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  1. OhHiMarko

    The Most LIT Banana is BACK!

    Lol Welcome Back :p
  2. OhHiMarko

    Denied OP Factions Suggestion: Sell chests

    Well There is /sell c'est At normal factions but i think only top donators+ have it in op fac
  3. OhHiMarko

    Denied Factions Suggestion: Reset the factions server

    gyus sorry for posting the suggest 2 times I think its a bug can any staff please delete this post ?
  4. OhHiMarko

    Denied Factions Suggestion: Reset the factions server

    Suggestion: Reset the factions server Detailed description: As you know the factions server is realy dead and there is like 5-10 player per day and some donatres so i think if you reset it will be a good start To revive him again Server/Place suggestion is intended: Factions...
  5. OhHiMarko

    Denied Factions Suggestion: Reset the factions server

    Suggestion: Reset the factions server Detailed description: As you know the factions server is realy dead and there is like 5-10 player per day and some donatres so i think if you reset it will be a good start To revive him again Server/Place suggestion is intended: Factions...
  6. OhHiMarko

    Denied SkyWars Suggestion: Player Tracker

    +1 Once I stayed looking for the outher player for like an hour so i think its a good idea
  7. OhHiMarko

    Denied SkyBlock Suggestion: /is banlist

    +1 Its a helpful idea
  8. OhHiMarko

    Banner limit

    Can you explain more please ?
  9. OhHiMarko

    op faction's 2

    I suggest to remove op fac 1 and 2 ! and then reset factions and then you will see how mush players will join factions ps : factions is realy dead now
  10. OhHiMarko


    Yeah sure. PS : I dont play Fortnite :3
  11. OhHiMarko

    Im New

    Welcome ! I hope you are having a good time at op fac 2 ps : Please play factions :3
  12. OhHiMarko

    Denied Practice Suggestion: Add a leader board to Practice!

    +1 from me And I suggest to give a gift to top 10 to makte it better
  13. OhHiMarko


    What application are u using ? nice effects !
  14. OhHiMarko

    10k score HYPEE !!!

    Nice joob keep it up <3
  15. OhHiMarko

    Pika-Network Fan-Made Wallpaper

    Wow Nice one bruh Gj <3
  16. OhHiMarko

    I am out.

    Lol why do you want to get banned on the formus ?
  17. OhHiMarko

    Denied for the staff team

    LOOOOL Nice one !! ahahaha
  18. OhHiMarko

    Glitching into bases

    I think the staff team didnt find a solution for it so its banable.