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  1. J

    Denied KitPvP Suggestion: /bounty command in Kit-PvP

    Suggestion: /bounty command in Kit-PvP Detailed description: About a couple months ago I suggested this but I guess no one got around to it, anyways I would love if there was a /bounty [name] [price] on Kit-PvP it would bring more excitement to the game and get players out there on the...
  2. J

    An Ultimate Account Ban?

    So recently on Kit-PvP I got up to a 600+ kill streak, then the second place person, HatersGoingHate, came on and told me that I was going to die, https://gyazo.com/fd6e8221f23205ca78f08f94c366a02d now if you look closely the kill and the prediction happens in a matter of seconds, he did not...
  3. J


    Sometimes I do /kit and go to use a kit like healer or anything like that, and sometimes I will on accidentally buy the upgrade for that rank and loose over 1k sometimes... I believe you should make a confirmation so when you click to upgrade it will say like "are you sure" or something, anyways...
  4. J

    New Kit-PvP

    Whatever new anti cheat you added is terrible, I am gonna say it very bluntly... You're anti cheat DOES NOT work... This is unacceptable, both me and CanTown_Mayor were going for 1000 kills and 0 deaths and now we have both been banned and died because it disconnected us in combat, please get on...
  5. J


    I think it would an amazing idea to add bounty's to the new kit pvp, the process would go, one player does /bounty (name) (money) or something like that and then a bounty is placed, then whoever kills that player with the bounty they get however much money was placed on his head. so the money...