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  1. Mictianz

    WHy Chicken spawners doesnt work in galactix faction?

    Make sure your spawners are in grass ( grass surrounding the spawner ) or they will not spawn
  2. Mictianz

    Good Guy Bad Guy

    I Trap alot
  3. Mictianz

    Already Logged In?...

    Im getting the same message... I suggest going on Teamspeak and speaking to staff.. theyre helping me now
  4. Mictianz

    [Faction] Session Login after trying to go in

    If your trying to connect onto Op factions 1 Make sure you are on 1.8 because 1.7 doesnt work for op factions 1 :P if thats not the case ask staff on teamspeak they reply faster
  5. Mictianz

    Repairing Armor...

    Just making it aware that theres no way to repair custom enchanted armor. And asking if there will be a way or if there was a way im not aware of.
  6. Mictianz

    VotePartyCrates Op Fac 1

    Lol he means could you make it so he chooses wat he gets from keys and crates x_x
  7. Mictianz

    fixing some commands

    Bring mctop into op factions 2 :)
  8. Mictianz

    fixing some commands

    what do you mean it would make the higher players pvp more and be more competitive and into it to try get to the top
  9. Mictianz

    [OP Factions 2] New Command Suggestions.

    Hey, i was just thinking about whats missing on OP Factions 2 and one thing i really like about op factions is the pvp aspect and i think /pot [Potion Stacker] is really needed because it takes up so much space in your inventory... maybe even armor stacking [ it is op factions after all xD ] So...
  10. Mictianz

    fixing some commands

    Maybe /ftop and /mctop to and i agree /pot needs to be fixed xD its probably one of my fav pvp commands tbh
  11. Mictianz

    Exposing Godly Faction For TpTrapping and AllSorts... [OP Factions 2]

    Ok guys so basicaly ive raided all 3 of Godlys bases in the past 2 days... And ever sincee theyve been really mad and just trying anything to get to me xD i made a video about it and i wnt the Mods and Admins and Helpers and ALL Members to see this!
  12. Mictianz

    Spawners Not Working... Please Help [Op Factions 2]

    Thats dumb af if anything its just made things worst it may have stopped lagg but u cant afk nomore
  13. Mictianz

    Spawners Not Working... Please Help [Op Factions 2]

    Hello i play op factions 2 and its become like the only thing i play on minecraft now other then kohi and i grind alot on Pika... i have 20 iron golems spawners on Op factions 2 but they hardly ever work. none of them spawn! please help!!! watch this video i made about the problem........ please...