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  1. M

    Denied Global Suggestion: Game Difficulty

    im disagree normal grinder arent effective like spawners grinders and you need much more space for them and they arent spawn blazes for blaze rods and they spawn creepers once in long time so its kinda good for like earning random things... ot just to have this... and its nvm cause now everyone...
  2. M

    Denied Global Suggestion: Repair Sign

    i think the repair signs dont need to have only 1 price i think it need to be different for any body part/tool and different price for different enchants (sorry for my bad English)
  3. M

    Denied Global Suggestion: Game Difficulty

    Suggestion: Game Difficulty Detailed description: Please change the game difficulty to hard or at least medium because on easy all the mob grinders without the spawners are useless and u cant grind mobs on your own island without spawner or alot of space and luck to find 1 or 2 mobs in an...