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  1. UhDexterrrr

    Denied Global Suggestion: KnightFall antihax super powerful

    -1 don't need any leaked anit-cheats leave it to the devs.
  2. UhDexterrrr

    Denied Factions Suggestion: Allowing Schem In factions

    -1 schematica just makes you lazy it'll also be easy to print cannons and bases. so op it shouldn't be allowed
  3. UhDexterrrr

    Denied Factions Suggestion: Gen buckets

    I disagree with that idea. I would wanna pay over 100$ just to have a op base. its like basically saying if your a non-donor you might as well not play. the idea is to have fun not pay money to have fun
  4. UhDexterrrr

    Denied Factions Suggestion: Gen buckets

    I'm sorry I didn't mean to spam. But to reply back I think it is a good idea for the players who don't have a rank on the server he/she mentioned. see I have /fly so its easier for me but say someone doesn't have a rank they have to go through all the trouble to gen walls when really you can...
  5. UhDexterrrr

    Denied Global Suggestion: staff team

    Ok I'm lost what happening.
  6. UhDexterrrr

    Denied Factions Suggestion: Gen buckets

    and also I disagree with the command we should just be able to place them down and they gen its pretty easy
  7. UhDexterrrr

    Denied Factions Suggestion: Gen buckets

    Then again think about how much lkag it would reduce +1
  8. UhDexterrrr

    Denied Factions Suggestion: F top Prize

    Suggestion: F top Prize Detailed description: Where the f top #1 factions wins a prize Server/Place suggestion is intended: Factions Reason: All the hardwork we did to insure we won the ftop #1. we deserve a reward. Example:
  9. UhDexterrrr

    Coming back to factions

    how's factions did they add anything new yet? and should I come back to