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  1. KnuckleFist_

    Denied Discord Staff updates

    Minecraft username: KnuckleFist_ Suggestion: Staff updates Detailed description: Earlier there were just a few staff members but now there's like a 100 staff members So just like jartex has a dedicated discord channel for staff updates I suggest we have the same for pika too Reason(s): ^^
  2. KnuckleFist_

    Denied Discord Discord commands channel name

    Minecraft username: KnuckleFist_ Suggestion: Discord commands channel name Detailed description: The amount of people I have seen who ask what Channel is the bot channel is ungodly Also some ask for what channel do I link account on I see Atleast 5 people per day So I suggest to change the...
  3. KnuckleFist_

    Denied Global Vote block

    Minecraft username: KnuckleFist_ Suggestion: Vote block Detailed description: There are vote abusers who get hundreds of votes at the last day I don't know if this is possible but what if pika blocks more than 1 vote from each site per day So only the first vote of the day will be counted...
  4. KnuckleFist_

    Denied SkyWars Spawn invincibility

    Minecraft username: KnuckleFist_ Suggestion: Spawn invincibility Detailed description: So basically I have seen a lot of people saying that pika should remove or edit or add a cooldown to the enderman kit This will lead us to nowhere as the same demands will be asked for flame kit after...
  5. KnuckleFist_

    Denied /go commands

    Minecraft username: KnuckleFist_ Suggestion: /go commands Detailed description: Just like /hub takes you to lobby ... There should be commands like /go bedwars /go bw /go kitpvp - shortened to /go kpvp /go lifesteal - shortened to /go ls /go practicepvp - shortened to /go prac /go lobby...
  6. KnuckleFist_

    Denied falling in void during parkour

    Minecraft username: KnuckleFist_ Suggestion: falling in void during parkour Detailed description: falling in void while doing parkour teleports you at the minigames spawn in bedwars and skywars and gives a message "you left the parkour, teleporting instantly turns of parkour" i suggest...
  7. KnuckleFist_

    Denied Global VPN lobby access

    Minecraft username: KnuckleFist_ Suggestion: VPN lobby access Detailed description: people with vpn should get a chance to alteast acces a specific vpn lobby to use /email command cuz sometimes due to some sort of misunderstanding it shows we have a vpn on even when we dont it happened to...
  8. KnuckleFist_

    Denied Website appealing suggestions

    Minecraft username: KnuckleFist_ Suggestion: appealing suggestions Detailed description: some suggestions get denied due to weird reasons which i think are unfair example : feature already exists in a client that doesnt mean it shouldnt be added server side? the client which contains the...
  9. KnuckleFist_

    Denied Global sort friend list

    Minecraft username: KnuckleFist_ Suggestion: sort friend list Detailed description: command to sort friend list on alphabetical order or date last played by the player this helps to remove old friends who dont play anymore (using last date played) and u makes finding friends easier (cuz of...
  10. KnuckleFist_

    Denied BedWars Convert gold to iron

    Minecraft username: KnuckleFist_ Suggestion: Convert gold to iron Detailed description: We should be able to convert gold currency into iron currency There should be a specific rate like 1 gold = x iron To determine the rate we can just use unitary method on the prices of ranks in gold...
  11. KnuckleFist_

    Website Profile post pin

    Minecraft username: KnuckelFist_ Suggestion: Profile post pin Detailed description: We should be able to pin just 1 profile post on our profile When we pin it , the post stays on top of our profile. This is very beneficial to both regular players and admins As admins can just pin the...
  12. KnuckleFist_

    Denied Global High Ping blocker

    Username: KnuckleFist_ Suggestion: High Ping blocker Detailed description: If someone has high ping (500+) they should not be allowed to play pvp modes like bedwars Skywars practice or enter pvp warps in skyblock survival and prison Because players with high ping just cause a bad...
  13. KnuckleFist_

    Denied Website Writing +1 = upvote

    Username: KnuckleFist_ Suggestion: Writing +1 = upvote Detailed description: most of the time people tend to write +1under suggestions and forget to actually upvote i suggest then whenever +1 is written under suggestions it either A) automatically upvote the suggestion B) gives a...
  14. KnuckleFist_

    Accepted Website Notify for potential post farm warn

    Username: KnuckleFist_ Suggestion: Notify for potential post farm warn Detailed description: So if I understand correctly post farm warning is given when players type a message that is either useless or less than a certain words I suggest that we add a feature/bot in forums such that people...
  15. KnuckleFist_

    Denied Website Sorting for all forums

    Username: KnuckleFist_ Suggestion: Sorting for all forums Detailed description: Much like how there's filters or sorting system in suggestion forums I.e new, popular, recent activity, your threads We need these for the games threads and other threads like general and offtopic too (I do know...
  16. KnuckleFist_

    Denied Global Name highlight

    Username: KnuckleFist_ Suggestion: Name highlight Detailed description: Everytime someone mentions ur name in the in game chat it appears gray Which makes it difficult to notice if chat is active I suggest that ur name when typed turns green or another visible colour Reason(s): This...
  17. KnuckleFist_

    Which is a larger server

    Which is larger jartex or pika In terms of active player count and revenue?
  18. KnuckleFist_

    Denied Global Builder positions

    Username: KnuckleFist_ Suggestion: Builder positions Detailed description: just like how we have the pikanerds and the staff we can similarly have the builders too or we can maybe merge the builders into the pikanerds (just like how the skindesigners are part of pikanerds) this way if...
  19. KnuckleFist_

    Denied Website Veteran Section

    Username: KnuckleFist_ Suggestion: Veteran Section Detailed description: There should be like a separate part in the forums for veterans Titled Hall of Fame or Thank you for your service or something like that so that new players can see and get to know about all the veterans They should...
  20. KnuckleFist_

    How are staff pika nerds

    what i mean here is how did staff become pika nerds because in the tread "important read before applying" it states under desired traits that Applicant must not be a staff member of the network or any other server. We believe that by being a staff member of PikaNetwork or any other minecraft...