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  1. AfridiMinecraft

    Denied Practice A New Practice Gamemode (Bed Boom)

    Username: AfridiMinecraft Suggestion: A New Practice Gamemode (Bed Boom) Detailed description: Hey , So I've Noticed Pika Has Been Lacking Some Originality And I Have Came Up With A New Practice 1v1 Gamemode That Can Enhance Pika Networks Most Successful Practice Reset Even more , A...
  2. AfridiMinecraft

    Denied BedWars Bring Back The Old KB

    Username: AfridiMinecraft Suggestion: Bring Back The Old KB Detailed description: Ive Been Playing on pika for about 4 years and I have experienced a change in the knockback , I suggest to bring back the old knockback as It was Much better Reason(s):
  3. AfridiMinecraft

    Denied A Completely New Gamemode

    Username: AfridiMinecraft Suggestion: A Completely New Gamemode Detailed description: so I was playing with one of my friend (ign:DE9D) and we were just playing and we came up with a idea , so basically a gamemode like bedwars in which theres a generator and to your side or infront of you...