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Time limit for spawning Iron golems
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I dont really know if this affects a lot. But no one likes iron golem spammers, its pretty rare to spawn more than 1 golems but its still annoying especially when they pearl to you and...
yea its pretty cancer but if they had it, it would be so much waste of irons especially for people who doesnt know that and would use iron golem to defend (non experienced players)
it shows your current winstreak. always shows you have 16 winstreak on a mode (solos or duos or trios or quads) that you never played anymore which doesnt change that mode's winstreak.
I loved the old maps too, the problem is the complicated blocks made me dizzy but I would like the old maps back, most of it is my favorites. But I also like the less void between islands new maps. Its a faster rush and a faster game.
"just no 1 play bw w/ randoms in quads, trios" yeah... right.
and yeah i know full gen is yours. but getting targetted would spend a lot of them tho. does everyone rlly play trios or quads with party? never experiencing solo in trios/quads?
you will have less menpower. Like imagine getting 3v1ed, like even if you have all the golds and irons and bought some iron swords or something like that well theres less chance to win. second, teammates rarely rejoined. third i mean yeah solo queueing in trios or quads is dumb but a lot of...
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