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  1. Portiern


    Whats wrong with crates? I see on voting crate , and when will they fixed??
  2. Portiern

    I can't join the server

    M I the only one experiencing "connection lost" error?, even with working wifi connection
  3. Portiern

    Stuck in spawn

    I have been trying to go to my bases but m stuck in spawn, when I use /home command m told told to wait 3s then nothing happens... I can't also post anything in chat please help me
  4. Portiern

    Unban appeal

    Hellow... I have been playing on this server for a while now using wifi network.. Today I have been playing without any difficulty but after I returned from 2hrs break I found that my iP is blocked by anti bot filter, but m not using any VPN m using same wifi network I previously played with, so...
  5. Portiern

    Voting problems

    Hellow !! , this is reporting voting system failure, after I successfully vote from my web browser i am not receiving any keys on a survival server only, while still receiving them on other servers, so its only a survival problem, IGN: Portiern..please help me out
  6. Portiern

    Survival maintenance

    Ey guys is survival maintenance not yet done?, I tried to play yesterday but lady luck was on my side, m using timed data so it's kindda sad finding that I can't play and be left with unused data and wasted money, if it's not when will it be done?
  7. Portiern


    So far I was using auction shop to sell my things, but one item at a time ent taking anywhere, so can somebody tell me how to create a shop please