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  1. I

    Still going to keep the banning going even if im banned!

    I have been banned recently but still have clips of hackers :D Will be reporting them soon. Even if I am banned I can post a few more clips to the staff so the players may be banned. Not often you see someone do this?
  2. I

    Chance of ever unban?

    I recently got banned on this server and that is okay I had 3 previous banned accounts even if I were not using them just the same IP :/ Are there any time there are ban resets? How come I wasn't even warned that 3 banned accounts are bannable? Can't you tell others in advance + is there a...
  3. I

    Items disapearing [Prison bug]

  4. I

    [Spectator mode rank?] Watch any suspicious person!

    Y You can not watch any player though.
  5. I

    Items disapearing [Prison bug]

    I was mining my beacon then it broke. The server told me my inv was full so I through something out and I never recieved my beacon back???
  6. I

    [Spectator mode rank?] Watch any suspicious person!

    Server Servers like eggwars,fractions,skywars & survival! Suggestion This rank will allow a person to spectate another player without being noticed. This will allow players to watch anyone they see hacking/having a unfair advantage and they need to gain the proof. I need something like...
  7. I

    Possible rank that I can watch any player?

    I have posted serveral reports on hackers and I still have more videos/reports to come! To make my life easier, is there a chance I could apply for a rank that can allow my to watch people without being noticed? I have seen many people hacking or with anti-knockback and we need more people to...
  8. I

    The resource pack i use is called faithful

    The resource pack i use is called faithful