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  1. IsuckHelpMe

    Slurs by another player mad cuz bad

    Angry child using racist slurs (hes mad)
  2. IsuckHelpMe

    Things i hate that always happen to me (2)

    1.Falling off while bridging..It's annoying (Doesn't happen that much but when it does it's annoying) 2.Getting killed by someone with a pickaxe lmao (Doesn't happen to everyone but i'm just bad) 3.When you lose a 1 v 1 against someone with barely any armor 4.I'm out of ideas..
  3. IsuckHelpMe

    Hi u yes u no me

    Hi im IsuckHelpMe more known as IsuckHelpMe im a small 14 yr old kid who just lives his life to the fulles (plays minecraft all day cuz my friends vape outside and i hate that)
  4. IsuckHelpMe

    Things I HATE that always happen

    1.Getting snowballed / egged while bridging. 2.BOW SPAMMERS , if you're this type of guy..I dont like you like at ALL 3.HACKERS 4.People who camp in their base.. 5.People who build towers 6.People who just assume that EVERYONES A HACKER when u just give them a simple combo..Like stop.