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Update Survival - Help us with next the update! | April the 18th 2020

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Sep 1, 2016
Also, if the /shop will stay, please add option to buy more stacks of items without having to close and then open the shop again. It would be quicker and more efficient.


Epic Pika
Sep 15, 2019
Dear Players.

I'm glad to know that Survival will be redefined.
* Don't do the same as last year, they announced the reset in April and reset in June *

-Take the current economy, and the old economy was better because the monsters dropped "money" when they died and now no more.

The clan system was a great idea but poorly executed, kicks for inactivity bugs with perms and others.
The Golden Shovel was excellent, as it didn't bug and you could get more claims over time and there was also / trust to add someone to your land.

Normal World is good I believe that there is no need for customized worlds.

Version: 1.14+ (Do not invent to put 1.16)

I leave my opinion here.
Have a Good day.


Epic Pika
Oct 4, 2016
First of all thank you for announcing to reset survival.
(coz for the past few month we all already screaming inside wanting a reset for survival)
and i hope this reset improves a lot.

- Update to a newer version
yes please !! 1.14 / 1.15 its great .. (1.16 not even release yet and we dont know what bug will occur ).
we want new fatures , new items ( lantern, campfire, bamboos, composter, smoker, etc ).

- Claiming System
- Clan System
theres a plus and minus for clan system
its good to just type /c claim ( and it claims a chunk ) but we cant see the area that we claim ( like shows u how big of an area that u already claim )
well we can use /c map ( but we need to think too like which direcetion we are facing, etc ).
and it only gave u max 100 chunk to claim (wish more).
if u inactive 10 days ur clan will disband ( its bad !! its should be longer )
- Golden shovel
the golden shovel claiming system is good.. you could have like :
. subdivided ( claim in a claim ) so we can do a lot in that area, like if i want help from other people and they can help me build only in that area that i
. the claim area can be seen by hitting the ground / area with a "stick" ( hitting the claimed area shows u a glowing area which means its a claimed
. the commands ( i dont really remember much ) but theres :
- /trust playername ( give access to someone that u trust , they can build / destroy / access / containers )
- /untrust playername ( remove all access to the player that u have been trust before )
- /trustlist ( shows u the list of the player that u trust )
- /accesstrust playername ( gives access door, button, lever )
- /containertrust playername ( gives player access to ur containers )
- etc.
(this is jut like clan system but more manageable)
those commands are helpful back then ..
. claim blocks .. the more u play .. the more claim u can get ( we all need this more claim coz we want a big area to build and claim ) and theres no limit
of how many claim blocks that we have (which is great).
. the previous one (old survival) i guess was 3 month inactive? and ur claim will be gone. ( this one is much better than 10 days inactive )

if u could combine clan system and golden shovel claims that would be great .. but if i have to choose .. i preffer golden shovel claim system, coz its
the best claim system in survival history (for now). Well i dont mind clan system too coz its simple ( but do a HARD FIX for the perms .. coz most of the
perms are not working )

- Economy
as we all know .. the economy is broken coz the dupe ( i hope u fix the bug ).
$ / emerald it doesnt matter which currency is best .. both of them have plus and minus.
- emerald
First u need to store ur money into the chest [vault] (anyone can rob it in many ways)
lets say .. either Clan system / Golden shovel claim system ..
if u hv trust some one in ur claim, and they can acess it / using hopper minechart to get the money .. whats the point of it?
For me thats a big NO .. i dont want to lose money .. well who does??
- $
this $ economy .. for me its great .. coz u dont need to worry of people stealing ur money .. coz it stays in ur account ..
if u want to have a better economy .. what u need to do is remove the " /withdraw " command .. coz u can dupe the money ( Banknote ) Thats why
the economy was broke in this survival (coz people "dupe").
- baltop
i know we all want to compete and brag about being #1 or flex or what ever .. but if it makes the server laaagg .. then u dont need to add it.

- Teleport
- give teleportation immunity for a few seconds from falling damage / fire resistance / blast (if u enable tnt) to prevent TP kill / trap
and /trapped ( if u are trapped teleports u to a few blocks away from the traps maybe? / outside claim ) or u could just go /home /spawn what ever ..

- Warps
it would be great if u add more /warp command .. like :
- /warp pvp ( teleports u to a PVP arena ) (ofc not inside the arena coz u will die instantly if a player is waitting for a player who teleports there :LOL:)
- players warp (for shops, games, etc) (maybe donator's perks)
- and the existing warps : shop, enchant, crates.
- /warp end ( enable the end maybe? if not then please add more of the end's items in the /shop like end rod / chorus fruit / end blocks)
- /warp lottery ( like vote crates but use diamonds / emerald to open lottery )

- Voting Crates / Lottery
- add more keys and prize .. and dont put a fake prize like samurai rank, trident, beacon that u wont gonna get !! coz no one gets it till now.
- lottery .. ( could add eggs / heads / trash .. and it deppends on ur luck same like crates )

- Shops
/shop - this is great .. i hope u improve the shops like adding more what we can buy / sell. And i hope no more bugs like cant sell this / that ...
( ofc u need to fix the economy first like what i said up there remove the" /withdraw " so there will be no more money dupping ).

- Auction
/ah - for me its fine .. coz we dont need to shout (Spamming) what we trying to sell .. they can check it in /ah if they want to buy / not.
( i think its ok to have /ah .. coz its a good place to sell ur items / promote ur shop *if u add the players warp*)

- PikaSurvival
please remove that command ( {p} / [p] ) .. coz its annoying when i see non ranked people used that command to make what they trying to say catches
ur eyes and most of what their trying to say is not even important !

- Trade
/trade its already good .. (maybe improve it a little bit)
( no need for /warp trade ( well if u want to add it its fine ))

- Weather
I would like to see weather changes in the next reset .. coz its boring to have just day and night .. no rain, no thunderstorm .. and it makes the channeling trident is kinda useless (unless u lived in the sea / water)

- Chat Command
i know most of this commands are luxury for us who have ranks .. but i think non rank deserved it too?
/ignore (give access to all player .. coz its the players ahve rights to have that command .. so they can /ignore any player who they think is annoying )
/tptoggle ( prevent players to tpa to u (i used to have access to this command (noble), and idk why i cant used it now)
(coz ranked people got bothered so much receiving random TP from other people and idk what they want and most of it is not important))
/msgtoggle (block any msg from other people (same as tptoggle .. got many annoying msg from random people who begs for something))

- Plugins
yes update and upgrade all plugins ..
add mob heads (and player heads if possible* or just more mob heads )
(if u added player heads maybe just the staff / admin's head) and can be obtain in the crates / lottery.

- Drop Parties
we used to have drop parties event .. i hope u can bring that back.

- Donator Perks / kits
this is just the perks and kits that already exist and a few of my suggestions for the new survival :

- have 25.000 claim blocks - ( if the claim system is using golden shovel, if not then at least have more claim than normal people can claim )
- able to /fly
- able to create warps ( 5 warps )
- able to mine / change spawners
- able to sell upto 30 items in /ah
- able to/afk
- able to /nick
- able to /color (change text color)
- able to /fix all
- able to /eat or /feed
- able to /craft
- have best kits u can offer ( armors, tools, beacon, hoppers, diamond blocks, emerald blocks, etc)
- /kit egg ( 3 villager egg, panda egg, polar bear egg, parrot egg, horse egg, wolf egg, sheep egg, cow egg ) (once a week)
- have 25 sethomes
- Inherits all previous rank's kits ( armor and tools only (not eggs) )

- Wizard
- have 20.000 claim blocks
- able to /fly
- able to create warps ( 4 warps )
- able to change spawners
- able to sell upto 25 items in /ah
- able to /afk
- able to /nick
- able to /color (change text color)
- able to /fix all
- able to /eat or /feed
- able to /craft
- have under noble kits
- /kit egg ( 2 villager egg,panda egg, polar bear egg, parrot egg, horse egg, wolf egg, sheep egg, cow egg ) (once a week)
- have 20 sethomes
- Inherits all previous rank's kits ( armor and tools only (not eggs) )

- Alchemist
- have 15.000 claim blocks
- able to /fly
- able to create warps ( 3 warps )
- able to sell upto 20 items in /ah
- able to /afk
- able to /nick
- able to /color (change text color)
- able to /fix all
- able to /eat or /feed
- able to /craft
- have under wizard kits
- /kit egg ( 1 villager egg,panda egg, polar bear egg , parrot egg, horse egg, sheep egg, cow egg ) (once a week)
- have 15 sethomes
- Inherits all previous rank's kits ( armor and tools only (not eggs) )

- Warlock
- have 10.000 claim blocks
- able to /fly
- able to create warps ( 2 warps )
- able to /fix all
- able to /eat or /feed
- able to craft
- able to sell upto 15 items in /ah
- able to /nick
- able to /color (change text color)
- have under alchemist kits
- /kit egg ( panda egg, polar bear egg , parrot egg, horse egg, wolf egg, sheep egg, cow egg ) (once a week)
- have 10 sethomes
- Inherits all previous rank's kits ( armor and tools only (not eggs) )

- Ninja
- have 7.000 claim blocks
- able to create warps ( 1 warps )
- able to /fix all
- able to /eat or /feed
- able to /craft
- able to sell upto 10 items in /ah
- have under warlock kits
- /kit egg ( parrot egg, horse egg, wolf egg, sheep egg, cow egg ) (once a week)
- have 7 sethomes
- Inherits all previous rank's kits ( armor and tools only (not eggs) )

- Samurai
- have 5.000 claim blocks
- able to /fix all
- able to /eat or /feed
- able to craft
- able to sell upto 5 items in /ah
- have under ninja kits
- /kit egg ( wolf egg, sheep egg, cow egg ) (once a week)
- have 5 sethomes

(sorry if i said something wrong or some of my suggestions does not click in ur heart ( the same thing that what we all want to be added / removed in the next survival))
its just a suggestions and the one who will make it happen is the owners and staff .. not us (players) we can just gives our oppinions, hope and wait.
Well thats all i can suggest for now ( i guess ).. maybe theres more (but its too long) .. :LOL:
i hope u consider it all and i hope for the best survival u can give to us soon. :giggle:

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Epic Pika
Apr 30, 2018
A lot of people are taking about the clan system and economy, so I'd like to throw in my two cents as well.

The clan system is nice and simple, however a lot of people have stated some fairly glaring issues with it. First off you only get 100 chunks total. It would be nice if there was a way to earn more claim land, whether you purchase it with in game currency, or you get awarded X number of new claim chunks per week. Another major issue is that after 10 days of inactivity a user's clan is deleted. This is a massive issue. What if this user is extremely active, has made a lot of progress. All 100 chunks are filled to the brim with an elegant base.. and then their computer breaks down. Imagine it takes over 10 days to repair said computer. Now that user has lost their clan, and all of their claims. Now that allows other users to take over their land, destroy their progress, and all around ruin the original user's perception of the server.

If the decision is to continue with the clan system in Survival, it would be best to increase that 10 day timer to around 60 days. That gives 2 months of inactivity time where the user's creations and items are safe from users outside of the clan. This should give ample time to get a computer repaired, or just to return to the server after a particularity busy period in one's life whether they're working longer hours, or going through school.

Now a lot of people are talking about the Golden Shovel claiming system from years past in Pika-Survival. This is a fantastic system. It is a little awkward to get used to at first, however it is far superior. You gain claim blocks every day, donators can receive additional claim blocks when they donate. Adding people to the claim is very simple, and one major plus over the clan system if you can have subclaims, which allows you to make it so people only have access to build in certain areas of your claim. This is great for offering hotel space where people can customize their room, or a player made shop area. Plus the way it was configured, the claims never expired, which was a definitive plus.

Onto the economy.
The economy is thoroughly broken right now. Trillions upon trillions of dollars have been duped. I recommend removing any causes of known dupes, whether it be removing crafting recipes, etc. If the dupes are removed the economy should be quite a bit more stable.

Emeralds as an economy was also quite nice. It was extremely simple. Easy to store your money. I saw someone above questioning the ability to steal people's emeralds, and that shouldn't be very easy so long as your chests are within your claim, and you have locked all storage containers will Lockette.

The donator ranks could also see a revamp, as the current donator kits are not really worth it in the late game. You can easily achieve better gear than protection II Iron armor in a matter of hours, and most certainly over the course of a week. Higher tier items should be added to donator kits.

More common building materials in the shop (whether villagers are used with emerald currency, or by sticking with the /shop system). Currently there're the basics like dirt, grass block, stone, cobble. However it'd be nice to have andesite, granite, diorite, and other basic building blocks as well.

Speaking of /shop, anything which cannot be stacked should have the ability to add 1 and add 10 removed. If a user tries to buy more than one, it will take the player's money, without giving them the items. This is akin to going to the store, buying 3 bags of chips, paying for them, and then the cashier laughs at you while eating your chips. That cashier would get fired, like how this bug should be repaired.

Those are my basic opinions about the Survival server moving forward. Thanks for allowing the community to weigh in!


Dec 6, 2019
It would be good to update survival to the latest minecraft version


Epic Pika
Apr 30, 2018
As long as I remember, survival never allowed pvp in the wild area, or inside the claims, but it used to have a pvp arena and for sure it was fun. Every gamemode should have a pvp arena, it's just fun to fight other players and lose our stuff, or get their stuff.... it's just nice and it's something that can show how OP our armor and sword is and it's just important..... a survival without a pvp arena feels incomplete.
(PvP would be in a arena build in the spawn area where players would /warp pvp to get there easly).

I just want to add on my opinion to Hyper's suggestion about PvP:

A long time ago in an old survival map there was a PvP arena built for people to use. It was highly successful. Just used world guard allow PvP in that section of the map. It was a drop in style like Kit-PvP was. If you didn't want to participate in PvP you never went there. If you wanted to indulge in that, then you could. Simple as that. Giving the option in Survival was great. Anyone who wants to bring up the argument of 'what if people don't want to lose their items?' Well, there's a very simple answer to that. Don't bring anything to the PvP arena you wouldn't want to lose.

So this is a great suggestion from Hyper, in fact I agree with most of Hyper's post.


Pika Member
Aug 1, 2019
Bruh, hell no emeralds are waaaaaaaaaaaay better than virtual money.

You mean removing /tpa? are you crazy XD but ye that would stop tp killings but it would get survival much harder to play in some ways, because you would be able to teleport to players.

It was just a thought, even i don't think it should be disabled, but /tpa is fine, but maybe disable /tpahere for non-ranked people? Could possibly descrease tp trap issues

I honestly agree with most of what you said except the remove money part. I think money is better than other stuff like diamonds or emeralds.

And hell no emerald currency is 1000x better than current easily spoil-able economy

KeepInventory should be turned on so tp trapping would become useless

That'd ruin the meaning of survival

Also fix /colors!
Maybe we dont need to remove clan system, maybe we can just request it better. Imagine, if we would have clans in next season, imagine clan top (based on minerals and our profit), imagine rewards for best clans. Isnt that gud? I dont say that shovel system is bad, i am saying that we may get better and normalized clan system.

Also, one more idea: If PlayerA teleports to PlayerB (no Mather how, /tpa, /tpahere), PlayerA should receive Resistance to everything for atleast 20sec, and thats way how to fix tpscammers and tptrappers.

I disagree with that, the resistence can be abused easily
Ninja rank should have /fly and /nick. Also improve anti portal trapping

I also think ninja shouldn't have fly, but nick seems OK enough (without colours though)

I HAVE seen it, but if it's added, us ranks should get extra claim blocks, and I mean All ranks, not just alchemist +

I don't think you should get extra claim blocks for having ranks this cheap, honestly you can easily get lower ranks by vote top, but alchemist however is 120E and is worth tospend for the extra claim blocks.
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Pika Member
Aug 1, 2019
A lot of people are taking about the clan system and economy, so I'd like to throw in my two cents as well.

The clan system is nice and simple, however a lot of people have stated some fairly glaring issues with it. First off you only get 100 chunks total. It would be nice if there was a way to earn more claim land, whether you purchase it with in game currency, or you get awarded X number of new claim chunks per week. Another major issue is that after 10 days of inactivity a user's clan is deleted. This is a massive issue. What if this user is extremely active, has made a lot of progress. All 100 chunks are filled to the brim with an elegant base.. and then their computer breaks down. Imagine it takes over 10 days to repair said computer. Now that user has lost their clan, and all of their claims. Now that allows other users to take over their land, destroy their progress, and all around ruin the original user's perception of the server.

If the decision is to continue with the clan system in Survival, it would be best to increase that 10 day timer to around 60 days. That gives 2 months of inactivity time where the user's creations and items are safe from users outside of the clan. This should give ample time to get a computer repaired, or just to return to the server after a particularity busy period in one's life whether they're working longer hours, or going through school.

Now a lot of people are talking about the Golden Shovel claiming system from years past in Pika-Survival. This is a fantastic system. It is a little awkward to get used to at first, however it is far superior. You gain claim blocks every day, donators can receive additional claim blocks when they donate. Adding people to the claim is very simple, and one major plus over the clan system if you can have subclaims, which allows you to make it so people only have access to build in certain areas of your claim. This is great for offering hotel space where people can customize their room, or a player made shop area. Plus the way it was configured, the claims never expired, which was a definitive plus.

Couldn't agree anymore, If clan system stays, i'd love your idea to be implemented


Legendary Pika
Jul 31, 2019
Warp PVP Should be added.

Add /chatcolor for NOBLE rank I don't know if there is one right now.
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Legendary Pika
Jul 31, 2019
Ur just disagreeing because ur warlock now but if u were still ninja, you would agree
Ninja is 20$ and they wont allow nick and fly because in SkyBlock SkyLegend+ have sky and that rank cost 75 Euro See the diffrence in price of both the ranks.

Why dont you just buy rank upgrade to warlock. Nick without color seems ok for Ninja.


Legendary Pika
Oct 17, 2016
First of all sorry for me posting this on this page.
But is fac gonna be the next server to reset?? There is no player going there because there is no reset. Mostly everyone (80%) is wating for a reset so they can get back into the game


Apr 19, 2020

Survival - PikaNetwork 2020

Greetings PikaCrafters,

Within this post, we would like to talk about the Survival gamemode on pika network.

We would like to give the community the opportunity to let us know what you would like to see within a reset, if there are any features that need to be added, if there is anything we should remove with a reset or you could help us by listing all the bugs that need to be fixed.

We already read through all the suggestions that have been currently placed on the suggestions page on the forums, and we would like to say we have already chosen a couple of ideas that for sure will be added!

If you're interested in helping with suggestions for changes and additions, can you use this thread to discuss anything with other people in our community that you think would be beneficial. But please be descriptive when giving feedback, saying the server is broken isn't helping us in any way.

So we are now taking all player feedback and suggestions for survival so that we can develop something that the community would like to see.

To start off will I ask some questions.

  • Vanilla generated biomes.
  • Update to a newer version of Minecraft?
  • A new shop system, where the server itself makes the economy.
  • Fix all current bugs
  • A new and updated claiming system
  • Improve the performance by a lot (This isn't that hard if you see the current setup)
  • Update all plugins in general.
  • ???
  • `Your suggestions here`

Please take this opportunity to let us know by replying to this message what changes you would like to see going forwards!
You can also let us know what you think of the current ideas we have and why we should add them or not.

Hello I wanna tell you guys what I recommend you to add/remove
Crates are bugged. There is no Epic crate key so I think that needs to be fixed. <3
Maybe make golden shovel claiming?? It would be more of survival stuff
Duper, I see many dupers so I bet you wanna remove duping :)
Maybe make it 1.13.2+ ??
I hope y'all succeed in this reset <3
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3FKN8kZFGs
<I filmed this video during Goodbye survival event..>
Ty thats it


Pika Member
Oct 12, 2019
Three Suggestions
1. Remove Clans system , claiming is so much easy with the golden shovel and clans just don't suit survival
2. Economy has to be fixed , either going back to emeralds or just making a major change but this economy is ridiculous
3. Upgrade Donator Perms , they are all very similar after warlock like lets say I'm an alchemist and I upgrade to Wizard I'm paying the money but only getting like 1 or 2 more new perms , therefore upgrade the perms so that more people actually want to upgrade their ranks. Add cool new features.
Thanks , MouraThat


Pika Member
Oct 12, 2019
Three Suggestions
1. Remove Clans system , claiming is so much easy with the golden shovel and clans just don't suit survival
2. Economy has to be fixed , either going back to emeralds or just making a major change but this economy is ridiculous
3. Upgrade Donator Perms , they are all very similar after warlock like lets say I'm an alchemist and I upgrade to Wizard I'm paying the money but only getting like 1 or 2 more new perms , therefore upgrade the perms so that more people actually want to upgrade their ranks. Add cool new features.
Thanks , MouraThat
Wanted to add a bit more to this.
The two things I'm read from everyone on the thread is 1) Bring back golden shovel claiming , 2) Remove current economy , bring back emeralds . I completly agree these two things are essential to improve survival.

Another thing which I thought of and other players have mentioned is warps. Warps were such a good way of getting the community to work together and to actually have a reason for all your gameplay. Being able to take hours and hours to create a lovely build and then get it to be a warp was such a nice feeling and it gave meaning to the gameplay.
We definetly need a /warp pvp and then I think a /warp shop . From what I heard there were many player warps Pre-2017 and these warps were very popular and a way of people just being able to work together and create that sense of community.
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New Member
Apr 20, 2020
definitely keep the clans, not just for survival but add a YouTuber ranking,update it to1.16 when possible because of the bug fixed keep the 1.15 maps/biomes


Feb 26, 2016
Good evening,

Some of you know me from survival and I've played there for a long time (few years) and I have a good idea of how survival was, is, and what it can become.
With this I will write everything in a detailed way in order to make everything clear and specific.

About the above questions:

  • Vanilla generated biomes or custom terrain?
I don't think custom terrain is needed. Vanilla survival is good, it's fun and it's simple and the normal biomes are just perfect,

  • Update to a newer version of Minecraft?
The newer version the best, since it has more things to do. 1.16 has not been released yet, and so it's pretty soon to even consider it but 1.15 would be a good choice (in case there are good plugins for it, otherwise staying in an older version would be better).

  • A new shop system, where the server itself makes the economy.
This topic is of extreme importance because it plays with the way survival will work.

I don't think /shop and /ah are good for survival. Survival was at it's peak few years ago, and I recall the economy being made with emeralds, in which the players would trade those emeralds for items with another player and the other way around. Of course, those were different times but I can assure that the time the emeralds economy was changed to the /shop economy, survival started going down and down.... it was, in my opinion, a huge mistake.

In this reset, I suggest the current economy to be entirely removed. Ok so, if it is removed, how will players get their resources? Well they could get them by themselves, like in a vanilla survival but another way, is implementing the emerald economy, as refered above. This economy would consist in emeralds being used as the coin, so 1 emerald would be 1 euro/dollar/others and it could be traded with other players to buy and sell stuff. They were stored in vaults, which were chests that had a sign typed [vault]. Emeralds that were paid or received were stored and removed from those vaults.

There used to also be a /warp shop or if I'm not mistaken /warp slendyy that was a shop built by Slendyy (an ex-senior-admin and a beloved player which used to be very active in survival) where he hired workers and those workers would work in his shop. Everytime a player wanted to buy something they would ask that to the worker, pay the worker and then the worker would go to the basement where all the items were stored and give them to the player. The worker received 50% of the player's payment.

This shop would be useful, since it would allow players to find a way to get emeralds by working and for the other players to buy stuff they need, for fair prices.

If the emerald system was implemented, how to get them exactly?
As stated before, players could get them by trading or working on a shop but other methods (already used in older seasons) would be:

-receiving from voting and in vote crate;
-mining (like in vanilla);

If this economy was implemented, commands like /shop and /ah should be removed, so players would be forced to interact with eachother to get stuff, instead of just buying it on /shop and /ah can be nice, but if a player has to come to another player to buy something, they would need to trust them, otherwise he could just want to trap him (which is not allowed) and so, with this players would start to trust eachother more and more, making the community stronger.
Commands like /trade should be kept, but it should have a distance limit, like 5 blocks, so players would need to be near eachother.

To sum up, the current economy should be erradicated and replaced by a new one, which would obligate the players to interact with eachother and at the same time wouldn't allow them to get stuff that easly (like buying wood logs on /shop instead of going to mine them). All this because survival is not about buying stuff from a virtual economy, survival is not skyblock.

  • A new and updated claiming system

The current clans system was fun, it was nice playing with friends in the same clan and such but it was filled with bugs, like the /c perms which ost permissions didn't work properly but I believe it would be better to get back to the old claim system.

This opinion is not only mine, but many friends that used to play survival share this idea too:

The old claim system was simple and practical, as it allows to subdivide claims, allow people to build there, and although they have a claim limit, people earn claim blocks by the ammount of time they spend there (this last topic was one of the worse things about the clans system in my opinion, since it only allowed to claim 100 chuncks). One huge advantage of this claim system is that the players can also see the coords of all their claims, which is not possible with /clan plugin. I've seen many players coming to me and asking for my help to get them to their base because they didn't /sethome and I just couldn't help because they didn't have any coords for it.

The old claim system, where we used a golden shovel, had 1 problem: if a player claims land, it wouldn't ever be removed which should be automatically erased in the case the player stops playing for like 2 months, so it would allow other players to use that land instead of it being a huge mess like it ends up to be.

On the other hand, if the clan system could give more claims for the player considering the ammount of time he plays, and the 10 days auto-kick would be replaced for a 2 months one, and had it's bugs fixed, maybe it could work well, but still, the old claiming system is just perfect... simplicity is the key.

  • Improve the performance by a lot (This isn't that hard if you see the current setup)
Survival has a little lag but if I'm not wrong it has alot less than it used to but a better performance would be great.

  • Update all plugins in general.
The commands like /hug /kiss should stay since they're just for fun. The plugin that allows the players to sit on a stair are fun too, they're simple things but it's still quite fun to /hug other people or sit in stairs with a group of friends around a table.

This one is a little important to me: /rename was removed and I think it should be added back.... it was added a few seasons ago and it was so nice to rename our items and make them unique. This command would be an amazing adition to donators commands,

/ignore should not be a donator command. It is imortant for every player to just /ignore others that they don't like, it's not a perk, it's a necessity!

Many seasons ago survival had a blocks and chests log, so every change made on chests and blocks would be saved. Maybe this would use alot of memory (that's why it was removed) but it is extremly useful for staff to access because many players get raided, or stolen, and it's hard for them to record it since many of them just aren't prepared or they weren't even there when it happened. This plugin would allow us, staffs, to be able to make the game safer as we could easly catch griefers and hardly we wouldn't get enough proof.

  • `Your suggestions here`
Ok, now this will be about many things, being all of them extremly important (in my opinion of course):

As long as I remember, survival never allowed pvp in the wild area, or inside the claims, but it used to have a pvp arena and for sure it was fun. Every gamemode should have a pvp arena, it's just fun to fight other players and lose our stuff, or get their stuff.... it's just nice and it's something that can show how OP our armor and sword is and it's just important..... a survival without a pvp arena feels incomplete.
(PvP would be in a arena build in the spawn area where players would /warp pvp to get there easly).

The /wild command should be able to have a bigger range, like 7k blocks, just to try to minimize the random builds players leave in /wild that makes it look extremly raided.

Nether shouldn't have an edge
. This edge was implemented this last season because some players abused an exploit where they could make a blaze spawner to drop and collect it. The exploit was fixed, so it wouldn't be needed to have an edge anymore so players would have a bigger nether area to explore.

This is extremly important. One of the things i missed the most last season was the end. It's just fun to explore it.... the ships, the islands... everything!
Without the end survival loses a major thing, but how to implement it? The main island should be protected so players couldn't destroy the endstone but at the same time they should be able to place end crystals to respawn the ender dragon. Outside the main island, the only claimed parts should be the islands the end has a fast travel gate with (which appear after killing the ender dragon for the first time) so players wouldn't die in any way if they traveled there. Outside those islands and the main one it should all be unclaimed so players would be able to explore it, raid the end fortresses and just have fun there!
/fly should be disabled, so players would need to fly with elytra.

This one is very very very important and this is not only my opinion (like the claims one): The difficulty shouldn't be easy, it's ALOT more fun playing on hard, but as a middle term why not the medium difficulty? I believe this would be perfect.

One of the things that lacked this survival was weather that wasn't sunny..... it lacked rain and thunder which I consider important... thunder weather allows us to get mob skulls, skeleton horses! It's just fun and hard to make that but still... it's a challenge! Survival should have all the 3 weather conditions because that way it is alot more fun!

-Player warps
This idea was here on the season before.. but it was removed. The idea consist on players to apply for a public warp in the forums so players could go to his place and just do whatever there is to do, like a roller coaster, a xp grinder, etc.

-Beacons and summoning the wither boss
Those are parts of the game, it's just important players to be able to craft them items. Not allowing the players to craft the items and then making the items avaliable in /shop makes survival lose it's objective. I think hoppers had to be bought too.

To sum up, survival is neither skyblock nor factions, so many things should change and it for sure would improve survival! It should look more to vanilla then it currently does. It should also force the players to interact more with eachother instead of just buying and selling everything virtually.
Anything that would make survival more OP would be excluded (like mining spawners, hostile mob spawn eggs, which didn't happen this season)

I hope everyone enjoys this new season <3

✅ 100% with this. I've heard survival got pretty bad and as one of the oldest servers on Pika we need to show it some respect . In my personal opinion it had the best community on the network and many of my friends that were on there have since departed, let's not lose everyone.


Mar 6, 2016
✅ 100% with this. I've heard survival got pretty bad and as one of the oldest servers on Pika we need to show it some respect . In my personal opinion it had the best community on the network and many of my friends that were on there have since departed, let's not lose everyone.
Owwwww that's so true, many memories <3
Btw how are you still alive 😱
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