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  1. KnuckleFist_

    then u reccomend me some cuz i just finished bunny girl senpai cuz my friend was persistent

    then u reccomend me some cuz i just finished bunny girl senpai cuz my friend was persistent
  2. KnuckleFist_

    Survival Suggestions for Survival (pt-2)

    +1 cuz too much effort into writing al of that
  3. KnuckleFist_

    Denied BedWars I want to suggest a rotational item

    remove like the cost by editintg ur message and also what u mean is like a item which will tp u to the last place u were before u fell right? be more clear in ur suggestion or it wont be accepted
  4. KnuckleFist_

    Denied Practice Add a bridge practice server

    +1 ig can be helpful for new players
  5. KnuckleFist_

    Denied BedWars To make void little bit up

    then how does someone enderpearl clutch what?
  6. KnuckleFist_

    Denied Practice Add a bridge practice server

    this is a good idea tbh when i used to practice bridging i went to other servers for that which was pretty annoying for time being u can still preactice in ur normal surival world
  7. KnuckleFist_

    Is This Real BedlessNoob? #Bedwars.

    i once saw a dude name minecraft in pika doesnt mean he is the real minecraft
  8. KnuckleFist_

    Why do my hands get sweat huh?

    BRO U GUYS HAVE IT EASY i cant even shake hands with people cuz my hands are always sweaty once my friend asked my why i washed my keyboard , turns out it was just my sweat
  9. KnuckleFist_

    Having a high cps be like

    that looks like my........
  10. KnuckleFist_


    best option is to leave the game instead of typing anything because when u tell people to leave their ego spikes up and they think they are good at the game and then they start their bs folding yourself is not an issue but if u tell someone else to fold thats not really a good thing tbh
  11. KnuckleFist_

    #3 at Yearly Finals Doubles :DD

    ayo friend me my dude if u ever feel like talking to someone am always there anyways have fun <3
  12. KnuckleFist_

    What is Coin Booster?

    ex if u are getting like 58coins that game then a 2x coin booster gives u like 116 coins
  13. KnuckleFist_

    What is Coin Booster?

    it just boosts the coins u get each game
  14. KnuckleFist_

    banned for no reason....

    high cps is not really allowed tbh its considered unfair advantage here so i suggest u stick to other bridging methods like ninja or breezily or moonwalk
  15. KnuckleFist_

    didnt it get fixed long time ago ( we talking about the winstreak didnt reset when /hub right) ?

    didnt it get fixed long time ago ( we talking about the winstreak didnt reset when /hub right) ?
  16. KnuckleFist_

    DEATH is the best

    DEATH is the best
  17. KnuckleFist_

    You are getting old

    You are getting old
  18. KnuckleFist_

    Good morning silver

    Good morning silver
  19. KnuckleFist_

    Titles not working

    be paitient is all i can tell tbh
  20. KnuckleFist_

    What is the best PVP method!!

    Vape V4 but there is no certain best like if u are playing a mode with speed pots best one would be w tap and also sometimes some methods counter others ex: block hit gets easily countered by strafing + w tap and block hit works best when u low on health and very close to the opponent so i...