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  1. yousiftdm0770

    Denied KitPvP Suggestion: Make a non "p2w" kitpvp

    Suggestion: Make a non "p2w" kitpvp Detailed description: it's called kitpvp for a reason right? People here pay money to win 1v1's in kitpvp which is unfair, they get fire aspect swords, sharpness. You can't even kill a donator because his armor is way too strong, and the map is also...
  2. yousiftdm0770

    I am back!

    hello... My name is yousif as you all know, i have left pika for about 1 year now and you all may be wondering why? i left it because of the insane bugs happened in practice.. toxic people, hackusaters, staff not active on my timezone.. (KSA+3). My favourite gamemode was OpSkyblock, i had alot...
  3. yousiftdm0770

    Denied Suggestion: Player Tracker for ClassicSkywars (skywars 2)

    Suggestion: Player Tracker for ClassicSkywars (skywars 2) Detailed description: Well so many players have been hiding so i suggest adding a player tracker for skywars 2 aka ClassicSkywars it will be so much easier to catch campers or hiders and kill them and it should be really fun if you...
  4. yousiftdm0770

    Denied Suggestion: Player Tracker for ClassicSkywars (skywars 2)

    Suggestion: Player Tracker for ClassicSkywars (skywars 2) Detailed description: Well so many players have been hiding so i suggest adding a player tracker for skywars 2 aka ClassicSkywars it will be so much easier to catch campers or hiders and kill them and it should be really fun if you...
  5. yousiftdm0770

    Denied Suggestion: Player Tracker for ClassicSkywars (skywars 2)

    Suggestion: Player Tracker for ClassicSkywars (skywars 2) Detailed description: Well so many players have been hiding so i suggest adding a player tracker for skywars 2 aka ClassicSkywars it will be so much easier to catch campers or hiders and kill them and it should be really fun if you...
  6. yousiftdm0770

    Need help with this ....

    Hey guys, I love playing practice Ranked builduhc but today i got to about 1690 elo and then i got dueled against 3 hackers in a row and lost about 66 elo (22 elo for each) lost all my hard work and have to go back up again :mad: and many of you will say report them report them but if i do i...
  7. yousiftdm0770

    Finally 1vs1 against umz2k9 (dream came true)

    Hope you check my channel and subscribe <3 !
  8. yousiftdm0770

    Denied Suggestion: Emerald Generator in Normal Eggwars

    Suggestion: Emerald Generator in Normal Eggwars Detailed description: 1- the Emerald Generator can only be found in the middle of the map, can't be on your island 2- it can only be upgraded to level 2 3- you must be close to it so it generates emeralds , if you go afar from it , it...
  9. yousiftdm0770

    Denied Suggestion: Unfair voting in buildwars

    Suggestion: Unfair voting in buildwars Detailed description: Making it like you can only vote poop/bad for only 3 times in 12 hours Server/Place suggestion is intended: Buildwars Reason: because so many people just vote unfairly to have a chance for winning and making other...
  10. yousiftdm0770

    Please stop...

    hey guys i just wanted to tell you something, so many people are disliking my posts for no reason, when 1 guy disliked my post the other went ahead and dislikes it , how rude... Can anybody tell me am i doing something wrong? anything making you hate me for no reason? please people show other...
  11. yousiftdm0770

    My introduction

    hello guys i am not an old player but i forgot to make an introduction XD My irl name is : yousif Language : arabic, english Age : 11 :/ You can find me : opskyblock , practice or even op factions 1 Favourite gamemode : opskyblock IGN : yousiftdm0770, YousifPvPz live in : Bahrain favourite...
  12. yousiftdm0770

    How to get hackusated in 7 steps

    Step 1 : Eat an Oreo Step 2 : join a match Step 3 : run away from him (get called a nub) Step 4 : go to him and wombo combo him Step 5 : /msg him gf! Step 6 : get hackusated Step 7 : ez report Lol that happened to me so many times (btw on practice)
  13. yousiftdm0770

    This is might be the end (MUST READ)

    So yesterday i got false banned and my appeal got denied that means i might quit pika.... special thanks to... @salwaswemi active mod at practice @II_DragonBoy_II Good old friend @KoopsoTrap87_ best friend ever (never forgetten) @RockyGaming Banning me and denied my report @ZsarTheGreat...
  14. yousiftdm0770


    Comment in your friends in the chat My friends : SecretLars, KoopsoTrap87, HellzBlazer http://imgur.com/a/XfYTQ
  15. yousiftdm0770

    [Forum Game]

    So who is bored here i made a game myself type in your month that u were born in the comments and see what u get january : you are a good pvper Febuary : you are a good builder March : you like pizza a lot April : you are addicted to minecraft May : you are an awesome guy! Jun : you are...
  16. yousiftdm0770

    Insane Rankup glitch!

    So i was just hanging around op sb and i saw this guy called StealthBanana ranking up 4 times to L5 its really weird i dont know what to say just look at it http://imgur.com/a/w52rd <------- click here
  17. yousiftdm0770

    cant rankup to L2 glitch

    so i have all the requirements to rankup to L2 but the vote challenege isnt done for some reason if you look at the right side it shows that i have voted 5 times and still cant rankup , any staff member can please help me i would love that <3 . Evidence : http://imgur.com/a/HsRMG