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  1. zenryu_

    Guild Skill Tree GUI not working

    Hello, the guild skill tree GUI does not open up when trying to access into it.
  2. luhv

    I need guild members

    Hello, I am luhv and I lead a guild called lovies. We're a pretty small guild at the moment, but I'm excited about growing our community and welcoming many new members. My goal is to build a healthy, supportive environment while striving to reach the guild leaderboards together. If you're...
  3. Shadow_Gamer32

    wlcm to knowhere...

    I've recently made this guild focusing on bedwars. Making it from scratch helped me to improve my understanding regarding the game dynamics and player perspective. Currently focusing on creating a healthy and active community who actively play bedwars. If you're above level 30 and actively...
  4. Spoidy_gang

    Interested in joining any guild ?

    Anyone who Interested in joining guild SHIELD msg me in discord - Spoidy_
  5. UnknownGamerpro


    🏹 Sweats is Recruiting 🏹 GUILD INFO - Level : 67 Leaderboard Position: #15 Guild Leader: Matty_candlin Creation Date: May 14, 2022 --> Requirements <-- --> Level 30+ --> 250+ wins Bedwars/Skywars --> Decent W/lr --> MUST be an active player in PIKA-NETWORK -->...
  6. Sleppzz

    Searching for active Guild

    Is there any active Bedwars, Practice or Skywars Guild that i can join?
  7. _iGoofy

    Serching For Guild Members

    hi is any1 looking for a guild cause we just got a best opportunities for you TAG: LEADER : NotNico_ Requirments : 500+ wins 25+ weekly wins 35+ level Level : 32 For More Information Click Here To join the guild and apply for it...
  8. AlcatrazSSMIN

    Guild tag problem

    I have a question, Is there any option in guild to not allow other guild members to change guild tag ? Someone keep constantly changing guild tag and idk who is it . OR there is any guild log option ?
  9. inish

    Looking for a guild to join.

    I just came back to this game after a year or so and saw the new guild feature. I am level 47 and my username is inish in game. I would like to be invited in a guild. Message me on discord: melon#2617
  10. damjangaming

    Looking for a guild

    Hi i am damjangaming i play pika network a lot and i am looking for a guild Rank : none Level: 46 Skywars wins : 950 Skywars kills : 5580 Bedwars wins : 571 Bedwars kills all gamemodes : 4037 Practice pvp kills : 1158 pika network play time : 2 years
  11. Fach

    BedWars Add Guild Quests

    Username: Fqch Suggestion: Add Guild Quests Detailed description: Add a quest system for guilds where the members of a guild can complete missions like "Play 200 Games" to receive Guild XP, Guild Coins or Mystery Boxes. Same way as normal player quests work. Reason(s): This would add more fun...
  12. Zefrouz


    hi my ign is Zefrouz and I am lvl 25 in bw(i started playing 3 months ago) DISCORD: 4rch1t#9860 REASON WHY I WANT TO JOIN A GUILD: - I am getting bored of playing normal bedwars and want to join a guild to play ranked or with other guilds. WHY YOU SHOULD ADD ME TO YOUR GUILD: -I can finish...