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  1. Hydro6

    Server Crash

    Hey, I was in the middle of a game and got disconnected from my Bedwars game. Might want to look into this issue.
  2. Z


    any admins/staff/mods/devs need to hop on op factions rn from what i heard people were duping and it caused so much lag that the server dibanded all facs our spawners are gone and we cant load into the server without getting kicked in less than a minute, i suggest a rollback and a perm ip ban to...
  3. IshaanAug

    ForgeOptiFine not working

    Here are my Mods which I use Keystrokes Essential As i try to change lobby whole minecraft crashes and cant play and today bw lobby glitched too falling in void i need help(only pika network)
  4. Clark Adverson

    Crash (Normal Prison)

    Alright, let's just go straight to the point So i was playing in the prison server, going into my plot, wanted to smelt things (Setting up 6 Furnaces, Flying on air) Then when i tried to put my sixth furnace, my game crash I tried to go back into the prison server, but it keep crashing. Don't...
  5. E

    [Galactix] CombatLog & Server Crash

    Who knows here Stormtrooper rifle??? well i can bet almost everyone, and if someone shoots the rifle to the sky then the ball will fall to you again, well, i did it, yea ik it doesnt matter, well i conbat logged myself, welp, i was at random tp, the problem is that, when i combat logged myself...