDesPoulpes is using kill aura and possibly other various hacks, as when I was fighting him he had his back turned to me and was dropping items on the ground and still hitting me and getting critical hits without jumping. Then when I fought him again sometime later he seems to have...
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