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  1. BlazeLavenson

    Denied Global Make Rules More Specific

    Username: Lavenson Suggestion: Make Rules More Specific Detailed description: There's a debate whether swearing and death threats is allowed in party chat (and guild chat) or not, but, it isn't specified in rules. In global rules it just states 'Swearing' is against the rules, but I made a...
  2. BlazeLavenson

    Youtube Rank

    Hey there, I have a question that I would appreciate if any staff member can reply to... Cutting to the chase, let's say if I match all the requirements for YT rank and I want to apply, but I have two bans for "Discrimination" and "Death Threats", is it possible to get YT rank still? I...
  3. BlazeLavenson

    1K Weekly Bedwars Wins?

    An interesting topic that's been on my mind recently - has any pika player gotten 1,000 weekly wins? If so, please let me know and maybe add me on discord as I would love to learn more about this!
  4. BlazeLavenson

    How much XP do beds give?

    I've noticed that when I level up, it's usually when I break a bed, so I am curious if anyone knows how much xp a bed gives? (P.S. It happens even with no quests)
  5. BlazeLavenson

    Accepted Practice In-Game Practice Leaderboards (Toggleable)

    Username: BlazeLavenson Suggestion: In-Game Practice Leaderboards (Toggleable) Detailed description: So as done in bedwars and skywars lobbies, there are toggleable leaderboard holograms for different statistics and for different time periods (for e.g. Bedwars - Kills Leaderboard -...
  6. BlazeLavenson

    Fluctuating Ping

    For the past week my ping (I am from America btw) has went up from an average of 160-200 ms to now fluctuating from 400-1100 ms. There was no changes in internet - i have played on multiple EU (European), AS (Asian) as well as NA (North American) servers and still had higher ping than usual...