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  1. Axteroid

    About me

    I am me. That's all, have a good day.
  2. Axteroid

    Denied Guild Coins

    Username: Axteroid Suggestion: Making it easier to obtain Guild Coins Detailed description: The current issue with the guilds update is that everything costs a ridiculous amount of coins; it costs nearly 1 million Guild Coins to unlock every perk in the guild tree, which is roughly 2 million...
  3. Axteroid

    Global Ability to pause personal boosters

    Username: Axteroid Suggestion: Ability to pause personal boosters Detailed description: We've all experienced the frustration of having a personal booster active and then realizing you have something important to do, the only option is to stop playing and let the booster run out, which can be...
  4. Axteroid

    Accepted OP SkyBlock Couple of suggestions

    Username: Axteroid Suggestion: Couple of suggestions for OPSB Detailed description: PvP Envoys should be revamped - Envoys aren't horrible right now, but a minor bump might encourage non-pvpers to go after them more. Add more PVP events for those who enjoy it, such as an envoy boss that...
  5. Axteroid

    BedWars Discord Server

    Hello, everyone! I recently started a BedWars server on Discord, which is obviously 100% tied to PikaNetwork and its community. Unfortunately, we're now short on members, which is why I'm making this announcement. Here are some of the features we provide on the server: ➜ A place for the BedWars...
  6. Axteroid

    Accepted BedWars The ability to change the shopkeeper layout in the lobby

    Username: Axteroid Suggestion: The ability to change the shopkeeper layout in the lobby Detailed description: So, basically, I'd like this option to be introduced so that you don't have to be playing BedWars to set up the shopkeeper's layout. Reason(s): Why? Because it takes time to set your...
  7. Axteroid

    First level 100?

    View: https://imgur.com/ffyeCfQ 👀
  8. Axteroid

    Denied Global Removing or changing "Iron" currency

    Minecraft Username: Axteroid Suggestion: Remove "Iron" currency Detailed description: As most of you've already heard, Pika has introduced a new currency called "Iron", which can be obtained by winning Payouts/events, etc... I suggest removing/changing this currency because people prefer...
  9. Axteroid

    Click me!

  10. Axteroid

    Denied Levels

    Minecraft Username: Axteroid Suggestion: Levels Detailed description: This suggestion is regarding levels, as you already saw from the title. I suggest displaying Minigames levels above the player heads. This way we no longer need to scout the chat in order to see what level the player is...
  11. Axteroid

    Accepted Practice About /duel

    Minecraft Username: Axteroid Suggestion: About /duel Detailed description: /duel stats aka Deaths/Kills should not be counted towards the player's statistics. Reason(s): This grants players the ability to boost their kills/killstreak etc... making them achieve a place on the leaderboards by...
  12. Axteroid

    Denied Website Discord Veteran role

    Minecraft Username: Axteroid Suggestion: Veteran role Detailed description: I suggest reconsidering whoever deserves a veteran role on discord/forums. No matter if the staff member was demoted or not. You may ask what even is Veteran: Currently, a veteran on this server is just a simple...
  13. Axteroid

    Accepted OP Factions /chunkinfo

    Minecraft Username: Axteroid Suggestion: /chunkinfo Detailed description: ChunkInfo will allow you to view ALL spawners within the claim you are standing in whether they're stacked or not. So whenever you do /chunkinfo it should give you detailed information of what kind of spanwers(and...